So... here's the deal.
Today is Friday. (Yippee!) I don't seem to have too much homework. And there's a whole weekend ahead of me. Meaning that I should be able to get some Flippers stepping soon, right?
Not so much.
For some reason I got less than four hours of sleep last night. So my brain function is less than perfect, to say the least. So I doubt I'll be able to do homework and have enough brain left over to finish writing this chapter... especially considering the rest of this chapter is giving me enough trouble when I have full brain power...
And then tomorrow, well... <Deep breath> Tomorrow I'm taking my driver's test. Fellow residents of Illinois, get off the road while it's still safe. ...Okay so I'm actually a pretty good driver, but that doesn't make me any less nervous. And then after that I have a voice lesson.
Then Sunday night... Sunday night begins Yom Kippur. And on Sunday night, there's this nice long service... It involves lots of standing, and sitting, and standing, and praying, and sometimes getting bored. It also involves the chanting of this passage that... isn't really a prayer, technically, but... we'll call it a prayer, because it's sort of like a prayer, and I can't really explain it very well very easily very interestingly. And the person leading this extremely important prayer in front of lots and lots of people just so happens to be me.
Driver's test plus very important prayer equals a very nervous Toga, so if you wouldn't mind not mentioning those things to me...
So basically my weekend is going to- or at least should- comprise of: Homework, driving practice, prayer practice, and filling out a college application or two. That takes a lot of time.
And even if it didn't take a lot of time... it takes a lot of mind. So if you don't see any Flipperstep action this weekend... that'd be why.
And that's just the Friday-Sunday stuff. I didn't mention the fact that I will be missing school (and at least two meals) on Monday, or that I'll be leaving town on- I think Friday, for my cousin's wedding, and coming back Tuesday, thus missing more school, and...
When did life get stressful again? I thought that wasn't supposed to happen this year... <Sigh,> ah well... Life should be letting up, at least a little, before too long... And once I can get past another hurdle or two in the story, it should flow a little more smoothly... Hopefully... You never know... I honestly thought it would be flowing by now... But it's not... But maybe it will soon...
...And I'm really just rambling now...