Chapter Sixteen- Battle Of the Marios Pt. 2
The Muppets slowly backed away, until...
Piggy was captured, which only startled Kermit.
"Piggy! Let her go! I thought Luigi was a good guy!"
"Luigi is... But Mr. L isn't." Jaz explained.
"Who's Mr. L?" Asked Gonzo, clutching Camilla in his arms.
"Luigi." Jaz answered.
"I thought Luigi was good." Fozzie said, smirking, at how any interest Jaz may have had in Luigi, probably dissapeared.
"He is." Jaz confirmed.
"What...?" Mo asked, really confused.
"Luigi is Mr. L, Mr. L is Luigi! In Super Paper Mario, Count Bleck's servant, Nastasia, used her hypnosis beam to turn Luigi into Mr. L, who is quite cocky. Luigi doesn't mean what he's saying. It's like he's a totally different person now..." Jaz explained. "However... I have no idea how the rest of them are big jerks like him, but they do appear to be wearing Mr. L type outfits... And if Nastasia is the only one with the hypnosis tool..."
While Jaz was thinking, Bowser appeared with All of Count Bleck's former servants in a cage. Bowser also had Nastasia's hypnosis tool.
"Uh oh. Everyone run!"
The Muppets split into different parts of the house, hoping to not be captured by The Marios.
Kermit ran into Miss Piggy's room, hoping to find a martial arts tool somewhere. Luckily for him, Piggy's room was surprisingly clean and orderly. Kermit searched her closet first. Dresses. Then her other closet. Shoes. Then her dresser. Lingerie. Kermit blushed, until he saw a pair of nunchucks witihin the dresser. "Bingo." He said to himself. He found them just in time. Mario, under the influence of hypnosis, was ready to attack.
"N-Now, just wait a second you, I-I've got a pair of nunchucks, and I'm not afraid to use them!" Kermit began to swing the nunchucks wildly, and before Mario had a chance to be frightened, Kermit clunked himself in the head with the nunchucks. Mario then used hypnosis, to put Kermit under Bowser's control. "All Hail Lord Bowser." Kermit said, brainwashed.
Jaz ran into the basement with Beaker, while Bunsen seemed to have run elsewhere.
"Beaker, do you have a place you hide when something has a chance of exploding?" Jaz asked.
"Mee Mee Mo."
"What do you mean, no?"
It was a little too late as Daisy entered the room.
Beaker's instinct was to panic, Jaz's was to stay utterly and completely still. Beaker ran into the teleporter, and just like that, he was gone. Before Jaz had a chance to do the same, she was hypnotized by Mario and Kermit, who had just joined Daisy. Now the hypnotized group had to meet up with the others.
Mo got hypnotized too.

Gonzo had led Camilla into his room, for he had a plan to her and himself from hypnosis. Gonzo had put a helmet on Camilla's head, and loaded her into a cannon he had pointed outside. Camilla figured he knew what he was doing... He does this kind of thing everyday.... Right?
"Alright Camilla, this won't hurt... Too much."
And now Camilla was worried.
Gonzo lit the cannon in the nick of time for Camilla to escape. However, It was much too late for Gonzo. The hypnotizing group of Muppets and Marios had gotten Gonzo to join their evil guild. At least Camilla managed to get away.
Fozzie was running out of places to hide. They had all split in seperate directions, and he had to choose the side with the living room, kitchen, and backyard. "THAT'S IT!" Fozzie yelled. Fozzie ran outside to the backyard, where there was plenty of open space. He decided to jump the fence. However, like every other time... The Hypno-Guild made an appearance. "End of the line Fozzie..." Kermit said.
"K-Kermit? J-Jaz? G-Gonzo?" Fozzie stuttered, thinking his eyes were deceiving him. His girlfriend, and his two best friends were up against him. Now that hurts.
Before Mario even tried to hypnotize him, Luigi stopped him, and slowly emerged out of the crowd of hypnotized good guys. "Well, well, well, if it isn't The girlfriend stealer."
Fozzie wasn't sure if he should be terrified or infuriated. He was worried about what would become of him, but he was... Mad... And yes, Fozzie was a pretty easy-going guy, but it's not his fault Jaz likes him better.
"Looks like the end of the line... Any last words?"
Fozzie took a brief look around, and he spotted Honeydew, and Beaker. They both signaled a thumbs up, as they're hands remained occupied with some kind of machine.
"Uh, as a matter of fact, I do. Take it away guys!"
As soon as the words came from Fozzie's mouth, Bunsen
and Beaker pressed a few buttons on their mechanical doo dad, and everyone was back to normal! Fozzie wiped a small bead of sweat from his forehead, and smiled.
"Wha-? What happened?" Jaz asked.
Fozzie ran and gave her a hug, causing her to blush.
Kermit gave one of his signature half smiles, and laid a hand of one of Fozzie's shoulders.
"Looks like you had an episode." Kermit chuckled.
Fozzie released Jaz, and smiled.
