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Family Reunion

Yuna Leonhart

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Aw, good thing Miss Piggy and her mom had a talk and had reached an understanding. Hopefully she will be a better mom to Miss Piggy from now on :smile:


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Chapter 6- Moopets and More
Having settled the few problems they were having, the Muppets decided to rest. It was a long day for all of them. Jaz and Jay crashed in the living room. Jaz was wearing her Fozzie bear pajamas, and Jay was wearing her Animal ones. Hm, cousins act like sisters.
"Jaz?" Jay whispered.
Jaz's eyes flickered open. "Hm?"
"So... I wanted to ask you something."
"So... I'm engaged..."
"You're engaged? Why didn't you tell anybody?"
"Well, it's just that... That makes him family right?"
"Yeah! Why didn't you bring him?"
"Well, It's just that he has four family members he doesn't go anywhere without." Jay chuckled nervously.
Jaz paused. "Well... Tell you what. You call them over here, and if Kermit has a problem with it, then I'll deal with it!"
"R-Really? Now?"
"If you want to."
"Thanks Jaz! Thank you so much! I'm going to call him now!"
Jay leaped up from the couch, and ran to the house phone. Jaz stared at her in amusement, as she ran like a maniac. After making the call, Jay ran to the couch, to rest.
"I can't wait til tomorrow." Jay whispered.
The next day, Jaz woke up, startled by the knock at the door. Jay however, was very well rested. If there was any difference between Jaz and Jay, it was that Jay was a morning person, and Jaz was not. Jay ran up to the door and opened it. "Hi Sweetheart!" Jay greeted.
Jaz rubbed her eyes, and looked at the door, mouth agape. It was Foozie! Fozzie's imposter! And Poogy! And Kermoot, and Roowlf! And Janooce! This had to be a nightmare!!!
Jaz immediately ran upstairs to Fozzie's room. Fozzie was fast asleep, and snuggling his teddy bear. Jaz shook him awake. "Fozzie?"
"Hm?" Fozzie yawned.
"The Moopets are back!"
"T-The M-Moopets?"
Jaz nodded. Fozzie fainted. "Hey!!!" Jaz yelled. Fozzie was still knocked out. Jaz smiled and walked calmly out of Fozzie's room. After walking out, she scrambled into Kermit's room, and shook him awake. "Kermit, the Moopets are back!" Jaz yelled. Kermit sprung up. "What?!" He exclaimed.
5 minutes later -Kermit's office
"Okay, we've got to do something about this." Kermit said.
"But what can we do Mon Capitaine? It's Jay's family, so it's also Jaz's family. And you said it yourself, no matter what happens, no matter what obstacles we face, we never forget one of our own!" Miss Piggy recited.
"I know... But... The Moopets are evil! All they do is cause trouble!" Kermit directed his attention to Jaz. "I'm sorry Jaz, but you have to tell Jay that the Moopets have to go."
Jaz nodded. "You got it. This is all my fault anyway."
Fozzie rubbed Jaz's back. "I'll help you." He said.
Jaz and Fozzie approached Jay.
Jaz cleared her throat. "J-Jay? I'm really sorry about this but-"
