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Fan Fic - And what is on the other side...?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Alright, count, I'll throw myself over there...
<throws something>

That was a penguin named "Myself". :zany:

So, if I understood right, my sentence is to finish Destination: Home whenever I feel like it? Ok. But I still don't know what I'm being charged for. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and get arrested for cruelty to penguins.

And Beau, I'm holding you to that promise. I will not post tomorrow's chapter of "Destination: Home" until I see that you have posted more of "And What Is On The Other Side". So, do we have a deal?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Whips out tennis racket and bounces penguin back to Lisa.
Baliff: 15-Love!

And the charge is... Crazy Harry, hand her the fuses she'll be charged with.
Crazy Harry: Did someone say charge? Haaaaaa-haaaa.
There, that should be enough charge. Now, like I said to the piece of toast, I find your story delicious. Your sentence, sandwiches!
*Baliff takes lisa to sand which is 'ere till she finishes pouting and agrees to continue her story.

And as for you Bo... We're inclined to be lenient on you, for your charity to the court, but you must produce sufficient evidence whence we reconvene upon the morrow.
OK guys, break out the pens and get a-writting!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I wanted to do more...but MC's been down, sooooooo...


He stepped onto the first stair of the throne set, the cold stone work chilling the sole of his foot.

He stepped forward and knelt, face to the ground, eyes lowered, studying the floor. There was no dust, everything was the cleanest he’s seen it. The rainbow was reflected in the polished floor. A hand touched his shoulder.

His hand touched the mahogany banister. There was dust there now. The room was not used as often as before. He looked up.

He looked up, lifted his eyes. Yes, he detected the hint of a smile, proud, loving, in his father’s face. “My son. From this day you shall be Beauhoth Tinglroth keeper of the sacred wooden hearts and leader of Raenbu.” And his father’s arms reached out in an embrace.

He stood before the throne, turned, looked out across the throne-room. There were people there he did not at first recognise. Outsiders, strangers, but that did not matter now. He raised his hands.

He raised his face, looked out into the rainbow. His father was beside him, his father was glad. Beauhoth turned back to his father once more. “You must come,” his father said. “There is much yet to know.”

Beauhoth stepped backwards. The heels of his feet touched the bottom of the throne, his hands rested on the arms. He sat, back straight, head high. His finger moved to the indention of the button.

His finger stroked the gupta-wooden heart, with it’s symbols, and rainbows, and etchings. Their were five. The Heart of Love, blood red cut from the center wood, deep inside where no pestilence or plague could have affected it, from the hard heart of the tree love was carved. The Heart of Life was made of new shoots, woven together into a heart, life is more than one it is all. The Heart of the Head was stamped from the cork pulp of the tree, softer than the others, malleable. The Heart of the Rainbow was carved from the bark, a splash of colour beside its companions. The Heart of Time was missing, it had been gone for decades, or more, or less, or forever, or never. No one knew, there was no time.

There was no time to lose, not that Beauhoth needed time. This was Reanbu. Time was an illusion. And so was power. Beauhoth’s pressed his finger onto the button. A sound of machinery started for the first time since forever. A crack, a screech.

The first crack in his reign came with the arrival of Miss Nancy. She was a scientist on a quest. She had stopped in their town from another village many miles beyond the main center of Reanbu. At first she’d been light hearted. She had joined parties, her purple stripped eyes sparkling with good hummer. She danced with Beauhoth many times, whirling with him around the dance floor, her yellow dress sweeping the floor, his cape matching pace. She spoke with him long into the nights, as they walked arm in arm along the sparkling rivers of Reanbu. The Hearts, the sacred wooden hearts were her main topic. Where were they? What did they look like? Had he touched them, held them, were they real? They certainly were. Could she see them? No. Never.

Never had the walls taken so long to part. From his position on the throne, Beauhoth watched in almost child-like fascination as the crack appeared where it always had, running down the centre of the opposite wall. He saw the creatures scurrying away from the edge. The walls creaked apart slowly. Light started to pour into the throne room. The mirrors reflected around and around. The two whole walls swung back opening onto a panoramic view of Reanbu. Green grass, hut-like houses, blue sky, and towering above it all a full rainbow. But…it was crumbling…

It was crumbling. His kingdom crashing down. She wanted the Hearts, and what she wanted, she got. Everyone adored her, the entire kingdom thought she was a god, not literally, but almost. But she wanted more than that. She whispered of, “The ruler who keeps secrets from his kingdom.” “The man who treats ornaments above life.” And it was only a matter of waiting before the rumours grew and spread like a virus or a fungi spreading across the walls of castle, creeping across all and sundry. They were coming out to get rid of him.

