>heart pounding< Finally! Hooray! And oh, poor Boober...
Sounds cold. I'm cold right now, so I sympathize.
Wondering what on earth happened that destroyed their relationship...
Wonderful Red line. She doesn't want to say anything ushy-gushy, so she resorts to defensiveness. SO very Red.You write all of them so well, I can hear their voices. Good job!
Oh...>chokes up< So that explains the scarf. Maybe the hat is a memento of someone else, or maybe he just doesn't like seeing all the scary stuff in the world? Or maybe he just has uncontrollable hair? Anyway, again, aww...
who, who, WHO?!?!

Of relief<< >hugs imaginary Boober plush she doesn't even own< Man, I need me one of those.
>hugs Lana< >hugs motslikemokey for writing another gorgeous, scary, sad and wonderful chapter< The Boober lovers of the world thank you!! Keep it up!! MOORRREEE.....!!!