"Oh Jaz! Thank you so much for letting me bring my Foozie! It really means a lot to me! Thank you so much!!!" Jay exclaimed. "So, Jaz, What did you want to tell me?" Jay asked. Jaz looked her over. She was confused as to what to tell her. She had to talk to her conscience on this one. "Excuse me for a sec." Jaz excused herself to a corner, where no one would pay attention to her. All of a sudden, a small angel, looking like Kermit with a halo and wings appeared on Jaz's right shoulder, and on her left one, was a small devil, looking like Miss Piggy with a red cocktail dress, matching heels and gloves, and instead of ears, she had horns. "What am I going to do, you guys?" Jaz asked her consciences.
"It's an easy desicion. Tell her like it is!" The bad conscience said.
"Now Now, Piggy, it may seem like the right thing to do, but Jaz shouldn't hurt her cousin's feelings. She seems happy." The good conscience told the bad one.
"Yeah, but her friends told her to tell them to get outta here!"
"I know, but Jaz doesn't want to be rude. Jaz, just go with it. Who knows? The Moopets could've changed!"
"They're Moopets! They don't change!"
"Well, you don't know that. Jaz, just do what you think is right. Bye!" The good conscience flew away, and faded as he got higher.
"Ciao!" The bad conscience burst in to flames, and was immediately out of sight.
"Sheesh..." Jaz mumbled to herself.
Jaz walked back over to Jay and Fozzie.
"I just wanted to say that... I... I'm glad you're happy..." Jaz lied. Jaz walked away as Fozzie followed.
"You couldn't do it, could you?" Fozzie asked.
"She was just so happy, and I couldn't ruin that! I just have to tell someone else to do it... Or... I can tell one of the Moopets to le-"
"NO!" Fozzie interupted. "I do not want you to die today!"
That made Jaz giggle a little. "I won't die, I promise!"
At that moment, Miss Poogy walked up to them.
"Fozzie, who's this?" She(?) asked.
"Um, this is Jaz... She um... She's my-"
"You're galfriend?"
Fozzie nodded, while also blushing.
"Um, why do you ask?" Jaz asked.
"Because you're the target for da Moopets, and now that I've found ya, I'm gonna KILL ya!" Poogy pulled out a knife.
"You wanna give the dying thing a second thought?"
Fozzie asked. Jaz was already gone, and running.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Later that day, at about lunch time, Kermit and Robin were helping Miss Piggy make lunch in the kitchen.
"Ok, Robin sweetie, you make the PBJ's, and Kermie, you make the turkey sandwiches. I'll make the grilled cheese." Miss Piggy smiled.
"What about the shoe fly pie?" Robin asked.
"Your uncle can make that for you dear. Moi refuses to touch the ingredients..." Piggy cringed.
Kermit laughed. "It's times like this, when it seems like nothing can go wrong." Kermit smiled. At that moment, Jaz ran into the kitchen. "Poogy's tryin' to kill me!!" She yelled.
"Looks like vous spoke too soon, Mon Capitaine." Miss Piggy sighed. "I thought you were supposed to tell those Moopets to leave!" Kermit yelled. "You do it, my life's at risk right now!" Jaz yelled. "Alright, Alright, you're right. I'll do it."
5 minutes later
Kermit entered the kitchen in cuts and bruises.
"Yeah, this is going to be harder than I thought..." Kermit whined.