They were coming out of their houses, squinting in the light. What is that? The castle is opening, the throne-room. And the throne was rising. The stairs folded in on themselves, and the throne rose. Who was…that wasn’t Miss Nancy. And she never gave proclamations from there. Had their ruler returned? Was the new day dawning? As one they came hurriedly towards the castle.

Beauhoth hurriedly fumbled with the Hearts. He smacked his hand against the panelled walls until one clicked, and pushed aside. He started shoving the Hearts into the inter chamber were they would be safe. Suddenly: “He’s here.” The snarling voice of Mrs Nancy. Her eyes flashing evilly, and two henchmen beside her. After that…black…”

Back. He was back. He stood to his feet, raised his hands to the rainbow. “My people!” he shouted, and his voice carried across the entire town. “I, Beauhoth Tingelroth, have returned. I will bring Reanbu back to prosperity, I will return the sacred hearts, I WILL SAVE THE RAINBOW!”


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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Wow! Beauregard is descended from royalty! Who'd've guessed?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK Bo... My tale's told, now the story has come full circle and it's your turn to update again.
Then again, not if the story I'm spinning has any legs to sustain any further additions. But feel free to post if you wish, guess I'll do the same then.

And I liked the flowing from past to present in your most recent addition, just try to keep it straight for those of us reading without our eyes.
Lookin' forward to whatever's next.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Now that I FINALLY got enough time to read it (I don't know how I got busy today) I love it!
And, of course, ever so predictably, I want more.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The Count said:
And I liked the flowing from past to present in your most recent addition, just try to keep it straight for those of us reading without our eyes.
Lookin' forward to whatever's next.
Sorry Count, that was a bit thoughtless. I'll try to keep in the present from, now on. :smile:

Now I'm off to read yours...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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No, don't misunderstand me Bo. The effortless transition between the party at Mrs. Nancy's mansion and the explanation of how things got so bad was very masterfully handled. It's just that when reading it myself, my screenreader reads it all together as one flowing paragraph. Would appreciate if there were just the teeniest distinction between both set of events to make sure I don't muddle it all in my mind. Other than that, the story as a whole is proceeding grandiosely and I'm looking forward to find out how it ends.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Once Miss Piggy had gathered her jaw from the floor where it had dropped in amazement, Beauregard from the floor who she had dropped in surprise, and Beautingleroth who had dropped into a crouch/bow, her eyes narrowed. "What does he think he is Do-ing!" She exclaimed.

"He is taking back his kingdom," Beautingleroth said. "He's getting it back for us."

"Us? Who is us?"

Beautingleroth waved a hand to indicate everyone gathering below them. "Us. Everyone."

Miss Piggy tossed her hair. "Does not this Us include his very own Grandson? Has he forgotten his child has fallen into a coma-like-slash-heavy state?"

"I thought the states were in the US of A."


Fozzie pushed forward. "That was funny."

"This isn't really the time for that type of humour. I've gotta speak to him." She handed off Beauregard to Fozzie and Scooter, and started forward. Beautingleroth grabbed her arm.

"You do not know what you are doing."

"I sure wanna know what he is doing."

"Don't," Beautingleroth hissed. "No one approaches the Ruler without express permission."

Piggy shouldered him off. "I will do whatever it takes, Old Man."

"Why? Why do you risk not only injury to yourself, but also risk destroying the power that is returning to our family? By introducing an unknown into the equasion."

Miss Piggy shot a glance at Scooter, then Fozzie. She looked at Beauregard's slumped form. "I'll do whatever it takes," she said.


From the height of the elevated throne, Beauhoth Tingleroth looked down on the people, his people. His fingers were tightly clenched against the armrest. He felt himself shouting....something about the rainbow. It was as if he was moving himself, and yet not moving. He was acting on instincts. He was doing what he had always done before...what he had dreamed of day and day and for all endless time in The End. And here he was, seated above them all....why?

"Alright buster. Give me your attention, or you're gunna wish you did."

Beauhoth searched for the location of the sound. He looked down, down the long Pillar of Strength to where an outsider stood. Did he recognise her?

"Guards!" What was he saying? "Guards!!!" But there were no guards...this was Miss Nancy's castle now. She'd sent them away to work on her secrets. "No...no guards. Who are you Outsider and why do you enter the Court of the Bow?"

"What?" The lady shouted. "What is this? I'm Miss Piggy, and you are outta your mind."

He was, of course he was. This was all wrong. "How dare you!"

"Ha! I Dare because I Care! Hi-Yaaaaah!" And the outside moved in a Karate chop, smashing her arm into the Pillar, chipping the stone work. It started to decend, fast. The walls of the castle began closing one more.

His fingers unpealed from the handrest. "Miss Piggy..." The throne came to a stop. "Miss Piggy I am very sorry. I do not know what came over me. Forgive me."

Miss Piggy's face was a picture, then, she frowned. "For-given," she said in a sulky voice. "Now can someone explain what just happened?"