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Fan-Fic: We Know That It's Probably Magic


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Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 14: The Frog Prince

Uncle Deadly held his hands behind his back. He surveyed the troops. Fozzie, Gonzo, Traveling Matt, Grover, and Rowlf stood in a group. "So, I take it you five will be accompinying us into the pig?" Uncle Deadly asked.

commentary: Into the pig...ew...

"Yes sir!" Traveling Matt saluted. "I'm always open to explore the new frontier!"

Robin sat in the back of the theater. He hadn't said a word to anyone for hours. "It's not easy bein' green." Robin said to himself. "But, green can be big, and important, and tall." Robin sat up straight. "I'm going to!" Robin yelled.

UD: What a good song. And lovely quotes from it Ryan.

The Muppet's all turned to Rboin. "I am sorry little frog," Uncle Deadly told him. "Only five people may accompany Death and myself."

commentary: Poor Robin, you're so mean Uncle D.!

UD: Hey, I don't make the rules I just talk about them alot!

"Why?" Robin asked. "I'm small! I won't take up to much room!"

"SILENCE BOY." Death said with his chilling voice. "THOSE ARE THE RULES, AND THOSE THEY SHALL REMAIN."

commentary: I love Death he's one of my favorite original characters. Well, ok, not original..but close enough...

Uncle Deadly whispered to The Count. "Such a wonderful leader isn't he?"

UD: Yes, yes he is.

Rowlf watched Robin sulk back down into the chair. He wiped his eyes. "I'll stay back then." Rowlf said. "They need me here for the show. Cliff and Scooter can't do it without me."

"Alfright then." Uncle Deadly agreed. "Rowlf may stay, and Robin may come."

commentary: Way to go Rowlf!

"Hooray!" Robin cheered. He ran up next to the others. "Thanks Rowlf." He hugged him.

"No problem Robin. Just do me a favor," Rowlf patted his back. "Bring your uncle home."

"Thank you driver, this should be fine." Piggy said as she slowly emerged from her zuchinni limo.

The flashes and noise was amazing when Piggy got out of the car. She walked down the red carpet. "Hello all you beautiful people you! Moi am Miss...Cinderella!" She smiled and waved to the crowds.

"This is Lewis Kazzagar from the wide world of Muppet newscasting!" Lewis Kazzagar said as he walked in front of Piggy. "And this is my co-anchor Mr. M. Newsman!"

commentary: And here we have a Lewis Kazzagar and Muppet Newsman scene like in my first fan-fic "Muppet High."

UD: And "Muppet High Revisited."

"Thank you Lewis." The Muppet Newsman straightened his glasses. "Tonight's top story is shooting stars! Recently, many stars have been shooting! Just caught on tape was Will Smith, he was shooting hoops at a local basketball court in downtown Los Angeles." The Newsman said. "Wait, this just in!" He held his earpiece. "It seems that a shooting star covered in sparkling light is headed right in my general direction!" The Newsman looked up. "All this reporter has to say about that is, not likely."

commentary: I think I made myself laugh when I wrote that part too...

As soon as the Newsman said that, a sparkling shooting star fell on top of him. The Fairy Godwhatever emerged. "Oops, this isn't downtown Los Angeles." He looked at the flattened Newsman. "Oh, sorry about that." The Fairy Godwhatever backed the sparkling star off the Newsman and into the sky.

The Newsman sat up slowly. His glasses were broke and his hair messed up. "And all this reporter has to say about this," he said dazed. "Is, ow!" He fell on his back.

"Well thank you for that Mr. Newsman." Lewis Kazzagar said. "Now, back to the red carpet. Look there! It's...It's...Who is that?" He asked into the camera.

"Moi am Cinderella. Would vous like an interview?" Miss Piggy asked him.

"Oh yes please if you have time!" Lewis said.

"Um..." She tapped her foot. Then she glanced at the huge clock. It was already 8:49. "Oh, sorry dear, moi must get into the ball sorry!" She ran off into the castle.

"Ready Dr. Honeydew?" Uncle Deadly asked.

"Ready!" Piggy sat in the Muppet Labs Memory Projectatron.

"Good. Take it away Boss." Uncle Deadly motioned to Death.

Death waved his scythe. It opened a hole in the atmosphere. "ENTER." He ordered the Muppets.

commentary: Opened a hole, just like that...cool.

UD: Gonzo would be proud.

"Well, sounds like great fun!" Traveling Matt said. "Goodbye Nephew Gobo! I will send postcards!" He walked into the hole.

commentary: That was a good line.

The projector lit and sent Piggy's dream onto the wall backstage. Matt was seen in the projection.

"Hey it's Uncle Matt!" Gobo pointed at the projection.

"NEXT." Death said.

"I Su-per Grover will enter next!" Grover said. "I'm coming Froggy babieeee!" He charged into the hole.

He ran onto the projection and inot Traveling Matt. "Oh excuse me furry creature." Uncle Matt dusted himself off. "Have we met?" He asked.

"KEEP IT MOVING." Death told them.

"Looks like fun!" Gonzo said. He ran in.

Fozzie picked up Robin. "Ready Robin?" Fozzie asked.

"Ready Fozzie."

"Be careful little buddy!" Sweetums called.

"I will be Sweetums."

"Good luck guys!" Big Bird said.

Fozzie and Robin walked through the hole. "That's five, five heroes! Ah ah ah!" The Count laughed.

commentary: The Count has counted a lot of things in this story.

"We shall return." Uncle Deadly told them. "Make sure there is someone watching the projection at all times." He began to walk through the hole.

"Hey spook!" Dr. Teeth called. Uncle Deadly turned to him. "Bring our frog back." Dr. Teeth told him.

Uncle Deadly nodded. He walked through the hole followed closely by Death.

The seven of them stood in front of the castle. "THE PLAN IS SIMPLE." Death told them. "YOU FIVE WILL FIND THE PIG." He motioned to Fozzie, Gonzo, Grover, Matt, and Robin. "AND WE SHALL FIND THE FROG. UNDERSTAND?"

The Muppets nodded. The plan was underway.

