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Fraggle Rock fanfic: Song Of A Midnight Place


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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With a grunt of effort Boober lifted an old, worn, dirty looking length of ivory carpet up to drape it over a ridge of stalagmates, and began to thump it with a rug beater.

As he hit it he started to hum to the beat:

"A place for everything, and everything in its place"

A tiny troop of dusty looking bunnies appeared from under the carpet, giving an angry chatter before running out of the hole.

"That's what makes a home just so."

The bunnies made a sharp u-turn farther down the passageway, away from the telltale crashing sounds that told that Red to was cleaning in her own way.

"No one telling you what to do, having your own space…"

She wiped her brow after tossing barbells, books, and assorted swim-wear junk over her shoulder and into the closet in a flurry of movement.

"That's what makes home the place beee!"
Red shrieked seeing a leftover plate of something that use to be food sprout legs and walk bold as brass across the floor.

Boober paused lost in thought as the two sang in unison.

"At least that's what I use to think, but now I'm not so sure,"

Red flopped down exhausted into her hammock.

"..could home not be just a place, but a little more?

"Home might be feeling." Red sang softly, gazing at the letter.

"It might only be a wishful memory…" Boober added sadly.

"Could he be home to me?" She sang to the photo.
"Could she be home to me?" He asked the drawings upon the wall.

"Does he know… that he is home… to me?" Red ended the song, still with the letter in hand.

The last section was written very neatly and carefully.

"Red, I think about you everyday. I really miss you."


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Awww, I love it! Very nice song, and very nice having Red and Boober duet even though they are singing to different people! Or well singing about different people. I love it so much, I want to hug it, and squeeze it and I'm going to keep asking for more please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I am really enjoying this fic. I love the way you've written it. Can't wait for more.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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The two shadows made their in the midnight darkness with a silent certain pace that showed a long history of having traveled by night without a lantern. Ever forth step or so the larger shadow of the two had to stop and let the smaller catch up with a hopping pace.
But all and all they were making a good graceful progress, as they finally stepped into the great hall.

Suddenly, a bright wave of light bathed the room, and a shout of 'Surprise!' sent the smaller figure ducking under the biggers' heavy traveling robe.

The tall lilac colored fraggle blinked and rubbed her eyes at the vision of several hundred grinning fraggles in their pajamas come to greet her.

"Oh my, good evening and morning everyone!"

"Welcome home Mokey!" The crowd replied, all bowing low with great respect as in the same moment the World's 2nd Oldest Fraggles' right hand fraggle was gently prodding her and her slightly bulging robe onto the makeshift stage overlooking the pond.

Her eyes lit up would they came across the sight of Red and Boober standing in the first row. Red of course was hopping up and down with excitement before Boober grabbed her tail tightly to bring her back down to earth.

"It is with great pleasure," The World's 2nd Oldest Fraggle began with a cough "That we welcome back home Mokey The Minstrel."
Many fraggles waved and Red resumed her hopping, nearly dislocating Boobers' arm.

Mokey nodded in reply, the tiny metallic ribbons in her back length hair catching the light.

"And we humbly request, not in anyway meant to disrespect the trade of the memory of her lifemate Cantus."

At this, everyone but Mokey, who remained oddly still, looked to the floor sadly and a mummer of 'Moon rest his soul' echoed.

It ended with the graveled voice of the 2nd Oldest Fraggle.

"That is, we would very much like it if you would take on the title of our humble rocks' storyteller."
Mokey cleared her throat softly as the crowd leaned forward.

"I heard of your need some time ago and I would be honored to be your new storyteller."

A yell went up that nearly made the startled fraggle fall over.

"All right then, let the ceremony began!" Their leader shouted " Bring out the robe!"

Mokey looked to one side and then the other as two fraggles came up behind her and wrapped a white enbordered robe over her traveling clothing.

The melody that was welling up from the hall was a soft music box chorus:

"Oh storyteller, storyteller, could you tell me a story?"

The circle of fraggles asked, Boober at their head.

"'Oh I'd be delighted' the storyteller replied." Mokey sang in a light tone

She leaned in a bit in the direction of Boober, and poked his nose gently.

"I'd tell of the giant glopigor and its love of parsley pudding."

Boober put a hand to his nose slightly before the crowd welled up around him to sing in merry triumph.

"Oh hear ye our storyteller, with her tales of beast!"

The circle shifted, now with Red as the leader.

"Oh storyteller, storyteller, could you tell me a story?"

Mokey curtseyed politely to them all.

"Oh I'd be delighted, the storyteller said."

She mimicked a solder marching in place.

"I'd tell of Brave Sir Comageese, the fraggle with the least,"
She formed a set of imaginary jaws with her hands and weaved them with an air of horror in Red's direction.

" ..who to escape his encounter with the Three Eyed Mild Melter had to cut off his own tail."

The crowd whooped and went back to dancing in its ring, this time not stopping.

"Oh hear ye, our storyteller with her tales of historic gore!
Oh storyteller, oh storyteller, tell us a story, tell a story, just one more!"

Yes certainly, which story would you like read?" She asked

"A bedtime story," They chorused ending with the lone voice of the worlds 2nd oldest fraggle "..so all we sleepy fraggles can get back to bed!"

With that last note all the gathering of fraggles quickly scattered back into the caves from where they came, leaving only half of the candles burning.

The soft embers bathed the three remaining fraggles in a warm glow like an indoor sunset.

