Marty Robinson & Pam Arciero are naturally left handed....but had to train right handed as not to be a "problem"
Oh interesting, I'd read/heard about Marty Robinson, but didn't know that applied to Pam Arciero as well.
Havign a look at earlier threads on the subject as well as this one, lets try and start some proper lists:
Lefthanded but puppeteers righthanded:
Pam ArieroMarty Robinson
Righthanded but puppeteers usually lefthanded (therefore an honoury leftie):
Terry AngusRichard Coombes
Lefthanded and puppeteers lefthanded:
Louise Gold
Mike Quinn
Miscellaneous inconclusive and uncertanties (that come up in these threads:
Anthony Asbury - Someone said a few years back on an internet discussion that he might be ambidextrous, since they saw some footage of him puppeteering that looked as if it was puppeteered left-handed. But there is also definite footage of him puppeteering right-handed. So we don't know.
Dave Goelz - Puppeteers right-handed. Some unconfirmed rumours that he may write left-handed. But no one here seems to know.
Jerry Nelson - Right-handed, but for a couple for years there was a period when an injury to his right shoulder forced him to puppeteer with his left hand, he never liked it, and as soon as he was able to do so switched back.
Rumours and mistakes
Fran Brill - Right-handed, the picture in JH The Works was flipped.
Jim Henson - Not left-handed, there was a myth that he was, but he wasn't. There is a lot of film footage that clearly shows him puppeteering right-handed, and some film footage showing him writing or drawing with his right hand.