Kermit watched the ball below. The honored geusts entered.

commentary: I love this part too!

UD: Me too, very funny, and a nice reference to our old roomie Lew.

The trumpets blared. "Now presenting the honorable Lew Zealand. Archduke of New Zealand!" A man told the atendees.

"Ahh! I'm Lew Zealand! And this," he pointed to a fish in his hand. "Is Darla! My boomerang fish! I throw her away!" He threw her away. "And she comes back to me!" She came back to him and he caught it in his hand. "Ah ha ha ha!" He pointed to the fish.

"Out of my way! Move it fish boy!" Piggy pushed forward.

Kermit peered down at her. She was finally here. Her beauty was radiant as ever. And it was now time.

"Ah sire! I see that girl there has caught your eye!" Fozzie walked in wearing a very dignified robe. "Could she be the one?"

"Yes. She's the one. She always has been." Kermit said. "And after tonight, she always will be."

commentary: Evil...well...ok...not evil, just misplaced confusion/anger.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 15: Cheating Death

The five Muppets wandered the ballroom aimlessly looking for Miss Piggy.

commentary: Don't worry guys, I'm sure you'll find her!

UD: Of course you are! You wrote the story!

"I think we should ask one of those silent creatures over there the strange creatures are sitting on." Traveling Matt suggested.

"But those are chairs, not silent creatures." Grover told him.

"Come on guys let's try and stay focussed!" Fozzie said. "We have to find Kermit!"

UD: I thought they had to find Piggy.

commentary: Meh, close enough.

"Wow! Check out that fire eater!" Gonzo pointed.

"Really? Where? It sounds astounding, but tell me, how much water does one drink before eating fire?" Matt asked.

"Guys!" Fozzie said.

"Oh I do hope they're careful!" Bunsen said as he watched the Muppets on the projection.

"Man, they've been through worse. And this time, they've got Death with 'em! Nothin's gonna stop 'em now!" Floyd said.

"Right," Scooter said. "Now, the show starts in two hours! We've got some last minute rehearsing." Scooter looked at his clipboard. "Gosh I hope their back before the show starts!"

"Man, we practically can't do the show without 'em." Clifford sighed.

commentary: Sure you can! Can't you?

"All this sadness and greif makes me hungry." Oscar told them. "I'm gonna go see if there's a rotten anchovie sandwich outside." He left the room.

"Hey Mokey, where'd you say the Trash Heap was staying?" Gobo asked Mokey.

"Oh, she's right outside!" Mokey said softly.

commentary: Fooooooooreshadowing!

Piggy mingled in the crowd. She couldn't see Kermit anywhere.

Meanwhile, Death and Uncle Deadly were having the same luck.

"I'M RUNNING A VERY TIGHT SCHEDULE." Death told the phantom.

Uncle Deadly turned his head towards him. "I know Boss, don't worry. We'll find him fright away." I hope. He thought.


This won't be the first time. He thought to himself. "Right. No more lasagna for me."


"Friends will change you sir." Uncle Deadly said to him. "As will death."

commentary: Powerful Uncle D. very powerful.

UD: Thank you.


"And frogs." Uncle Deadly whispered to himself.

Oscar dug through a pile of trash. "This is great stuff here!" He said.
"Oh I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty!
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty!
Yes, I love trash!"

commentary: And now the big musical number! Which happens to be about trash...

The pile of trash began to move. "Hey what are you doing with my stuff?" The Trash Heap asked.

"Who are you?" Oscar asked her.

Two rats emerged from the trash. "You sir are in the pressence of the all knowing," the green one said.

"Trash Heap! Nyeeeeeah!" Both the green and pink rat said.

commentary: I love Marjorie, and I knew I had to get her in here somehow before I finished the story, so I thought "Why not bring her in to sing 'I Love Trash' with Oscar?" And so, I did. And now it's history.

UD: Not really...

"Thank you boys, now shut it! This is my only number!" Marjorie the Trash Heap said.

commentary: Actually, that's a lie...You see, I had no plans on writing a song for Marjorie in the next chapter, but go figure, I went and did.

"I have here a sneaker that's tattered and worn
It's all full of holes, and the laces are torn!
A gift from my mother the day I was born!" She sang.

"Oh we love trash!" Oscar and Marjorie harmonized.

"Anything dirty or dingy or dusty!
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty!" Philo and Gunge; the rats; sang.

"Yes, we love trash!" They all sang.

"I have here some newspaper thirteen months old!
I've wrapped fish inside and it's smelly and cold.
But I wouldn't trade it for a big pot of gold!
I love it because it's trash!" Marjorie sang.

"Oh we love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty!
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty!
Yes we love trash!" The four of them sang.

"You've a clock that won't work and an old telephone!" Oscar sang.

"A broken umbrella!" Philo sang.

"And a rusty trombone!" Gunge continued.

"And I am delighted to call them my own!
I love them because their trash!" Marjorie sang.

"Oh we love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty!
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty!
Yes we love," They all sang. "We love, oh we love trash!" They finished.

"Well that was fun." Marjorie said. "Now, what have you come to me for eh?"

"Me? Oh I just came for a sardine sandwich. You got one?" Oscar asked.

"What? You mean you didn't come to me for advice? I'm the all-knowing Trash Heap!" She said.

"Nyeeeeeah!" The rats said.

"That's enough boys." She told them. "Now there must be something I can give you advice about."

"Well, I geuss we're all kinda grouchy that Kermit's gone. Not that I don't mind, but I was wondering, how can the others um...you know, cope with him being gone?" Oscar asked the all-knowing Trash Heap. Nyeeeeeah.

commentary: Oscar, the grouchiest guy around, and he still cares about his friends.

"Ah, that's a very good question Mr. Grouch." Marjorie told him. "Now, sit back, this may take a few moments."

Kermit watched Death from his balcony. "No, not now, he can't be here now!" Kermit said.

"What's wrong sire?" Count Fozzie asked.

"Nothing. I'm going to the dance floor. If she," he pointed to Piggy. "Leaves, follow her. And get her slipper." Kermit ran off.

