Everybody Has a Song

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Oh wow!! How come barely anyone has reviewed this! This is amazing!! You have some skiillzz there mostlikemokey! I mean it! I was captivated from paragraph 1!! This is really, really good and moving...I love well-done Boober stories....his cousin and mother was a great twist, I hope there's more soon?! I'm hooked!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Oh wow!! How come barely anyone has reviewed this! This is amazing!! You have some skiillzz there mostlikemokey! I mean it! I was captivated from paragraph 1!! This is really, really good and moving...I love well-done Boober stories....his cousin and mother was a great twist, I hope there's more soon?! I'm hooked!
Oh thanks! Sorry I haven't posted, chapter 5 is being stubborn:laugh:
But hopefully more soon. If you like it, tell others to read it- I need all the feedback I can get! Thanks!

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Oh thanks! Sorry I haven't posted, chapter 5 is being stubborn:laugh:
But hopefully more soon. If you like it, tell others to read it- I need all the feedback I can get! Thanks!
I will....recommendation coming!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. I've been:busy:
Is anyone still interested in reading this when I do get around to posting? Just making sure I still have an audience after all this time:big_grin:

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. I've been:busy:
Is anyone still interested in reading this when I do get around to posting? Just making sure I still have an audience after all this time:big_grin:
Ah! That is an insanely well-timed question, because I was just walking over witht he nagging stick. :wink: Me and my sis are both reading (she doesn't have an account yet) and can't wait for more!! Definitely still interested, and don't worry if you don't get that many people right away...there are a LOT of new fics up for the holidays I think people are trying to finish. I'll keep recommending, but you MUST keep posting! We're dying here! :smile: In a good way! Poor Boober....


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Yeah, definitely keep posting. I'd really like to see how your story turns out. Don't leave Boober stuck!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Here it is! the long-awaited fifth chapter! Thanks for all the encouragement.

Everybody has a song
Chapter 5


“Oh, no, any place but that!”

“What are you talking about? What is the Great Bell? Why are you all acting so funny? What’s going on?” Lana no longer seemed distant or careless; she read the panic in the other Fraggles’ voices and her knees threatened to buckle when she heard it.

Gobo quickly explained how the Great Bell kept everyone in the Rock alive. “The Undergrounds are so deep and dark that the warmth of the Bell can’t reach it,” he said. “But couldn’t you use Boober’s song to help us find him?”

Lana’s face was filled with a sad longing of an expression, but she only said, “I don’t think so.”

“Why not?” Red erupted. “Are you saying you don’t care about your own cousin?”

“ I do care about him! I just think it would be better for him if I wasn’t around.”

“Well, wembling about it won’t help him,” said Gobo, “And neither will you not being around. You can find him. Please.” Gobo was almost pleading now.

Lana stared at him. “You guys really do love him, don’t you?”

Red was defensive. “Why shouldn’t we?”

“You don’t understand. When we first came here, Boober was afraid of everything. Absolutely everything. I thought friends for him would be…impossible.” She paused. “I guess I’m going down there with you after all.”


Several minutes later, a wagon borrowed from Lou was piled high with remedies, lamps, blankets, and whatever else the Fraggles could find.

“He didn’t take his winter clothes with him,” whispered Mokey. “We have less time than we thought.” She held up one of his scarves. Lana’s eyes grew wide, then teary.

“I made that for him.” She walked over to the scarf and stroked it gently. “ I made that for him and he kept it.”

The Fraggles paused as if in reverence, and then began the long trek to the Undergrounds.

A little later, after many sharp turns and Lana’s calls of, “Left! Right!” They found the hole Boober had fallen through. Gobo saw that if they jumped, they would land in water, so Lana held a rope as the others climbed down. As she held it, a day came back to her, clear in it’s ugliness…

“Boober, you look pale. Are you all right?”

“This Fraggle asked me who I was. She knows, Lana.”

“How could she possibly? The World’s oldest Fraggle promised to keep our past a secret."

“Don’t you see? We can’t trust him, he’s senile.”

“Boober, you’re being paranoid and rude. You’re too wrapped up in the past…”

“We’re coming up!” Gobo yelled, “And we’ve got Boober!”

Lana started. “Alive?”

Gobo sighed. “Barely.”

Don’t worry, Boober, Lana silently vowed, relief spreading through her. Whatever happens, I will do whatever it takes to make things right.

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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>heart pounding< Finally! Hooray! And oh, poor Boober...


“Oh, no, any place but that!”
Sounds cold. I'm cold right now, so I sympathize.

“ I do care about him! I just think it would be better for him if I wasn’t around.”
Wondering what on earth happened that destroyed their relationship...:sympathy:

Lana stared at him. “You guys really do love him, don’t you?”

Red was defensive. “Why shouldn’t we?”
Wonderful Red line. She doesn't want to say anything ushy-gushy, so she resorts to defensiveness. SO very Red.You write all of them so well, I can hear their voices. Good job!

“I made that for him.” She walked over to the scarf and stroked it gently. “ I made that for him and he kept it.”
Oh...>chokes up< So that explains the scarf. Maybe the hat is a memento of someone else, or maybe he just doesn't like seeing all the scary stuff in the world? Or maybe he just has uncontrollable hair? Anyway, again, aww...

“This Fraggle asked me who I was. She knows, Lana.”

“How could she possibly? The World’s oldest Fraggle promised to keep our past a secret."
Who, who, who, WHO?!?!
Lana started. “Alive?”

Gobo sighed. “Barely.”
>>:sigh:Of relief<< >hugs imaginary Boober plush she doesn't even own< Man, I need me one of those.
Don’t worry, Boober, Lana silently vowed, relief spreading through her. Whatever happens, I will do whatever it takes to make things right.
>hugs Lana< >hugs motslikemokey for writing another gorgeous, scary, sad and wonderful chapter< The Boober lovers of the world thank you!! Keep it up!! MOORRREEE.....!!! :big_grin::wink:


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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I'm glad they found Boober and I can't wait to learn more of Boober's secret family history. Thanks for posting!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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>heart pounding< Finally! Hooray! And oh, poor Boober...

Sounds cold. I'm cold right now, so I sympathize.

Wondering what on earth happened that destroyed their relationship...:sympathy:

Wonderful Red line. She doesn't want to say anything ushy-gushy, so she resorts to defensiveness. SO very Red.You write all of them so well, I can hear their voices. Good job!

Oh...>chokes up< So that explains the scarf. Maybe the hat is a memento of someone else, or maybe he just doesn't like seeing all the scary stuff in the world? Or maybe he just has uncontrollable hair? Anyway, again, aww...

Who, who, who, WHO?!?!
>>:sigh:Of relief<< >hugs imaginary Boober plush she doesn't even own< Man, I need me one of those.
>hugs Lana< >hugs motslikemokey for writing another gorgeous, scary, sad and wonderful chapter< The Boober lovers of the world thank you!! Keep it up!! MOORRREEE.....!!! :big_grin::wink:
Yes, I will try to post in a more timely fashion, but my schedule will be packed after winter break. Hooray for weekends!
Even though I'm thrilled you like my story, I hope you understand I can't spend all my time online. If you need a powerful Boober moment before the next post, watch "The River of Life" Or, "Pebble Pox Blues." Again though, I will try to post in a more timely fashion.

I need a Boober plushie, too. Thanks again for all the help!