I thought some of you might be intrested to know about this, especially if like me you're an R&R fan.
The early draft of the season 10 opener has been revealed and I would like to say I feel it is such an anticlimax. (But aren't all the season openers). After Joey goes into Rachel's room, they kiss and lie on the bed but then Rachel stops and says it doesn't feel right. Then the scene cuts to Ross saying the same thing to Charlie. There is no mention of either Ross & Rachel saying it doesn't feel right because they still have feelings for each other, it's just obvious that's the reason. I feel this season is going to be the worst because they have so many loose ends to tie up in 16 episodes. E.g. the writers have to get Ross & Rachel back together, Monica & Chandler have to go through the baby process. Phoebe has to get married to Mike and they have to prepare Joey for a spin off. So it's a lot to get done in 16 episodes. But we'll see, after seeing the plot of the first ep in season 10 it lacks originality and I feel
This came from AInt It Cool News
I doubt it's true, it's probably fake but you never know, i really wish it'd be true but it such an easy escape from the storyline, I think that now that the writers have gone this deep they should get out of it in a more difficult way rather than the one posted above.