Why is Muppets from Space everyone's second-to-least-favorite? It's the best!!! It rules!!! Come on, people?!?! For example: (Note, this is all from memory)
(he sits up, hit Rizzo's hammock with his head, Rizzo goes flying)
Rizzo: You're not alone!
Gonzo: What? Who said that?
Rizzo: I don't know, maybe t's THE RAT HANGING OUT THE WINDOW!!!!
Gonzo: Rizzo?
Rizzo: No, it's Santa, but I forgot my reindeer.
Gonzo: (goes to window, picks up Rizzo, places him on hammock)
oh, I'm sorry Rizzo. I had that weird dream again.
Rizzo: You mean the one about the goat and the leprachaun and the jar of peanut butter?
Gonzo: No, the other one...
I could go on...but I won't. What do you expect, I watched it 14 times in one day!!!