Hey guys. I won't post more story until Monday, when I can get my thoughts collected and everything. But I'm finally home now.
The (apperently) minor surgery was a success! Everything is fine, and they sent me home with some derma-whatever to help with the scarring when it finally heals up. I think it's like Maderma, that purpliey stuff that comes in a tube. XD So, very happy to know I have great friends here.
Kinda weird though, it went from a full on transplant, to a minor transplant, to just a small removal. I'm starting to wonder about the doctors down in Gastrointesnial care. >> They don't seem to know one thing from another! Or at least the nurses were QUITE careless with what they told me.
So, I didn't get to keep the laptop, apperently that also was my cousins' who lended it to me, and it went back to him eariler today. I came home about 9pm, and I've been sleeping for awhile, till I woke up a few minutes ago, and I can't go back to sleep.
Also, watch out, their may be hints of BTTF in these last few chapters, or perhaps in the next story coming down the mental shoot. I've been enraptured (and mentally exhuasted) by the Trilogy the last few days!