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FS: Palisades Muppets Collection

Nov 18, 2010
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Personal collection of Palisades Muppets figures for sale (not looking to get "RID" of them but i am looking to "SELL" them hopefully to a collector who wants to complete the rest of the collection) 21 different figures and 4 mini muppet sets most are complete and were decarded and then packaged in ziplocked bags and have been in storage for the last 8 years. Just did a price check on ebay Buy It Nows for Figures still carded and if you were to purchase these New on the card the Avarage price for all 21 figures and 4 mini muppet sets would cost $875 without shipping

here are some BUY IT NOW PRICES (these are avarage prices based on all that are avalible some there were there are as little as 4 listed!) MIB

janice with white guitar $70
julius Strangepork $42
Steppin out bunsen $25 (the BIN for the sets is $50 MIB)
link Hogthrob $35
Crazy Harry $30
Rizzo (red Jacket variant) $45
Pepe $38
Statler and Waldorf as a set $130
Vaudville Waldorf $50
Gonzo the Great $25
Lew Zealand $50
Frog Scot Robin, Beauregard, Johnny Fiama, Patrol Bear Fozzie, Captain Smollet, Muppet Newsman, Piggy from series 1, Samuel Arrow all avarage BINS around $20
vacation bear fozzie $35
Mini Muppet sets $40

$450 shipped (with int he U.S. international shipping will be extra) price is firm


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2009
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I dont know where u get the prices from, but i guess its from sellers then never sell there Muppet figures.

For the most Figures u can find way cheaper stil moc on Ebay.
I recently got a MOC Zoot for 76.50$ witch i consider still expensive but a good price for its rareness.

Now your figures are not even MOC and still very high in price.
Sorry but i still think you can get all figs you listed here cheaper on Ebay MOC not already opened. You just have to search and wait sometimes.
I got most figs around 10-15 $ 1 year ago still MOC.

Good Luck with ur sale im glad i got all the figs i wanted with this Zoot.
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
Pre christmas bump,

25 complete figures! thats less then $20 each Delivered

Andibcool- i think you read my post wrong the figures and prices i stated for them were BUY IT NOW prices listed On Ebay and if you add them all up you would be paying $875 without shipping compared to my $450 shipped i want for my loose collection.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2009
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True was not seeing you 450 shipped, then again loose Figs are less wanted and lower in valure.
Sure if had to pay 15 shipping for every fig you might buy then it would make some sense, but i think withhin the usa dont know.
I can tell you i got most figs 1 or 2 years ago around 10-15$ Moc and had to pay 17$ shipping to germany. i did lso buy more then one fig and shipping per figs get less like 30$ for 3-4 figs.

Granted you have some figs like waldorf and statler or the vaudeville one ( Statler missing ? ) that might be bit higher in price but well i got em all mib cheaper then the Ebay prices you listed.
The Vaudeville set for example i got this year mib for 30$ on ebay.

Sure you can try get this amount of money for them, i just wanted to tell you the prices u took of ebay are from sellers that never sell Muppet figs because they to overpriced.
Its indeed up to everyone to buy at thouse prices, but i did look into prices and stuff the last 2 years. Sure prices have gone up a bit and some figs are less common now, but you can still often get nice deals like a Fozzie for 6$ http://cgi.ebay.com/NIB-Fozzie-Bear...602?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f05dd3852
or uncle deadly glow in the dark for 3$ http://cgi.ebay.com/MUPPETS-MUPPET-...216?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e606a6c88

Link Hogtrhob at 20$ MIB

Spranke at 20$ too http://cgi.ebay.com/DR-JULIUS-STRAN...032?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a0caa5580

Vaudevile set at 39$ still 3 left http://cgi.ebay.com/MUPPETS-EXCLUSI...115?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20b5d3e453

So yeah all you need is to look and wait a little.
But good luck one your sale.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Andibcool- i think you read my post wrong the figures and prices i stated for them were BUY IT NOW prices listed On Ebay and if you add them all up you would be paying $875 without shipping compared to my $450 shipped i want for my loose collection.
Andi's right - some of the prices are way out of touch with the market. $30 for a Crazy Harry and $35 for a Link Hogthrob. They were the unpopular figures, can pick them up for a few bucks loose if you look around. $50 for half of an incomplete Vaudville set is way high too. Perhaps have a look at actual "sold" prices for completed auctions to get a better idea of what these figures are actually worth. Good luck!
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
Andi's right - some of the prices are way out of touch with the market. $30 for a Crazy Harry and $35 for a Link Hogthrob. They were the unpopular figures, can pick them up for a few bucks loose if you look around. $50 for half of an incomplete Vaudville set is way high too. Perhaps have a look at actual "sold" prices for completed auctions to get a better idea of what these figures are actually worth. Good luck!
Hi Luke, I appreciate all opinions including yours. But What Market are you refering to the "auction" Market? Its Pretty Much DEAD now adays and is NOT a true Indicator of what an item is worth Like it Use to be say 5-10 years ago Now adays its more like a Barometer fluexating and that is why auction Prices are So different from week to week.