"What? Her slipper? But how am I supposed to...Oh never mind." He sat in Kermit's chair.

commentary: That's rather funny. But Piggy never left, and Count Fozzie never had to take her slipper...


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Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 16: Saving The Last Dance

Kermit pushed his way to the dance floor. He was flooded with girls wanting to dance with him. Why did I have to make these girls so lovesick? He thought.

commentary: That Kermit, he's a sucker for the ladies...

And then, it happened. Death struck, he knocked Kermit on his back with the handle of his scythe. "IT'S OVER FROG." He said.

Uncle Deadly pushed back the crowds watching in horror. "Don't hurt him Death." He told his master.

commentary: Uncle D. the rebel!

UD: Please, you're making me blush...

"I WILL DO WHAT IS NECESSARY." Death bellowed.

Kermit was trembling in fear. He backed away slowly. Death extended a bony hand in front of him, causing flames to surround the three of them. "IT'S NOT THAT EASY FROG." He chuckled. "THIS IS THE LAST STRAW."

No, I see one right there. Kermit wanted to say. But comedy escaped him. He was finished.

commentary: No digas eso!

UD: Pardon?

commentary: I have got to stop doing my Spanish homework and this at the same time...

"Hey check out the cool flames!" Gonzo exclaimed.

"Come on Gonzo, we have to find Miss Piggy." Robin scolded him.

Traveling Matt looked at Robin. "Oh, you mean that large pink creature? Oh, she's over there by the punch bowl. But don't ask why it's called a punch bowl." He whispered to Grover while rubbing his nose.

commentary: Reference there to the Muppet Show At the Dance sketch with the punch bowl.

"Why did you not tell us earlier?" Grover asked.

"Well, I thought we were just on an exploration mission!" Matt exclaimed.

"Come on!" Fozzie said. The five of them ran over to the punch table. Piggy was hunched over the table.

Gonzo put his hand on her shoulder. "Piggy?"

She turned suddenly, revealing a bowl of chips. Her mouth and hands were full. She swallowed loudly and threw the chips on the floor. "Oh, Fairy Godwhatever, what are vous doing here?"

commentary: What a hog! If you tell her I said that I'll kill you...

UD: I'm already dead.

commentary: Well...then I'll...nevermind.

"Huh? I'm Gonzo! Did you hit your head or something?" Gonzo asked. "And if you did, where can I? Ha ha!"

"Gonzo?" She asked. The others walked up next to him. "Fozzie, Grover, Matt, Robin? How...What...Who..." She stuttered.

"It is a long story." Grover said.

"Full of danger, suspense, and a catchy song and dance number!" Gonzo said.

commentary: One of my favorite lines that I've ever written.

"But we don't have time for that right now!" Fozzie told her. He grasped her arm. "Come on we have to go."

"Go? Where?" Piggy pulled her arm away. "I'm having a wonderful time. Now moi just has to find Kermie and everything will be fine!" She looked them over. "And you are all way under dressed."

"What?" Fozzie asked.

Gonzo pulled him aside. "She's caught up in her dream! What do we do now?"

"Well how am I supposed to know?" Fozzie asked. "It's not like we can just pick her up and carry her out of here!"

"That's it!" Gonzo cried. "Now all we need is some rubber cement, a bulldozer, and forty-three blue suede shoes!"

commentary: I don't wanna know...

Fozzie looked at his watch. "We have 25 minutes before the show starts." He said.

Gonzo opened his mouth, but nothing came out. "Ok, never mind."

"Well Oscar, the frog works in mysterious ways." Marjorie told the grouch. "And, it makes one wonder, does the frog want to be missed?" She asked.

"Well of course he wants to be missed Marjorie!" Philo said.

"Yeah, have you gone out o' your gourd?" Gunge asked. "Who wouldn't want to be missed when they die?"

"I wouldn't." Oscar said. "Unless they all start crying, then it'd be worth it."

commentary: Oscar...

UD: Quite a grouch that one.

"What I'm saying is, that maybe the frog feels he shouldn't be missed, because he shouldn't be gone." Marjorie said. "Maybe, he longs to be back home with his friends and family, not in the spirit world where he cannot commune with them, only watch them enjoy life."

"They do that to much." Oscar whined.

"But now do you understand what I'm getting at?" The Trash Heap asked.

"Oh yes Madam Heap, I fully understand!" Oscar told her. "Thank you. That helped. I guess."

commentary: Big song number here! Oh, and by the way, I wrote this song myself.

"Don't guess boy!" Marjorie said.
"You gotta know!" She began to sing.
"Oh yes, you gotta know!"

"Gotta know, gotta know, gotta know!" Philo and Gunge harmonized together.

"When life gets you runnin',
Run hard.
When life deals you nuttin',
Play another card.
But don't forget,"

"No no no," The rats sang.

"You gotta know!"

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

"You gotta know!
You gotta know what's goin' down.
You'll turn that frown upside down,
When you know!"

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

"When you know!"

"Whoa! Oh!"

"When you know!"

"Oh yes, when you know!!!" All three finished.

UD: Catchy.

"So, Mr. the Grouch, tell me, what do you know now?" Marjorie asked.

Oscar waited a moment. "I know now, that you can't sing for sardines lady!"

"What? No life changing lesson? No revelation? Nothing?"

"Nope, nothing." Oscar said. "Thanks!" Oscar began to walk away.

"For what?" The Trash Heap asked.

"Nothing!" Oscar went back inside.

"Marjorie? Are you ok?" Philo asked.

"Yes boys, I'm fine, but, I did learn something today." She said.

"What's that?" Gunge asked.

"That Fraggles are alot easier than Grouches!"

commentary: Don't I know it sister...

Death hovered over the frog. "READY TO GO?" He asked.

Kermit gulped loudly. He stood up. "No, no I'm not." He said bravely.

commentary: Viva la resistance!

UD: *rips up Spanish homework*

commentary: Hey! Now what am I going to turn in tomorrow?


"I'm not leaving. Not until I dance with Miss Piggy." Kermit stood up straight.


"I dared, and I did. Now, let me go!" Kermit protested.