Why does Poogy want to kill Jaz?
How will this problem be solved?
Why was Piggy's part so small?
Why am I asking you all these questions?



Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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And this is Jay if your wondering what she looks like.

Yuna Leonhart

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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She looks great.
Oh, and I liked that chapter. Nice of you to bring back the Moopets. I'm excited to see how everything will turn out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Shout out to my buddy Mo!

Chapter 7- Mo' Chaos
It was lunchime, yet again. And the good thing about that is, is that Jaz would be safe from Miss Poogy in the kitchen. She just can't get out of there, until The Moopets clear out of the living room. In the kitchen with her of course, was Fozzie.
"Jaz, I'm really sorry that this is happening to you." Fozzie said. "Well, it isn't your fault, so don't worry about it." Jaz sighed. "I just wish I knew WHY you were the target for the Moopets." Fozzie frowned. Jaz shook her head, because she of course, didn't know either. I mean, Jaz is a goody two-shoes. What could she have done to upset them? At that moment, there was a knock at the door. "Be right back." Fozzie left to go answer the door. He hoped it was the pizza guy. He was getting hungry. When he opened the door, his jaw dropped. "Mo?" He asked.
"Fozzie! How've ya been bro?" Mo asked.
"Um, I've been fine! I just can't believe you made it! Come on, there's someone I want you to meet." Fozzie dragged Mo to the kitchen. "Jaz! Jaz, I want you to meet someone. This is my sister Mikayla, but we call her Mo. Mo, this is Jaz... my um... girlfriend." Fozzie blushed.
Jaz and Mo shook hands.
"Nice to meet you Jaz. Fozzie talks about you all the time!"
Jaz and Fozzie both blushed.
"Anyway, what are you doing out here? The party's in the living room!"
"N-No, I can't go out there. It's death!" Jaz stuttered.
"Uh, ya see Mo, the Moopets are after Jaz, and we don't know why." Fozzie explained.
"Why'd you let the Moopets in anyway?" Mo asked.
"Foozie is Jaz's cousin's fiance."
"Well... That stinks. Tell you what, I'll go undercover for you. I'll find out why they wanna kill you. Ok?" Mo smiled.
"Oh, wow, you'd do that?" Jaz asked.
"Of course! I mean, I pretty sure we'll be family soon." Mo giggled. "Mo!" Fozzie blushed.
"Anyway, I'll go, you guys stay here!" Mo scurried out of the kitchen, leaving Jaz and Fozzie alone.
"Well... She says stay here, but I really don't have much of a choice, do I?" Jaz asked.
Fozzie smiled and shook his head.
In the living room, Mo closely examined Miss Poogy. She was sitting on the couch, sharpening knifes. Mo sat on the opposite couch. "So... You're Miss Poogy?" Mo asked.
"Yeah, what's it to ya?" Poogy asked, not taking her eyes off her knifes. Mo cleared her throat.
"Um... Well... I heard you were a Moopet, and I've always wanted to be one. Could you give me some pointers?"
Poogy paused. "What...? Why the heck do you wanna be a Moopet?" Miss Poogy asked.
"Well, I hate that I'm being labeled a Muppet, just because I'm Fozzie's sister. I hate Muppets. I wanna be a Moopet." Mo lied. "Ok, well what do you wanna know?" Poogy asked.
"Well, rumor is, is that you're after Jaz. Why? Is she like, the key to destroying the Muppets or something?" Mo asked.
"Th-That's none of ya business!" Poogy stuttered.
"You seem a bit defensive about this." Mo smirked.
"Look, see this? This is a knife. You keep pressin' me about this, Imma stab ya with it." Poogy threatened.
"Oh, Poogy please? Can you just leak some info about it? For your biggest fan? Please?" Mo begged.
Poogy rolled her eyes. "Fine kid. None of the other Moopets are in on this. Only me. The whole thing is a secret from the rest of the gang, 'cause I don't want them askin' questions. I chose Jaz as a target, 'cause I couldn't choose Jay. The rest is somethin' you can't be trusted with, so scram!" Poogy yelled. Mo nodded, and ran to the kitchen.
"How'd it go?" Jaz asked.
"I got some info, but she wouldn't leak the whole thing. She said, you're a target, because she wasn't able to choose Jay." Mo explained. "Well, what's that tell us?" Jaz asked.
"I don't know. But I'm assuming, that she can't choose Jay, because then Jay would tell Foozie, and the gang would start asking questions." Mo explained.
"What, the other Moopets don't know about this?" Fozzie asked. "Nope. This is all Poogy's idea. But maybe I can make a deal with her, and get on her good side to get more information on the subject." Mo smiled.
"Poogy has a good side?" Fozzie asked.
Jaz giggled. "Fozzie, everyone has some kind of good side. And Poogy has to have one, because she rolls with the other Moopets with no problem, right?"
"Well, yeah... I guess so... What's the plan?" Fozzie asked.
"I'm going to go make a deal with Poogy. Wish me luck, you guys!" Mo ran out the kitchen, leaving the two alone again.
"... Your sister is gangster, yo." Jaz said.
Fozzie smiled. "Yeah. She is."
Mo sat back on the couch she was sitting on before.
"Why are you here again?" Poogy asked.
"I wanna make you a deal." Mo said.
"... I'm listenin'."
"Look, how 'bout I be your servant? Every little job I do, you give me more information on this whole 'Jaz' thing. What do you say?" Mo asked.
"... So... Everything you do, I gotta give you information on my plans?" Poogy asked.
"Yeah. Think of it as... A way to earn your trust. Do we have a deal, Miss Poogy?" Mo asked.
"... Alright. We got a deal."
Poogy and Mo shook hands.
Let there be chaos.