Now adays its ALL BIN's do a search for "Palisades muppets" 75% BIN vs 25% auction if you would do this search 5-10 years ago this would be Totally Vise Versa Only thing a Complete Auction Listing tells me these days is what the item was worth to the last Bidder (yes they are not BUYERS they are bidders looking to get something for the lowest price possible) These days Many People Work MORE then they Use to since many places are cutting jobs the the workers that are left have to pick up the slack and also since there are so many people out of work that cant afford to bid on items THE BID COUNTs are going to be down. that means completed auctions are going to be down and THAT also DOESNT MEAN that is what its worth in the Market to day!

for example say a ZOOT Variant was ending at 10pm eastern time and it closed for $50 is that what its WORTH? NO! because that is what it was worth to the last person to bid on it at that exact hour, minute, second it closed and no one other bidders who were on were willing to bid higher Well What about if there were bidders who wanted to bid and were waiting to snip it in the last few minutes/seconds but some Unforseen event happen and They couldnt... say the electric went out or the baby was crying ect.. well then That ending price of $50 IS NOT What that item is Worth because if those bidders could have been on plus all the other Collectors that Might have wanted to bid on that but either cant afford it or Couldnt be On Ebay at that Exact Time it was ending Then that Item would have Closed WAY Higher then $50.

These days In My Honest Opinion (i Leark on ebay daily) closed/Completed Auctions (with bids) are about 1/3 to 1/2 of what the Item is Truely Worth to Collectors. By the way Those Prices Are not The Prices Im asking Those Price are of BIN's (BUY IT NOWS) which again make up 75% of Ebay Now adays! im asking about about Half Of what those equal and Im offering Free Shipping and im also saving the buyer time, effort and Shipping costs to look for and purchase these items individually instead there getting them all in ONE SHOT not often do you have that opportunity so again you have to take that into account when you look at the price im asking for. when you think about it Techincally theres 21 6" figures and 4 mini muppet sets (which total 12 Figures 3 in each set) so your getting 33 Different Figures! divided by $450 Shipped is only about $13.50 Shipped Im Sorry You as a collector do not think they are worth that much but Im Sure Someone out there does and Maybe they will stumble on to this post.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2008
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I agree with Luke, and here's why:

When you're observing eBay auctions (open/closed/otherwise), you have to take into consideration that many times, sellers have proxy accounts, on which they have the ability (albeit illegally) to jack-up bidding, even in cases where the seller is the only bidder. Reason being? It makes the "Completed Listings" appear to sell higher than what they are truly worth.

Watch closely on some items. There were several weeks wherein I watched eBay daily, and had several saved searches for things like MTI Kermit. One particular figure sold each week (at a high price, no less) but the next day like clock-work, it would reappear. I only know this because the seller wasn't witty enough to change the picture they had submitted each time.

So, simply-put, I don't know that you'll actually get what you're asking. We're not trying to be rude; just trying to help out another devout Muppet Fan. When it comes right down to it, when you want to sell something for a high price, it's great to go where the biggest fans are, waiting to pay high-dollar for collectibles. When you get there, and none of the fans are biting, it's safe to say that casual fans might find the prices outlandish. :frown:

BUT! (That's a big but!) Don't be discouraged! People will always love The Muppets, and the market is there. Don't lose hope... :smile:
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
I agree with Luke, and here's why:

When you're observing eBay auctions (open/closed/otherwise), you have to take into consideration that many times, sellers have proxy accounts, on which they have the ability (albeit illegally) to jack-up bidding, even in cases where the seller is the only bidder. Reason being? It makes the "Completed Listings" appear to sell higher than what they are truly worth.

Watch closely on some items. There were several weeks wherein I watched eBay daily, and had several saved searches for things like MTI Kermit. One particular figure sold each week (at a high price, no less) but the next day like clock-work, it would reappear. I only know this because the seller wasn't witty enough to change the picture they had submitted each time.

So, simply-put, I don't know that you'll actually get what you're asking. We're not trying to be rude; just trying to help out another devout Muppet Fan. When it comes right down to it, when you want to sell something for a high price, it's great to go where the biggest fans are, waiting to pay high-dollar for collectibles. When you get there, and none of the fans are biting, it's safe to say that casual fans might find the prices outlandish. :frown:

BUT! (That's a big but!) Don't be discouraged! People will always love The Muppets, and the market is there. Don't lose hope... :smile:
DMOSS, Glad to have your Input! But hold on one second do you realize what you just said you Agree with Luke how Let me refresh you:

"Perhaps have a look at actual "sold" prices for completed auctions to get a better idea of what these figures are actually worth. Good luck!"

How can you agree with that When you just stated you dont agree That "completed listings" are what the item is in lukes words "actually worth" ?