"I have to admit, they're very honest." Mokey mused to herself.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I'm glad everyone likes my story, I plan for it to sort of be like a double length episode/movie thingie. Sort of what might have happened if Fraggle Rock had had a true future wrap up episode. I hope everyone likes my songs :\


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Yeah, I do like your songs. I'm looking forward to the next instalment. Very much enjoying this Songa. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Loving this! You really have a great style to your storytelling and I'm really loving what you are doing here. Mokey will be a wonderful storyteller! And everyone is so in character, I love Red's bouncing with excitement and Boober pulling her tail to calm her down. Just awesome! Keep it coming please!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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"Mokey!" Red exploded in a wave of emotion, hugging her old friend with a force that nearly knocked the taller fraggle over.

"Red! Oh I missed you so much!" Mokey replied, hugging her and grasping her friends hands, starting a long ago practice of skipping in place with gee.

"I missed you too!" Red agreed.

"I have so much to talk to you about!"

"Me to! " Red replied taking in a huge breath before starting to talk a mile a minute "The all rock swimming finals and Doc's new piping and the gorgs…"

Mokey's attention was swayed as she felt a familiar set of arms hugging her around the middle from behind.

She reached back to hold one of them softly.


The smaller fraggle buried his nose into the fabric of the white cloak at the sound of her voice.

'M..mokey..I..that is.." Boober's voice came at a wavering whisper "I..oh Mokey I missed how..always...you're…"

"Oh Boober." Mokey laughed, turning around to use both hands to prop up his shoulders and face in turn.

"You don't know what its been like," Boober's voice strengthened a bit.

"..spending months and months alone with…that." He ended, gesturing in Red's direction.

"Hey, what am I, a sick batworm?" Red fumed

"See what I mean?" Boober lowered his voice
" I think she's given me a compulsion, I really do."

"Dear, that sounds very serious." Mokey said, equally low.

"It is." He concluded.

"Now wait a second ," Red said, stomping a foot "… you know tons of other fraggles who…"

"Oh I nearly forgot you two, I brought you presents" Mokey interjected quickly before things got out of hand.

"Yay! Presentspresentspresents!..." The little yellow fraggle shouted, holding out her hands greedily "What are they?"

"They're from the fraggles of Northwest rock,"
Mokey spoke as she dug into the inner sleeve of her traveling cloak "They live right near the surface of outer space, you can hear silly creatures as they walk right over!"

Boober's face was wide with wonder but Red was simply still making 'give me' motions with her fingers.

"I thought of you when I saw these Red, they have a very free spirited aura."

Mokey produced two ten inch lengths of bright prism cut pink christmas ribbon.

"Golly, look at them sparkle, these are so cool!" Red snatched them away and began to retie her pigtails with them with a doozer like vigor.

"Thank you!" She added as an afterthought.

"And for you Boober..I'm sorry if this isn't the right size,"
Mokey reached deeper into a hidden pocket and came back out with a gold colored soup ladle.
"It's made of something the Wester fraggles call 'Cop-per'."

Boober took the small cooking utensil in his hands slowly and carefully, as if he was afraid it would brake at any moment.

" It's the most beautiful thing …I've ever seen." He said tearfully, resuming his former place hugging her back like a living magnet.

Mokey laughed, it was a sound that seemed oddly worn out around the edges.

"I'm so glad you both…"

"ACK!" Boober yelped, recoiling back from Mokey's form as something moving poked out at him.

"The storyteller robe, it's alive!" Red exclaimed, halfway though tying her second ribbon.

"Don't worry Mokey I'll protect you!"

Boober yelled in the heat of the moment, brandishing his new ladle like a club and holding it over the moving spot.

"..Filthy germ infested thing probably hasn't be washed in years…"

"NonoBoober!" Mokey shouted, "Don't worry, its okay."

Both fraggles gathered near the front of their friend in curiously, their tails wagging silently in lazy curls.

"Red, Boober, I'd like to introduce a very special gift the sky gave to me some time ago."

Mokey said in a warm way that betrayed deep emotion.

"I'd like you to meet Poppy…my son."

Mokey opened her rode slowly with a soft mummer of 'it's okay'.

The tiny hand gripping her leg was soon followed by a pair of bright black eyes, wide with wonder under a patch of light yellow hair. As if considering the group of older fraggles before him he fidgeted ever so slowly, itching the back of one leg with a mismatched polka-dot socked foot, and putting his free thumb in his mouth.

Boobers own mouth was agap in silent awe from a short distance.

"Oh Mokey, he's absolutely adorable!" Red gasped, reaching out slowly to greet the little rose colored fraggle.

Poppy gasped in fright, his pink fur frizzing up a little under his blue overall style shirt as he ducked behind his mothers leg again, making the silver buckles on his shoulders jiggle.

"I didn't know you and…" Red paused softly as if catching herself in mid-thought "…hatched an egg!."

"Didn't you read the drawing letters I sent?" Mokey asked, holding one of Poppy's hands now in reassurance.

"Ummm.." Red said, suddenly very interested in the ground.

"I tried to show them to her, but she would never sit still!" Boober shot out in a lordly tone.

"Well, sooorry!" Red shot back pointing a finger at the smaller fraggles midsection. "If you weren't always trying to force me to eat your rotten cooking every time…"

The tearful whimper of a baby fraggle made the two stop dead in their tracks.

"Don't cry, don't cry, see ?" Boober said softly, putting an arm around Red " Red and I weren't really fighting."

Red shook her head with a cheery fake smile.

"Weren't you now?" Mokey asked with a giggle "Well, it might be best if we all got a good nights sleep"

"Oo, oo!" Red remarked, grabbing the trim of Mokey's robe and starting to lead her down the tunnel. Mokey walked with a limp slowly, thanks to the still attached Poppy.

"You guys can stay in my cave, I cleaned it up extra good!"

Boober shrugged his shoulders with an flabbergasted sigh, trailing behind them along the cave path.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Awww, I reeeaaallly like this story. Please post more as soon as you can.