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Fraggle Rock fanfic: Song Of A Midnight Place


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Oh I likes, I really do. I want to know more about Poppy, he sounds very sweet, nothing cuter than a little Fraggle!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Um... Hi there... Been reading silently... And I do like what you've started here. Um, could we please have some more? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I will! and you will! :smile:
*lol* Count, you sound like you are ordering take out, 'A fanfic, with diet blood on the side' :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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The early afternoon sunlight poured happily into the very common looking hole in the wall. The other side of the hole was a very uncommon cave landscape of a dark purple tone, that almost seemed to be singing.

This tranquility was broken by the sound on the other side of a phone being hung up with a satisfied 'clang' and the voice of an elderly man.

"Sprocket, you'll never guess who that was!" The voice started, old but still full of life and piece of mind. "Ned Shimmelfinney's nephew. He said his son would love to adopt one of the puppies!"

The mournful howl of an even older sounding dog ended with a whimper that sent many smaller barks and snarls to life in the air.

"Oh, don't make that sound Sprocket, " He mumbled, the dogs objection sounding as if it had great effect. "You know we can't keep six puppies, there's just not enough food and love to go around."

More whimpering was Sprockets' only reply.

"Things have to happen when its time even if they do make us sad…"

The sound of a pet door opening and closing seemed to end his train of thought.

“Oh, hello Gobo , Wembley! So nice to see you made it back safe and sound!"

"Hi Doc!" A small but very well spoken voice replied

"Hello!" An also small cheerful voice added in. "Gee, it's great to be.. ! EEP! What are these?"

A sudden storm of yelps, barks, and slurping sounds filled the room beyond the hole.

"Oh no, down everyone down!" Doc yelled over the din "Sprocket if you can't keep your brood from troubling the fraggles, I'm putting all of you out into the yard, I mean it! Oh, if only Marigold wasn't at the vet…"

The thunderous sound of many sets of puppy feet following the light mouse like gate of two fraggles ended with a giant thump against the hole that was half covered by a heavy box.

Gobo and Wembley stood on ether side of the entrance, trying to catch their breath.

"Wowwee, those sure are... a lot of ..babies Sprocket has…" Gobo said, wiping his brow with his brown bomber hat.

"Ick," Wembley remarked, wiping his light green face with the side of a small travel sticker covered knapsack "I just know they were trying to eat me, tasting me like that…"

"Wembley, they weren't tasting you," Gobo laughed " That's just their way of saying hello."

"Well, it's pretty weird and slimy anyway.." Wembley grumbled, walking ahead of his friend just a bit before a bright silver sight caught his eye.

"Wow, look at the shiny new pipes Doc put in!" He said in wonder, moving around the other side to get a better view.

"He must have done that when we were gone." Gobo said, not looking up from something he had just pulled from his sack which had a 'live animals' label lovely taped onto its back.

The outside of the tiny leather booklet he held was stamped with a US seal.

"I meant to tell him how well this pass-ports thing he gave us worked."

"I'll say, " Wembley laughed, walking with long strides as he glanced backward. "I'll never forget the look on that ladies face when you showed her that life-mirror picture on…"

A heavy clang sound of flesh meeting steel piping made Gobo wince.

Wembley groaned, rubbing his head and quickly going around the low running pipe.

"One's here now too ?.." He sighed, still rubbing his head thoughtfully "You know, I did kind of miss it, I think it helps my hair grow or something.."

Gobo grinned, shaking his head as he finally caught up.

"It's nice to hear you sounding like yourself Wembley," He said, patting the younger fraggles' banana tree shirt covered shoulder. " I was a little worried for a while there, from the moods you've been in.."

"Moods? Naa, you don’t have to worry about me Gobo" Wembley said, puffing out his chest bravely, before quickly thinking the better of it and stinking back down "..unless you really want to, that's okay to…"

"Wembley, Wembley, Wembley.." Gobo laughed as they began the long trek back to fraggle rock " What am I ever going to do with you?"

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Mmm... Now that's better. Though you have to understand one thing... Once a fic is posted, we all hunger for it and crave updates till it gets finished or some other statement of status informs us as to the current progress.
Thanks for sharing this... And we hope for more please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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ooh, thankyou for the update. *pulls up a chair and waits patiently for the next chapter*.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Another fine addition! I'm hooked and very anxious to see what will happen when all of the Fraggle Five are reunited!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
Mmm... Now that's better. Though you have to understand one thing... Once a fic is posted, we all hunger for it and crave updates till it gets finished or some other statement of status informs us as to the current progress.
Thanks for sharing this... And we hope for more please!
A new part should be up very late today :smile:. As far as progress goes I am writing a bit everyday and songs in another notebook. I never thought I would be any good at writing the fraggles so I feel much better about myself. At least, my inner five year old is proud of me and wants to know what happens next:excited:. That is who I am really writing for, no high and mighty ideas of greatest here :smile:...