I Said Auctions ARE NOT A TRURE INDICATOR Of what an item is worth these days, Its a barometer something that fluctuates From WEEK TO WEEK. People dont have time anymore to BID ON THINGS hence why AUCTION COUNTS are Lower then They EVER HAVE BEEN Now adays auctions closed/completed prices are about 1/3-1/2 of what the item is truely worth! If i had to choose one type of listing i would Go with Buy IT NOW over Auctions because i want to be in Control of The FINAL PRICE of my item Not the Buyer. But hay if your willing to give your time and effort you put into collecting something away at auction buy all means go for it if thats what floats your boat.

And No its not that they may find my price of $13.50 each outlandish its just That they might not have $450 to spend in one shot and im not willing to break up the set so if no one can afford it right now it will just go back into my collection but like i said Im sure There is SOMEONE in this Wide World that Might Stumble upon this post and be able to afford $450 (or $13.50 each) and Pick up the Collection. And your absoulutely right I wont Lose Hope that there is Someone (or more then one) out there that will be interested in this collection for the Price Im asking and appreciate it as a True Collector.

As For Sellers Bidding on there Own items that is illegal on ebay and those are FEW and Far between. As I stated Most Closed/completed auctions In My opinion are pretty Pathetic when it comes to bids again 75% are BUY IT NOW LISTINGS to 25% Which are Auctions, Im Getting That the Opinions Posted are FOR AUCTIONS and Against BUY IT NOW's is that because you the buyer are in control of the Final Price?

THATS THE MAIN REASON I DO NOT USE AUCTIONS because when you go into a store like walmart or kmart or a grocery Store Who Sets the Prices? THE SELLERS, NOT THE BUYERS only thing Buyers do is decided if they want to pay that price the seller is asking and when you dont have Many CHoice to choose from You either have to Buy from that Seller at his/her price or have patience and wait or say What the Heck and Make your self happy and Purchase it.

Again Im Sorry If you as a collector Dont think these Figures are worth $13.50 Shipped each I Guess You Dont Value these Detailed Figures As Much As I or Many Other Collectors do. Yes $450 Is ALot To Pay all At Once but at least your saving money on Them Instead of purchasing them seperatly and Most Likely Paying more


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2009
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Mate what you dont get is, you can try sell your loot at any price you want. If you think loose figs are worth 13.50 $ ok. I was only telling you Mint on card / in box are usually higher in valure and you can get them cheaper.
BiN prices are not a indicator what the last auction price was. BiN prices are more likely prices people want for that item for different reasons.
If you want to sell your loot put it on ebay with Bin and add the ebayfees u have to pay also to that price and try sell them.

I think you will end up paying fees all time to ebay rather then sell this loot.

For the prices thing everyone thinks different. I think every collector wants an item as cheap as possible but also knows some things are rare and more expensive.
So if you missed the chance to get the item when it comes out u will possibly pay more later.

As a collector i prefer to buy MiB items over loose, even if i get them out of the box later.
The reason is simple loose figs come often dusted or in worse case smell like smoke or other stuff. Also if i want to sell this collecton of doubles i might have later, they will fetch a higher price.

So i would only buy a loose fig if im unable to buy it MIB and that price will be cut down.
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hi andi

Yes i did understand everything you said. there are collectors out there that are patient and will wait for a "BARGIN" OR "STEAL" but then there are collectors that "just got to have it" and see them all together and have the money to spend and doesnt matter what the price. all im trying to say is If your one looking for a "bargin" Or "steal" and dont like the price all you have to do is move on you dont really need to make negative comments on prices i know i never do that because bottom line ITS UP To the seller at what price they ask for again this is my personal collection never displayed (was planning too but never did) they were bagged and stored for the last 8 years again i want to get the MAX i can for them or ill just keep them and add to the collection again if someone stumles on to this collection and wants to purchase it for the price i want then great for me if not no worries ill just keep it.

Im glad we can agree to disagree.

Mate what you dont get is, you can try sell your loot at any price you want. If you think loose figs are worth 13.50 $ ok. I was only telling you Mint on card / in box are usually higher in valure and you can get them cheaper.
BiN prices are not a indicator what the last auction price was. BiN prices are more likely prices people want for that item for different reasons.
If you want to sell your loot put it on ebay with Bin and add the ebayfees u have to pay also to that price and try sell them.

I think you will end up paying fees all time to ebay rather then sell this loot.

For the prices thing everyone thinks different. I think every collector wants an item as cheap as possible but also knows some things are rare and more expensive.
So if you missed the chance to get the item when it comes out u will possibly pay more later.

As a collector i prefer to buy MiB items over loose, even if i get them out of the box later.
The reason is simple loose figs come often dusted or in worse case smell like smoke or other stuff. Also if i want to sell this collecton of doubles i might have later, they will fetch a higher price.

So i would only buy a loose fig if im unable to buy it MIB and that price will be cut down.