Jaz looked at Fozzie adoringly, her eyes asking for answers.
Fozzie blushed, with a knowing smile.
"Oh, right. So, uh... You guys were hypnotized... All of you."
"Miss Piggy too?" Mo asked.
Fozzie shook his head.
"Then where is she?" Kermit asked.
Fozzie shrugged, but then remembered.
"She got kiddnapped by Bowser! She was caged by Bowser and the Marios!"
All eyes directed attention to Luigi, and no one else.
"What?" Luigi asked.
Jaz placed a hand on his cheek, and looked into his eyes. (Guess who was jealous.)
"Luigi... Can I ask you something?"
"Anything." Luigi sighed dreamily.
"Do you still like me?"
Luigi only blushed. How did she know? Did someone tell her? Was it Mario? Daisy? Whoever told is at the top of his list. (And the only one on the list for that matter.)
"How did you know?"
"C'mon Weegee, I see the way you look at me, and Fozzie always looks at you with angry faces. You still like me, and Fozzie's jealous about it, because he thinks that I prefer you over him... And Fozzie, I prefer you."
Fozzie's melachony face changed in the blink of an eye. But... How did she...
"And Fozzie, before you ask me how I know what you think, let's just say, your best friend reads you pretty well."
Of course... It was the frog.
Kermit started to whistle, with a slight, "no hard feelings" smile. Fozzie only moved his eyes to meet Kermit's face, but he still smiled. C'mon, can he really stay mad at him?
"Jaz, I've tried moving on, but face it, it sucks to be Weegee. You're one of the only people who actually still appreciates me. Please take me back, no one else likes m-"
"OPEN YOUR EYES!" Jaz interupted. "Daisy practically LOVES you! You're so stuck in me, that you can't even see Daisy!" Jaz yelled.
Luigi met eyes with Daisy's, and suddenly, everything made sense to him. THAT'S why she's only extremely mean when she's around HIM! It makes perfect sense! That's her way of saying she likes him!
"You women have a wierd way of expressing yourselves." Luigi said.
"Tell me about it." Fozzie and Kermit agreed, adding a chuckle. However, on that note, Kermit remembered what they were doing before this mess.
"Let's go save Piggy... If she hasn't already saved herself."
Just as everyone began to enter the house, the whole house turned into... A Legend of Zelda level...?
"See, now that makes no sense. You'd think, it'd be a Mario level or something!" Mo said.
"Oh well. CUE THE WIERD MONTAGE!" Jaz yelled.
"How do you do a montage for Zelda?"
"The Brentalfloss way." Jaz then put on a fake beard, and quickly dressed Kermit in a hero's tunic.
{Stuff from the montage with appear like this}
I'm an old man, and this cave is my home, take this it's dangerous to go alone!
Jaz shoved Kermit into the house with a sword that she somehow had, and the montage was about to officially begin.
Now journey, across a spooky laaaand, you hold in your haaaaand, a sword that shoots laser beams!
{Kermit is seen shooting lasers at some koopas}
{Kermit is compared to peterpan}
On a quest greater thaaaan, your dreams, than your dreams, than your dreams, fleemy geemy deemy...
Go Kerm, travel here to over there, you'll find Bowser's lair, C'mon it's your destiny! Trust the hero inside, but if you're terrified, purchase the strategy guide,
{Jaz pops in, and gives Kermit the strategy guide}
from me. Forty dollars, also tax, HERE YA GO NOW!!!
Piggy, is Hopeless and distraught,
{A vision of Piggy sitting miserably in a cage is shown}
but mostly she's hot,
{Piggy batts her eyes flirtatiously}
sooooo hurry! Just steady thy course, go find that triforce, and take it by force, and maybe she'll touch, your lips, with her lips, with her lips, lippy dippy chippy.
Go Kerm, go and save her, seek out Bowser,
go invade his barricade,
{Kermit enters his room, finding Bowser}
swing your blade,
{Kermit strikes Bowser with his sword.}
and save the maid,
{Kermit frees Piggy from her cage}
and you just might get.... PAID!
{Kermit finds a bag of gold coins}
"Kermie!" Piggy squealed. (More unwanted Pig puns!)
Piggy embraced Kermit in a VERY tight hug...
"Uh, Piggy... You're squeezing the guts outta me..." Kermit said, trying to manage breathing in his current situation.
"OH! Sorry Mon Capitaine!" Piggy immediately released him, and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, causing him to blush wildly.
Jaz, Fozzie, and Mo ran in, seeing the house become normal, and flooded with Muppets as usual.
"So everything's back to normal?" Fozzie asked, gripping Jaz's hand.
Kermit nodded, as Piggy dragged him by one hand, and led him outside.
"It must be nice to be in love..." Mo sighed.
"What about Grover?"
"I need to talk to him, I haven't talked to him in forever..."
Jaz smiled, and led her up to her room, where she was going to let Mo use her phone.
What a reunion it has been so far...