Hi Guys,
Firstly, Great news that Hit are releasing the final set.
A few people have mentioned that they would like to see ''The Fraggles Look for Jobs'' as an extra, and I must agree that I would love to see that too.
One thing that has not been mentioned that I would like to see get the DVD treatment is the VHS release ''Doozer Music''. Pretty much just for the sake of having everything Fraggle onto DVD. Its only a short 15 minute piece but its still got specially filmed footage of Matt and Cotterpin just like ''Fraggle Songs''!
Also back in the eightees a UK charity TV Marathon featured a group of famous puppets singing (helping hand, I think), as well as many puppets of the eightees it featured Matt and Sprocket, probably impossible due to licenseing on all the various characters but that would be nice to see.
As for booklets or leaflets to be included in this set, I have no idea, maybe the Fraggle writers bible replica, replica style guide! Or something else, any ideas guys!
It still amazes me how many people have said on here that they have not yet bought various sets, thankfully the demand has been enough to support all 4 seasons being made.
Looking forward to this final release!