One other famous book from my childhood- The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge. Tells the story of the real-life Jeffrey's Hook Lighthouse located underneath the George Washington Bridge in New York. When I was little, my dad used to work in Edgewater, New Jersey, right across the river from the lighthouse. I could stand at the edge of the pier, and see the tiny lighthouse on the other side, underneath the mammoth structure of the bridge. Talk about big and little!
At one point, the lighthouse was going to be demolished. But public outcry from little kids who read the book saved it from the wrecking ball. But even so, the lighthouse was neglected for decades. It was rusted, covered with graffiti, and a sad shell of its former self. Then in 1986, funds were allocated to repair the lighthouse, once again spearheaded by kids who read the book. Now the lighthouse is fully restored, granted Landmark status, and every June they have a festival celebrating the lighthouse, and one of the activities includes have various celebrities reading the book aloud to the kids gathered (one year James Earl Jones did the honors). If you're ever in New York City, it's well worth checking out. The lighthouse will always be there, and is still very very proud!