Not a single person I know buys tv box sets anymore...why should they? Its all on netflix streaming, itunes or other services. Cloud networking, high speed digital streaming. That's the future. 1080p beamed RIGHT to your tv or downloaded to your hard drive...doesnt matter if you have a bd player or not.
It seems you're correct that this is how it's going. But I don't like it, because if netflix, itunes, (or the company with the rights) wants to stop a show or movie from streaming, then it's gone. If a physical version exists, you can get it used at a later date, at least.
With music, you really just need the songs you like. No need for an album with artwork or any of that. Hey, I sometimes miss those days too.
When I love a musical artist, I want the full album, and this way I can give all the songs a chance to grow on me. Artwork should be there for albums, and I mean the size of vinyl record covers, not a small jpg file or whatever.
The only thing I like about the way this is headed is that it might mean less plastic for the landfill. Other than that though, I think it's a shame. I know it's happening, and I know consumers are happy to go with the flow (as opposed to me - I simply know I can't stop it)...but it's still sad.
(I use the word "consumers" specifically to show a lack of passion or real thought in their shopping choices. That would be the majority of folks - those less likely to dig deep or try rare opposed to most of here, I reckon, who have eclectic tastes. I also am not trying to be condescending to those consumers, and I'm sure a lot of them are nice people, but it ruins things for those of us with more discerning taste is all.
