I've just noticed that that wonderful mail order shop Anything Lefthanded, is currently asking members of it's lefthanders club to nominate a "Famous Lefthander of 2008".
They are asking people to choose to nominate High profile lefthanders who have achived greatness in their field in 2008 (so it has to be contemporary). They mention that these can include: Sportsmen, Celebrities, Politicians, and Scientists. So could one nominate a puppeteer? (Are their any current ones who are famous enough and have achived anything worthy of nomination in the last 7 months ?)
If anyone is interested take a look at http://www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk/
They are asking people to choose to nominate High profile lefthanders who have achived greatness in their field in 2008 (so it has to be contemporary). They mention that these can include: Sportsmen, Celebrities, Politicians, and Scientists. So could one nominate a puppeteer? (Are their any current ones who are famous enough and have achived anything worthy of nomination in the last 7 months ?)
If anyone is interested take a look at http://www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk/