Father Marty proceeded to talk to Cookie Monster about how the world was created by God as a perfect paradise. He explained how the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, lived in the Garden of Eden in a state of perfect happiness with no illness, sorrow or hardship.
"They were completely innocent Cookie Monster. Paradise was theirs for all eternity. All they had to do as a test of their loyalty to their Creator was to obey this one rule."
"What rule that Father?"
"They could freely eat from every tree in the garden, except for the one in the very middle. God had warned them that if they ate from this particular tree, they would lose their innocency and they would have to die."
Cookie was spellbound by Father Marty's words. His mouth hung open as he thought about what he'd just heard.
"What happen then Father?"
"They failed their test, I'm afraid Cookie. One day Eve listened to a snake challenging what God had said. It told her that God was being selfish. Keeping something away that would make her and Adam equal to God Himself. She allowed herself to be deceived and ate the forbidden fruit. Then she gave some to her husband repeating the snake's lies to him. And he ate also. But they realized afterwards they had done the wrong thing and were afraid to show themselves before God. He had to banish them from the beautiful garden and they would have to work hard for the food until eventually they would die as He had said they would."
"Hey. Me can identify with Adam and Eve Father. They ate something they shouldn't just as me eat things me shouldn't."
"That's right Cookie. We all are prone to do the wrong thing because our first parents fell from grace and marred God's Creation of us. But you know. Even though God condemned Adam and Eve He never took His love away from them. He promised them to send somebody to make reconciliation with Him possible. Many centuries later God sent His precious Son born of a woman as a perfect man to bring us back into a right relationship with Him."
Father Marty then proceeded to share with Cookie Monster all about how Jesus lived a perfect life and was cruelly put to death by wicked men but afterwards rose from the dead as proof that God the Father had accepted His death as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for the wrongs of Adam and Eve and all their descendants throughout the ages.
"So you say Father that this God love me no matter what me done?"
"Yes that's right Cookie. God forgave Adam and Eve, He's forgiven me too and He wants to forgive you as well. All you have to do is accept. Take these homework sheets and fill them in before our next appointment please."
Cookie looked worried. "But Father. Me scared. What if me lose control and eat these sheets instead of doing them right?"
Father Marty took his paws in his hands. "Let's pray again. Dear God. As I know how much you love Cookie Monster and want to help him find the peace he so desperately needs through your Son, please don't allow him to eat his homework before next week. Amen."
Cookie was still a little unsure. But he took the worksheets and said good-bye.
When he left Father Marty prayed silently to himself. He had great faith and hope for Cookie's sake. He was in God's Hands now.