"YOUR FUNNY." Death said. "BUT I'LL PUT AN END TO THAT." He raised his scythe and swung it down.

commentary: No!

"No!" Uncle Deadly yelled.

commentary: Whoa, de ja vu.

But it was to late. Kermit had hopped over the scythe and over the circle of fire. "WHAT?!" Death cried.

Kermit ran. "Sorry Death, but you know, if I couldn't jump, I'd be gone like a grin, on your face!" Kermit smiled. He ran to the table.

commentary: Reference to Kermit's line in the Muppet Movie, "If frogs couldn't hop I'd be gone with the scwin!"

"Kemie!" Piggy called.

The others turned around. The frog ran toward them. He stopped. Everyone stared. "Hi guys."

"Uncle Kermit!" Robin cheered. He ran to hug him.

commentary: That hug's for you Lisa!

Kermit accepted with open arms. He held Robin tight. But at the same time, he looked at the fire. It was gone. Death and Uncle Deadly walked over slowly.

Kermit put Robin down. "Guys, it's great to see you. But I need to dance with Piggy." He grasped her hand. "Watch Robin, and don't let Death stop us." He began to walk away. "Please." He begged.

They ran off to the middle of the dance floor. Kermit pointed his hand at the band. They instantly began playing a slower song.

"Hey man what happened?" Floyd asked.

"Just go with the flow Floyd." Dr. Teeth said. "Go with the flow."

"FLOW! FLOW!" Animal chanted.

UD: Funny...

Kermit held Piggy tight. Piggy held back. "Oh Kermie." Piggy rested her head on his shoulder.

"Piggy, I want you to know, no matter what happens after this, that I'll always love you." Kermit told her.

"Oh Kermit, I'll always love you too." She kissed him lightly.

"Piggy?" Kermit asked her.

"Yes frog of my heart?" She asked.

"This is our song." He said. In the background, The Rainbow Connection blew through the air.

commentary: You did bring Kleenex didn't you?!

UD: Um...no...

commentary: What?! Drat, I'll be right back. *leaves*

UD: What? Can I even do this without you?

Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
And what's on the other side.
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it,
I know they're wrong wait and see.
Someday we'll find it the Rainbow Connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me.

Death and Uncle Deadly strolled toward the couple. "THIS SHOULD BE NO THREAT AT ALL." Death said.

UD: I hope Death doesn't...

DEATH: *enters in circle of black flames* HOPE THAT I DON'T WHAT

UD: *jumps* Um...I hope you never eat lasagna on the third Wednesday in March. Heh heh.

DEATH: I DON'T EAT ANYWAY. *sits down*

Gonzo jumped out in front of them. "Haki saki!" He cried. He positioned himself into a karate pose. "If you want to get to Miss Piggy and Kermit, you'll have to get through me!"

Fozzie walked up. "And if you want to get through Gonzo, you'll have to get through me!"

"And if you are wanting to go through Fozzie and Gonzo, you will have to get through me, Su-per Grover!"

"And if you want to go through Fozzie, Gonzo, and Super Grover, you'll have to...What a lovely walking stick you have."


UD: Yes, quite...*to self* Where is Ryan?!

"PATHETIC." Death said lightly. "SIMPLY PATHETIC." He pushed them all aside without touching them. They all landed on their backs.

"Boss not so hard." Uncle Deadly protested.



Uncle Deadly couldn't, and wouldn't take it anymore. He jumped in front of his boss. "Sorry Death, but if you want to get to the frog and the pig, you'll have to get through me!"

UD: Heh heh, you do realize I was only acting...

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning stars?
Somebody thought of that,
And someone believed it.
Look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing?
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection.
The lovers, the dreamers, and me!


UD: Oh yes, possitively...

Bunsen wiped is eye. "Oh Beakie it's beautiful isn't it?"

"Mee, mee mer, mo, mee meepy mee moo moopy!" Beaker said.

"What? Oh no, not the fact that Miss Piggy and Kermit are back together, the fact that one of my inventions is actually working, and it's not inflicting pain on you!" Bunsen cheered.


UD: It's called comedy.


"Mee me!" Beaker agreed.

Scooter walked in. "Five seconds to curtain guys!" He looked at the projection. "They're ok! But they're still not back? How are we gonna do the show without them?" Scooter asked.

"Improvise Scoot, improvise!" Dr. Teeth walked by. "For instance, that Bert fella sounds alot like Fozzie..."

All of us under it's spell,
We know that it's probably magic.

Have you been half asleep?
And have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name?
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one in the same!

Kermit and Piggy danced without paying any attention to the distractions taking place no more than five feet away from them. They were lost. Lost in each other's love.


I've heard it to many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm s'posed to be.

Robin watched Uncle Deadly. He stood up to Death. Robin realized what he needed to do. He walked toward the phantom.

UD: You're right there.

Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection.
The lovers, dreamers, and me.

Rowlf stood backstage with Scooter and Clifford. "Ready guys?"

"Yeah man, let's do it." Clifford nodded.

"Ok, cue the intro!" Scooter called into his ear piece.

"Piggy's our intro!" Clifford said.

"Ok, um...Big Bird! Go introduce the first act!" Scooter told him.

"Robin and I are the next act!" Rowlf said.

"Oh boy..." Scooter sighed.

DEATH: *looks at watch* OH DEAR, I HAVE A DINNER DATE WITH PESTILENCE, I'LL SEE YOU LATER DEADLY. TAKE SCARE. *dissapears in circle of black flames*

UD: *wipes forehead* Thank goodness he's gone...

commentary: *I come back with box of Kleenex* Who's gone?

UD: Every time...


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Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 17: The End of an Era

The Rainbow Connection connected. The song finished. Kermit held Piggy close even after the song finished. Piggy didn't resist. She let her eyes stay shut. She couldn't see the epic fight about to ensue behind her frog prince.

commentary: *blows nose into Kleenex* What love through yonder window breaks...

UD: What?

commentary: I dunno. It sounded Shakesperian...

UD: It wasn't...

Uncle Deadly stood his ground. Death was not going to hurt Kermit. "I won't let you through." The phantom said.

commentary: Heck no he won't go!

