BEAR said:
That's awesome that you got to See Sonia Manzano and Emilio Delgado. Did you actually get to talk with them at all? What were they like from what you observed? Are they as wonderful in person as they are on the screen? I am sure they would have to be. Sorry, too many questions.
The secret of being on a set and being invited back is simple: stay out of the way. I always try to be real inconspicuous when I'm on a set. I pretty much blend into the background. All this is to say that I didn't speak to them. You have to be very careful with actors. They are "at work" when they're on a set. Some must concentrate, others are outgoing and like to talk.
I was on the set of the first live-action "The Flintstones" movie and I broke my own rule and made the mistake of talking to John Goodman while a wardrobe person was getting him ready for a shot. He looked at me like daggers were coming out of his eyes. Needless to say, I didn't say anything else that day unless I was spoken to first.
All that said, I wish I had a wonderful story to tell, but it was a very long time ago. From what I can remember, they were easy-going. I certainly wouldn't put them in the prima-donna category (I've worked with those types, too... ask me about Cheryl Tiegs sometime). The whole crew seemed to get along very well. I don't recall any outbursts or tempers any of the times I was there.
Anyway, don't worry about asking too many questions. I'm just sorry I don't always have the answers.