Yuna Leonhart

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Hm, a deal? How interesting. Let's see what Miss Poogy has planned. And let's hope she won't find out Mo is doing this for Jaz.
By the way, I liked it when Mo teased Fozzie and Jaz :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2012
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thank you so much! you actually wrote what I would probably! and it sounds like me!
sorry I could'nt read it earlier I've been busy and could'nt come on the forum....thank you. you rock!

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Well, war may not be the solution, but chaos happens to all Muppet families. hee hee hee!


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Chapter Eight- Making another agreement
Mo has followed Miss Poogy all day, asking to do things, in hopes in discovering her plans. Unfortunately, everything Mo asked to do, Poogy wouldn't let her.
"Miss Poogy, can I make you a sandwich?" Mo asked.
"No, I'll do it." Poogy snapped.
"Well that's not fair! We made a deal, that I do you favors in exchange for information, but you aren't letting me do anything at all!" Mo yelled.
No one yells at Poogy. Ever. Period. So, I assume you can imagine the angry look on her face.
"You got some guts yellin' at me kid..." Poogy snapped.
Mo was sweating. Observing Poogy from a distance is scary enough. Imagine it up close!
"What're ya so quiet for? Say somethin'!" Poogy yelled.
Mo still remained quiet.
Poogy thought for a second.
"Alright fine. I'll let you do stuff. Your first favor is gonna be to say somethin'!" Poogy yelled.
Mo smiled at how silence gets her some results.
"Ask me somethin'."
"Um... So does this really have to do with Jaz?" Mo asked.
Poogy rolled her eyes. "Well... Yes, and no."
"Yes and no?" Mo's speechless again.
"The problem isn't really HER, but she's related to the problem..." Poogy explained.
"Interesting..." Mo mumbled.
Poogy walked off into the room she was staying in. Meanwhile, Mo ran to the kitchen.
Jaz seemed to have crashed on the floor last night.
It must be upsetting to be so scared, you can't even sleep in your own room. Mo attempted to shake her awake.
"Jaz, wake up!"
"FOREIGNERS!!!!!" Jaz yelled. Jaz looked around, clearly confused. All she saw was Mo.
"Oh, hi Mo. What's up?" Jaz asked.
"So, great news, you are half way not the problem." Mo smiled. Jaz, was puzzled again. But then again, she always was a puzzled. Always.
"What do you mean by that?"
Mo shrugged. "No idea."
At that moment, Fozzie came in, to get some breakfast.
He was so sleepy, that... he saw nothing.
Seriously, it's a wonder how he got to the kitchen.
"Fozzie!" Mo yelled, smiling.
It startled him so much, that he fell in the garbage can.
"Anyone else have the urge to watch The Great Muppet Caper right now?" Jaz chuckled.
Fozzie got up, with the garbage can stuck to his butt.
It only made Mo and Jaz laugh.
"I used to do that to Fozzie all the time when we were little!"
Mo laughed.
"And I hated it." Said Fozzie, trying to pry the can off his butt. Jaz laughed. Then frowned. She didn't have siblings...
"Anyway, Fozzie, Jaz is halfway not the problem, so I still need more information." Mo explained.
Jaz and Fozzie thought for a moment... Or at least Jaz did. It was really hard to think with a garbage can on his butt.
"Well... Maybe you should ask the other Moopets. Sometimes the right way to find out about someone is through their friends... If they're friends..." Jaz blushed a bit. Giving ideas wasn't her cup of java. But Mo seemed to have some cogs turning in that brain of hers.
"Great idea..." And with that, Mo walked off into the attic, where Roowlf was.
Roowlf was being a canine, trying to track down a kitten.
"Um, Roowlf?" Mo called.
Startled, Roowlf started barking. Then he realized it was a human, and not a feline.
"What?! I'm tryin' to catch me some breakfast!"
Mo took a few steps back.
"I only came to ask about Miss Poogy... What's she like?" Mo asked, trying to force out a smile.
"Well, she's mean, heartless, fat, mean, violent, pig-ish, mean, and mean!" Roowlf nodded once to confirm he was done. "You said, mean like four times!" Mo shouted.
"She's that mean."
"No comment..." Mo ran back downstairs.