"THEN, I WILL HAVE TO HURT YOU." Death snapped. He swung scythe at Uncle Deadly. He caught it by the handle. Death was taken aback, then, Uncle Deadly pushed the handle against Death's chest. "YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR DEFIANCE DEADLY." Death wailed. He extended his hand and the scythe was ripped from Uncle Deadly's hands, and it returned to Death's.

Robin ran up behind Death. He didn't know what to do, so he did the first thing that came to his mind. He pulled on Death's long black cloak.

commentary: Robin!

Death barely felt the slight tug on his cloak, but when he did, he turned his stare to Robin. He reached down his hand, and grabbed Robin by his throat.

Uncle Deadly charged. But he stopped when Death extended the tiny frog in front with his bony hand. "I DON'T THINK SO." Death told Uncle Deadly.

UD: Dear dear dear Ryan. Great emotion drawn out there...

Uncle Deadly was paralyzed. He stared from Robin's eyes to the inside of Death's hood. Robin's small green hands pulled at Death's grip. But it was no use, Death was not letting go.

"It's not easy bein' green." Rowlf sang on stage.
"It seems you blend in with so many other, ordinary things."

Backstage, Scooter the other Muppets watched Rowlf on stage. "Robin's supposed to go on now! What do we do?" Scooter asked.

"IMPROVISE! IMPROVISE!" Animal chanted.

"That's it!" Rizzo cheered. "We just need another green fella to sing Robin's part!"

"But who could be Robin?" Big Bird asked.

The door slammed open, and Oscar walked in. "That Trash Heap, thinks she's so smart." He muttered. Everyone stared at him. "Hey? What are you lookin' at?"

commentary: The day I wrote this, I read that Oscar sang his version of "Bien Green" on an episode of Sesame Street, so I sent him out to sing with Rowlf.

"Let him go Death." Uncle Deadly told the cloaked figure.


Uncle Deadly growled. He turned his head to Kermit. He was so happy. How could Uncle Deadly end that? But, he thought, if Robin was harmed, Kermit would never be happy again. Uncle Deadly sighed. He stepped aside.

commentary: Very bold of you Uncle D.

UD: Grr...I must stop him.

commentary: Patience my friend.

"I KNEW YOU'D SEE IT MY WAY." Death threw Robin to the ground and walked towards Kermit and Piggy.

"Robin? Are you alfright?" Uncle Deadly asked the young frog.

He nodded slowly, overcome with fear.

"Alfright then. Stay here." Uncle Deadly stood up. He turned towards Death. He didn't have much time.

Uncle Deadly jumped forward. Passing Death and grabbing Piggy and Kermit up off the floor. He jumped again, this time up to the balcony. Landing in between Cinderella's step parents.

commentary: You're pretty agile for a guy your age Uncle D.

UD: Let's not get into that...

"Cinderella? What are you doing here?" Statler asked. "And why are you a frog?"

"You old fool! You forgot your contacts again!" Waldorf said.

commentary: Ok, not the best S&W joke I've written but...

Uncle Deadly jumped away. He landed next to Count Fozzie. He let Kermit and Piggy out of his grip. "Stay here!" He shouted. He jumped back down to the dance floor.

"Sire?" Count Fozzie asked Kermit.

"Not now Fozzie." Kermit silenced him. He watched Uncle Deadly stare down Death.

"DEADLY. AGAIN YOU DEFY ME. AND AGAIN," flames emerged from the end of his scythe. "I WILL DEFEAT YOU."

"Not without a fight." Uncle Deadly said.

commentary: You know, I never really stated why you had lightning shooting out of your hands, but you did in my last story too.

UD: I love it! *shoots down light with his lightning*

Kermit watched his friend fight Death. Flames shot everywhere, coming from Death's scythe. Uncle Deadly shot lightning from his palms. The explosions almost drowned out the screaming from the escaping crowds.

commentary: In my opinion, this is the coolest scene I've ever written. I can just picture it all in my head, lightning from you, fire from Death, this ranks right up there with the big fight scene in "Revenge of Elmo."

"Kermie," Piggy turned to him. "It doesn't have to be like this! We can't let Uncle Deadly get hurt. He's our family! We have to stop this now!" She protested. "I love you Kermie, but I won't let you risk others just for me!"

commentary: I just have to say how completely out of character this is for Miss Piggy. But like it's been said so many times before, "Death changes you..." and even though she's not dead, she's been affected by Death, they all have.

Kermit turned to her. He nodded. He wrapped his arms around her. "I love you too Miss Piggy. And, I'll miss you." He kissed her cheek, and jumped off the balcony to the dance floor below.

"Yeah well same to you buddy!" Oscar yelled as he walked offstage.

"Oscar they're cheering for you!" Scooter told the grouch.

"I know! That's the problem! They're to cheerful!" Oscar moaned.

Scooter shook his head. "Electric Mayhem up next!" Scooter called into his earpiece.

The Mayhem took thier positions on stage. The cuirtain opened and they began to play.

"Alright! This one goes out to our good friend Kermit the Frog! Where ever he may be, we still miss him! And we want him to know it!" Floyd said into the microphone. "Hit it!"

The band played and sand.

commentary: Huge-mongus reference here, this whole song is a reference to Steven Lynch's song "Jim Henson's Dead." But I morphed it into "Kermit's Dead."

"Crazy Harry's explosions still sting," Dr. Teeth began.
"And Gonzo he still can't sing,"

"And Dr. Teeth still has an underbite!" Floyd sang.

"I represent that remark!" Dr. Teeth said.

"Yeah, but Pigs in Space still rule the sky," Floyd continued the song.
"And Oscar's still a grouchy guy!
And Animal is looking dynamite!"

"DYNA-MITE!" Animal said.

"Yeah Kermit may be dead and gone,
But us Muppets will go on,
And he is still hot,
Cause it's still not,
Easy bein' green!" The band harmonized.

"Well Bert is mad 'cause Ernie can't here.
With a banana in his ear." Janice sang.
"They must learn how to cooperate!"