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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The laundry space of Boobers cozy hole was alive with bubbles.
The spears caught the light in rainbow prisms as Red playfully blew one thought the air in Poppy's direction. The little fraggle tried to reach out to grab it from where he sat, only to see it break a breath away.

Red giggled and made a funny face as Boober heated up bath water in the background.

"My name is Red. " She said slowly , pointing at herself in front of the toddler. "Can you say 'Red'?"

Poppy put a hand to his mouth and chewed seriously, a line of drool escaping the side. Finally, after a long pause he rewarded her efforts with a quiet:


Somewhere over her shoulder Red could hear the sound of Boober trying very hard not to say anything.

Nooo..' Red corrected "Not Ed..Red! Can you say Auntie Red?"

"Aunt..ie Ed?" Poppy answered, reaching out both arms in a silent plea to be picked up.

"Aww!" Red cooed, helpless but to agree.

Scooping the little fraggle, she spun them both around in dizzy circles before finally tiring of the game. They both fell over in a rain of giggles onto the floor at the same time Boober cut in.

"The bathwater's ready. Oh Mokey, you're back!"

Mokey walked in carrying an armful of greenery.

"What a nice clear day it is! I had to get lemon-grass, it's his favorite bath scent…"

Her eyes scanned the room in a worried gaze.

"Oh? Where are Poppy and Red?"

"I think Auntie Ed is permanently melted into a maternal puddle of goo..." Boober reported, trying his best to sound serious as he pointed with a soap-covered hand. "They're down there."

"Red, how in the world did you play yourself out already?"

"I guess… I'm just… talented!" Red heaved, handing Poppy off to his mother.

"Oh Mokey, he talked!" Red announced.

"Well, of course he talks!" Mokey laughed " His first word was..a year ago…"

"My mom always said my first word was 'swim'…" Red said, twisting the hair on her tail-tip in a vain attempt to sit still. "What was yours Boober? You remember it?"

"Dysentery." Boober said flatly.

"What? That couldn't be...That's not even a real word!" Red shouted, and then stopped as if hit by a thought.

"Say Mokey, how old is Poppy anyhow?"

"You would know if you read letters more often…" Boober commented mostly to himself.

"Why don't you ask him?" Mokey replied "How many are you Poppy?"

Poppy didn't hesitate at all this time, proudly presenting two fingers of each hand pressed together.

"Four years old and talking! Very advanced." Boober commented, tossing the lemon-grass into the tub.

"Yeah, I was six when I started…" Red said in a thoughtful tone.

"You know your numbers to, don't you, Sweetwater?" Mokey said, beginning to sing softly:

Give me one and give me two, cover me with muck and goo...

Poppy quickly put up two fingers, mouthing the word.
Red jumped into the song loudly

Give me three and give me four, cover me with guck and gore!

Poppy slowed, not use to the sound of Red's singing voice, but put up a spirited four fingers as both fraggles broke into song:

One, two, muck and goo!
Down my sock and in my shoe.
Three, four, guck and gore,
Spin me 'round and sing some more!

Boober was already bobbing his head to one side as he sang, dumping Poppy into the soapy water, clothing and all.

Give me five and give me six, Cover me with big, fat sticks.

Poppy shook himself, standing up in the knee high water and wigging all six of his fingers as the adults all sang in chorus.

Give me seven, give me eight. Cover me with slime and slate!

The little fraggle looked puzzled for a moment, having run out of fingers.

Five, six and big, fat sticks!...

Suddenly, as if an idea had stuck he began to tug at one of his now soggy socks, finally tugging it off, before falling over with a splash.

..an ice cream cone for me to lick!
Seven, eight, slime and slate,
Sing it now and don't be late.

Every was so taken in by the baby fraggle wiggling his toes as he continued to count on them that they did not notice two familiar looking figures appearing in the doorway. The taller one put a finger to his lips and motioned to the smaller as they crept up to stand just behind the group.

Give me, give me number nine, A bag of bones and a ball of twine!
Mokey sang happily

Give me, give me number ten, Run back home and start again!

Red nearly shouted, hopping up happily, only to have a set of hands cover her eyes from behind. She turned in that moment to see Gobo as he in Wembley suddenly joined in the ending of the song.

Nine, nine, a ball of twine!
First it's yours and then it's mine!
Ten, ten, that's the end!

Red sang with the others, giving Gobo a big bear-hug.

So run back home and start again!
Run back home and start again!

Poppy clapped with glee as the cave still rang with the memory of the five voices together.