Hoping to find Janooce.
Mo entered the room that all of the Moopets, except Poogy, were staying in. In the room now, was Janooce and Foozie. It was good for Mo, because that meant she could ask both of them and save time.
"Hey guys!" Mo smiled as best as she could.
Janooce smiled and nodded. "Hola."
"Yo." Foozie said, playing with one of Jaz's favorite game systems.
"Uh, does she only speak spanish?"
"No, no, I speak english." Janooce patted Mo on the hand in assurance that she wasn't so foreign.
"Oh. You don't seem as mean as everyone says..."
"Until you tick us off." Foozie chuckled.
"Oh... Uh... Anyway... Do you guys think you could tell me something about Miss Poogy?" Mo asked.
"Well, she's a bit overwieght..."
"Si, Si, Mucho grande puerca." Janooce agreed.
"Uh, I mean personality wise." Mo chuckled, a little nervously.
"Oh! Well... I couldn't tell you. Miss Poogy usually locks herself away in her room during the day. Unless we're all going somewhere and she comes along, I don't usually see her..." Foozie explained.
Mo thought for a moment. Miss Poogy was like, their leader. How is it, that she let's them live their lives? She doesn't appear to be that kind of person. And there's no way in heck she changed from The Muppets, to now. Mo pondered about her, until Janooce finally spoke.
"I do know she has a diary."
"Great. Miss Poogy has a diary. Civilization has no purpose. as of right now." Mo said, walking off to find Kermoot, the last Moopet she needed to speak to.
Kermoot was on the roof, just watching the clouds. Which is wierd, because he doesn't LOOK like the kind of guy who does that... But then again, Miss Poogy has a diary...
Mo approached Kermoot, and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, are you Kermoot?" Mo asked.
Kermoot looked over his shoulder, and nodded.
"Yea, whatcha need?"
"Um, I was wondering if you could tell me about Miss Poogy."
"Well... She... I could tell you all about her..."
Kermoot nodded.
"What kind of person is she?"
"Well... She's actually very sensitive, and girly... Well... Not girly, she hates that. She hates cute. So... I guess you could call her a tomboy..."
"I'm sorry, I zoned when you said she was SENSITIVE..." Mo said.
Kermoot smiled a bit when Mo said that.
"Well... She used to be."
"Then what happened?"
"She got amniesa, and I blame myself for it..."
Mo put a hand on her shoulder, thinking of a way to make him feel better, without walking into a long winded story.
"We used to love eachother..." Kermoot sighed.
"Ok, I'm outta here. I've lost it."
"Seriously! You have no idea what I've been through with her!"
"I do not, want to hear about it."
"Why do you want to know about her anyway!?" Kermoot yelled so loud, the neighbors looked around.
"Because she's after my brother's girlfriend, and I'm trying to figure out why. If I know why, I'll get her to stop somehow. We made an agreement for me to get information, as long as I do things for her, but she's not letting me do anything..."
Mo explained. Kermoot however didn't seem surprised. It was Mo who was surprised in the end.
"I know why."
"Yea. She's after Jaz, because Poogy figures, that if Jay notices she's picking on her cousin, she'll ask why, then do anything to get her to stop. That would be Poogy's opprotunity to get Jay kicked out of the house." Kermoot explained.
"Why does she want that?" Mo asked.
"She wants Jay out of the house because... She doesn't like seeing romance like she used to... She almost hates it now."
"Aw, cracker jacks..." Mo sighed.
Now what was she going to do? Poogy won't stop until she leaves, or until Jay leaves. She could wait, but she's certain that Jaz doesn't want to spend the rest of the reunion in the kitchen. Mo was absolutely clueless, until it hit her.
No seriously, Kermoot backslapped her for zoning out.
"Ow! What was that f- Wait! I got it!" Mo smiled.
"If I get Miss Poogy to like you again, will you get her to leave Jaz alone...? Please...?" Mo asked.
Kermoot almost didn't hesistate. The only thing was that Poogy turned into what The Sims 3, would call Unflirty. Otherwise known as difficult to woo. But... If Mo could do it...
"Alright, deal."
Remember when I said, let there be chaos?
Let there be more chaos.
It's coming, just you wait.