"Well The Count is counting 1, 2, 3,
And no one laughs at poor Fozzie,
And Scooter's mad 'cause Rowlf is always late!" Dr. Teeth sang.

"Oh Kermit may be dead and gone,
But us Muppets will go on,
And he is still hot,
'Cause it's still not,
Easy bein'..." The band sang.

The Count came on stage. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12!"

"Now Miss Piggy's just a big slab of pork,
To The Swedish Chef who sings," Floyd sang.

The Swedish Chef walked on stage. "Mmm, bork, bork, bork!

"And Cookie Monster wants another bite!" Dr. Teeth sang.

"And Big Bird, well he just can't see,
Why the two old guys in the balcony think,
Snuffleupagus is out of sight!" Janice sang.

"Oh Kermit may be dead and gone,
But us Muppets will go on.
And he is still hot,
Cause it's still not,
Easy bein' green."

"Easy bein' green!" Dr. Teeth sang.

"EASY BEIN' GREEN! Ha ha ha!" Animal finished.

The crowd applauded loudly. All except Statler and Waldorf who sat in the balcony. "Well Waldorf, I geuss he's really gone." Statler sighed.

"Well, I guess there is a bright side to it though." Waldorf said.

"What's that?"

"Well, the show couldn't get any worse while he was still here! I guess it can't now either!"

"Do ho ho ho!"

commentary: Even when...oh never mind you know it already.

Death fired from his scythe. Barely missing Uncle Deadly. "Where's that aim you're famous for?" Uncle Deadly smirked.

UD: I guess I walked right into this next part didn't I?

"RIGHT HERE!" Death shouted. He fired a direct hit into Uncle Deadly's gut. It knocked him to the floor. Death walked up to him and put the base of his scythe in his gut. "NOW, IT IS OVER DEADLY."

Uncle Deadly panted. He turned his head and saw Gonzo, Fozzie, Traveling Matt, and Grover sit up. They all rubbed their heads. Robin ran over to them.

Suddenly, he felt a thump on the floor, he turned his head, and saw two green flippers on the floor next to him.

commentary: Wow that's cool! I love this story! Is that wrong?

UD: No, no I don't think it is...


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Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 18: A Deal With Death

Kermit stared into Death's hood. Although he couldn't see Death's eyes, he knew that Death was staring right back.

commentary: Alright Uncle D. we're finishing this tonight!

"I'm ready to go." Kermit told him.


"And he has some pig!" Piggy said as she walked up behind Kermit.

"And some bear!"

"And some Fraggle!"

"And one cute, adorable, blue monster!"

"And one frog!"

"And one whatever!"

The six Muppets tood beside Kermit. "And one deadly uncle." Uncle Deadly said from the floor.

commentary: Way to go Uncle D.!

UD: Thanks.

"That's right Death! You can take Kermit away, but you cannot hurt him!" Uncle Deadly told his boss. "For if you do, he has legions of frogs, and dogs, and birds, and bears, and chickens, and whatevers, that will take you down!" Death lost grip of his scythe. Uncle Deadly stood up. "Which is why, his family loves him so much. Because he'd stand up for them as well. That's why he's part of my family." Uncle Deadly told him. "Because I love him, and he protects me."

commentary: What a speech there. Usually that's Kermit's job.

The Muppets nodded. "And even if he dies, he's not really gone Death." Uncle Deadly continued. "He'll always be here with the children, and adults, and everything else that made his dream come true! He'll be in their hearts Death. And nothing you can do will change that."

Kermit held back a tear. "That's right. So go ahead, take me away, don't let me come back! But just remember, I won't really be gone." He said. "They won't forget me."

commentary: *blows nose* Wow Uncle D. That was great.

UD: Hey, you wrote it.

The Muppets agreed. Miss Piggy wiped her eyes.


Kermit nodded. He expected this. "I understand." Kermit looked at his feet.

"Kermit..." Fozzie sighed.

"We'll miss you old friend." Gonzo patted his back.

"Well froggy baby, I guess this is goodbye." Grover wiped his eyes with his cape.

"I always enjoyed your company Mr. Frog." Matt said.

Robin stood silent. Was his uncle really leaving? Again? Kermit bent down to Robin's height. "Robin?" He asked.

"Uncle Kermit?" Robin asked.

"Just remember, it's not easy bein' green." Kermit told him. "But, green can be big, and imprortant, and tall. And don't you ever forget it. Ok?"

Robin cried. "Ok Uncle Kermit. I won't." He hugged his uncle.

commentary: *blows nose* Robin...

"Good." He turned to Miss Piggy. "Piggy?"

"No mon capitan!" She said dramatically. "I won't say goodbye again. It was hard enough the first time, I won't do it..."

He stopped her. He kissed her lips then pulled away.

"Fozzie, Gonzo, Grover, Matt, Uncle Deadly." Kermit adressed them. "Take care of everyone ok? Tell them I miss them. And I always will."

He walked to Death. "Alright Death, let's go."


"Yes sir." Uncle Deadly agreed.

"Bye guys..." Kermit said his last words.

commentary: Bye Kermit...

Death erected a circle of black flames around them. And then, they dissapeared.

"Let us go." Uncle Deadly sighed.

The Muppets sulked back to the theater, they gained their frog, then lost him, then gained him again, then lost him again. It had been a long day.

Death and Kermit reappeared in a bright place. In fact, all Kermit could see was light. He looked around, nothing. Nothing but light. "Where are we?" Kermit asked.

"THAT IS SOMETHING YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGURE OUT FOR YOURSELF." Death said. He vanished in another circle of flames.

commentary: *jumps up and down* I love this part! And there's a huge deleted scene that would come in the next chapter!

Kermit wasn't surprised, Death worked in mysterious ways. He looked around. Nothing, still.

"Kermit?" A familiar voice asked.

Kermit turned around. He couldn't believe what he was looking at.

commentary: I know who it is!!

Gonzo, Fozzie, Matt, Grover, and Uncle Deadly walked through a rift in the atmosphere. Uncle Deadly walked over and turned off the Muppet Labs Dream Projectatron. Miss Piggy woke up instantly.

In a corner, Bunsen and Beaker were asleep on the couch.

"Guys." Fozzie sighed.

They woke up instantly. "Oh! Mr. Deadly! We were just um...watching with our eyes closed yes!" Bunsen told them.

"It's alright guys." Gonzo sighed.

"Where's Mr. Kermit?" Bunsen asked.

"Gone Dr. Honeydew." Fozzie explained. "Death took him away."

Scooter burst open the door. "Guys! Guys! You're back! And just in time!" Scooter said. "C'mon! We're all getting ready for the closing number!"

They all ran out, and took their positions, they waited, for the music to play, and their hearts to sing.

commentary: Sing little Muppet hearts sing!

UD: Quickly let's finish this and see what happens!


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Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 19: It Didn't End With A Bang, It Ended With A Song

Kermit stared directly into the face of Jim Henson. He opened and closed his mouth.

UD: Ahh, Jim. What a fine man. Don't actually know why he and Kermit were so close, and I don't really know why he was so important to us Muppets either...

"Hello Kermit." Mr. Henson said.

"Jim?" Kermit asked. "Is...is it really you?"

Jim nodded. "You don't know where you are do you?" He asked.

Kermit shook his head. "But now that I see you, I think I have an idea." He said.

commentary: Right here is where a deleted scene would be. I'll post it and others after we're finished with commentary.

"Well what are you standing around for?" Jim asked him. "Let's go."

Kermit stared. "Go? Where?"

commentary: Oh!!!! Oh my goodness!!!!! I didn't know how cool this part was when I was writing it!

Jim smiled. "I think you'll like it."

"Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
And what's on the other side?" Miss Piggy sang as the curtains opened.

"Rainbows are visions but only illusions,
And rainbow's have nothing to hide." Fozzie continued.

"So we've been told and some choose to believe it,
I know their wrong wait and see." Gonzo sang.

"Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me!" All of the Muppets sang.

commentary: And me!

"But Jim," Kermit said. "Where are we going."

Jim turned around in his long white cloak. "Be patient Kermit, we're almost there."

UD: Where are they going?

commentary: Oh you'll find out...

"But...Alright, let's keep going." Kermit agreed.

"Who said that every wish," Scooter sang.

"Would be heard and answered?" Rowlf continued.

"When wished on the morning stars," Clifford sang.

"Somebody thought of that," Floyd and Janice harmonized.

"And someone believed it," Dr. Teeth continued.

"And look what it's done so far!" The Fraggles sang together.

"What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing?" Rizzo and Pepe sang.

"And what do we think we might see?" Ernie and Bert continued.

"Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me!"

commentary: Gosh that song is good.

"Ready Kermit?" Jim asked.

"Ready Jim."

"Alright, come on, help me push." Jim and Kermit pushed open two huge doors, multicolored light flooded them.

commentary: Oh!!!

"All of us under it's spell," Big Bird sang.

"We know that it's probably magic!" Uncle Deadly continued.

UD: There I am. And yes, a lovely song.

"Jim! What's going on?" Kermit yelled.

"We've found it Kermit! We've finally found it!" Jim laughed. "I needed you to do it Kermit, but we've done it!"

UD: Done what?!

"Have you been half asleep?" Grover sang.

"And have you heard voices?" Sam Eagle projected.

"I've heard them calling my name!" Beauregard continued.

commentary: REFERENCE!!! To Muppet Central Beauregard's fan-fic "And What's on the Other Side?"

"Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?" Sweetums sang.

"The voice might be one in the same." Oscar sang with Marjorie the Trash Heap, Philo, and Gunge.

"We've heard it to many times to ignore it." Johnny and Sal sang.

"It's something that we're s'possed to be." Everyone sang.

"Jim? What is it?" Kermit asked as he and Jim walked into the doors. The room was one big rainbow, and in the middle an opening.

"The Rainbow Connection Kermit." Jim said blankly. "We've found it." He smiled. "The lovers," he smiled at Kermit, "the dreamers," the Muppets appeared in the opening. "And me."

Kermit smiled. It was true, they'd found it. The lovers, the dreamers, and him. He hugged Jim. "Thank you Jim." Kermit said. "For everything."

commentary: Yes Jim, for everything.

"Someday we'll find it." Robin sang.
"The Rainbow Connection."

"The lovers, the dreamers, and..." They held the note.

Bunsen flipped on the Memory Projectatron, Kermit was projected onto the stage curtain. He waved at everyone.

"Him..." The Muppets sang the last line. Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie, Scooter, Rowlf, Clifford, Sam Eagle, The Electric Mayhem, The Fraggles, Ernie and Bert, Grover, Oscar, Pepe, Rizzo, Oscar, The Trash Heap, her rats, Uncle Deadly, Big Bird, Snuffy, Elmo, Zoe, Rosita, Johnny, Sal, Crazy Harry, Lew Zealand, The Swedish Chef, Cookie Monster, Herry Monster, and Robin.

They all still cared for Kermit.

"And they always will Danny L." The Boss said turning off the television screen.

commentary: Well I guess we're back with Daniel and The Boss now.

"But boss, they were so sad, but then the song-" Daniel tried to protest.

"The song brought them back together." The Boss said. "You saw what happened, Kermit and Jim found the Rainbow Connection, and them finding it caused it to react, making the Muppets remember, that Kermit loved them, and he will always be in their hearts."

"So all your saying," Daniel began. "Is that all they had to do was connect some rainbows?"

"No, Danny L. not at all." The Boss shook her head. "All they had to do, was find the Rainbow Connection. Entirely different."

"So you're saying, that all along the Rainbow Connection was all they needed to be happy?"

"In a nutshell yes." The Boss said. "But, also no." She grinned. "Think about it Danny L." She stood up. "Just think about it." She looked at her watch. "Well, Spongebob's coming up next, nice talking to you Danny L." She pushed him out of her office.

commentary: Women are so confusing...

"But Boss I-" She slammed the large black door on his face.

"Well, that's that Mr. Henson. Does it answer your question?" She asked the man who suddenly appeared on the couch.

"Yes Boss, it certainly does." He smiled.

commentary: JIM!!

"Good, now move over, you're in my seat!"

Kermit scribbled on a clipboard. "Pigs in Space up next!" He called into the intercom.

Link Hogthrob and Dr. Julius Strangepork walked behind him. Miss Piggy followed them closely.

But she stopped. Right behind Kermit. She stared at him. "Kermie?" She asked.

"Yes Piggy?" Kermit didn't look at her.

"I love you." She ran up and kissed him on the cheek. "And I always will!" She ran onstage.

Kermit scrunched up his face. "Sheesh, doesn't she think I know that already?"

UD: That was back in the real world correct?

commentary: Yep.

Someday we'll find it...
The Rainbow Connection...
The lovers, the dreamers, and me...

commentary: Well there you have it folks, my story "We Know That It's Probably Magic" my favorite so far. I hope you all loved it! And look forward to some deleted scenes soon! Bye! Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Lisa!! You forgot to read the commentary! I know you're here and that you can here me! Come out come out wherever you are! :wink:

But seriously, and now, the first of I don't know how many deleted scenes. This first one features Kermit's sister Maggie a ginourmous reference to Lisa's latest fan-fic "Swamp Call" and now the scene...


"Does anybody have any good ideas?" Sweetums asked.

"I think I do," a female frog said as she walked backstage into the madness, but when she appeared, all of the Muppets hushed.

"Maggie?" Scooter asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Well hey, Mit was my brother, I think I should contribute a little bit to his show," she told the others.

"Well babe, whadaya got for us?" Clifford asked.

Maggie pushed her hair out of her face. "Well," she began. "I've got stories, pictures, art, clothes, music, you name it, I've probably got it," she smiled.

"Hmm," Scooter thought. "What do you think Piggy?"

"Moi thinks that whatever Maggie would like to contribute she may," she smiled.

"What are we gonna do with all that stuff?" Rowlf asked.

"Me could eat it!" Cookie Monster exclaimed.

"Or, we could just make a sorta um...what's the word," Maggie thought. "A shrine! Yeah, we could make a shrine for Mit."

"Heh heh, yeah we could set it up right outside in the lobby," Floyd said. "Then everybody could get a picture of what Kermit meant to his family."

"Like what a groovy idea babe," Janice said.

"That's a great idea!" Scooter scribbled on the paper.

"Well," Maggie said. "Glad I could help. But if you don't mind I've gotta get mom home she's got a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"Aight Mags catch ya later," Clifford waved.

"Bye bye Maggie," Miss Piggy hugged her. "And thank you."

"No problem Miss Piggy," she waved. "Bye." She walked out.

"Well, anything else?" Scooter asked everyone. They all began talking again. "I should've seen that coming." Scooter sighed.

Robin looked from side to side as the Muppets argued. Rowlf stood next to him. He whispered something into his ear.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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theprawncracker said:
Lisa!! You forgot to read the commentary!
Me? Forget to read commentary? Ha! That's a laugh. In case you didn't notice, I haven't been here. Yesterday I did read this WONDERFUL commentary, but due to a pressing English speech, I made a grand total of two posts, and acknowledging commentary that you know I love wasn't top priority. (You lost to acknowledging the existence of Beth's story, sorry.) And the day before was painful- I wasn't on Muppet Central AT ALL! <shudder>

theprawncracker said:
But seriously, and now, the first of I don't know how many deleted scenes. This first one features Kermit's sister Maggie a ginourmous reference to Lisa's latest fan-fic "Swamp Call" and now the scene...

theprawncracker said:
"Well hey, Mit was my brother, I think I should contribute a little bit to his show," she told the others.
You tell 'em, Mags. Mit's got a biological family, too.

theprawncracker said:
"Well babe, whadaya got for us?" Clifford asked.
To put it simply: I applaud. Emphasizing applause for the word "babe."

theprawncracker said:
Maggie pushed her hair out of her face.
Ok. This is my only, only, ONLY complaint. Well not really a complaint, just a... a point? Mm. A comment. Yes, a comment. I hadn't originally intended for Maggie to have hair. She is, after all, a frog. But now that you mention it, I've sort of been imagining her with hair, so... yeah. I guess I'm saying... I don't know what I'm saying. I think I'm just taking up post space. I'll stop now. Feel free to completely disregard this comment.

theprawncracker said:
"Me could eat it!" Cookie Monster exclaimed.
<headslap> Great idea, Cookie. Er, um...

theprawncracker said:
"Or, we could just make a sorta um...what's the word," Maggie thought. "A shrine! Yeah, we could make a shrine for Mit."
Can I just say... Yeah. That sounds like Maggie. At least, it sounds like Maggie would sound if Mit had just died. Which of course, is the exact situation here, so... I'll stop rambling.

theprawncracker said:
"Well," Maggie said. "Glad I could help. But if you don't mind I've gotta get mom home she's got a doctor's appointment tomorrow."
OHHHHHHH! Dang you, prawncracker, you're stabbing me right in the heart with MY OWN CHARACTER! Totally didn't see that coming...

theprawncracker said:
"Bye bye Maggie," Miss Piggy hugged her. "And thank you."
OOH! I didn't see that hug the first time I read it! Ok, so you know how you just stabbed me? Now you're twisting the knife! Considering Maggie and Miss Piggy's relationship thus far in Swamp Call, that's just so..... OY!

And so, in conclusion: As I've found is the case with many deleted scenes, I think this deserved to be in the story.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Originally Posted by Lisa
Me? Forget to read commentary? Ha! That's a laugh. In case you didn't notice, I haven't been here. Yesterday I did read this WONDERFUL commentary, but due to a pressing English speech, I made a grand total of two posts, and acknowledging commentary that you know I love wasn't top priority. (You lost to acknowledging the existence of Beth's story, sorry.) And the day before was painful- I wasn't on Muppet Central AT ALL! <shudder>
Wow, I feel important!

And I'm not muffining Ryan. I love the deleted scene. It's really nice. And I have been reading the commentary. I just haven't commented on the commentary. Er..yeah...now I'm confused..um..exit, stage right.