Everybody Has a Song

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Yay! Lana has a lovah! ....Sorry, but I love love stories! By the same token, I was half-way hoping she might even out the Fraggle pentagon, but hey, that leaves a story for me to write, right? Loving it more every chapter, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Yay! Lana has a lovah! ....Sorry, but I love love stories! By the same token, I was half-way hoping she might even out the Fraggle pentagon, but hey, that leaves a story for me to write, right? Loving it more every chapter, keep up the good work!
Ooh! Write it! Write it! Write it!
As for Lana/wembley, I don't really think that would work. She's like her cousin, too mature, tending to take life seriously. Wembley needs someone that loves life as much as he does,

:halo::Wiggie write story! Wiggie write story!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Chapter 11

Boober gritted his teeth as Lana walked across the floor, stick banging across the cold rock. The stress of the past few days- seeing Lana again for the first time in years, and trying to figure out what it was that made her think he’d eventually be happy to see her- had given him a sick headache. He tried to block out the conversation that Lana was having with Wembley, but they were too near him for his efforts to be of any avail.

“What are you gonna do today, Lana?”

“I’m seeing an old friend.”


“Pedley Fraggle.”

Oh! The one who makes all the paintings?”

“That’s him!”

“How do you know him?”

“We were Songtwined- well, almost. I had to leave before we could go through with the ceremony, but I had to do what Boober wanted…”

She trailed off, and the atmosphere around them suddenly seemed to be strained. Songtwining allowed nearly mated Fraggle pairs to be empathically connected, to share each other’s feelings. Not all Fraggles chose to do this, and those who did had to undergo months of intense training so that it wouldn’t go wrong. It was a risk only Fraggles that were truly in love would take.

Boober felt a stab of guilt. It had been so long since Lana had seen Pedley that he may have lost interest in her by now, and it was his fault…

Pushing the thought away, he waited until Lana was close to the bed again. With each thump of the stick, he felt himself getting more annoyed. Why did she even have it in the first place?

He grabbed the stick from her, expecting her to catch herself, then turn around and yell at him. Instead, she crumpled, her dress fanning out so that he could see her legs for the first time. He gasped. Her left leg was crooked. It looked impossible to stand on, let alone walk with.

Wembley looked frantically from Lana to Boober. When he saw Boober with the stick in his hand, he exploded. “Boober, the way you treat Lana is just awful! Why do you have to be so mean to her? She saved your life! She helped us all!”

He ran out of the room, sobbing. “I DON’T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE!”

“Wembley!” cried Lana, snatching the stick from Boober and scurrying after him.

Lana knew she’d missed her reunion with Pedley by now.

She’d been following Wembley for hours, cursing her injury, which had made her lose Wembley in about three seconds. She’d gotten it after she’d left, so no one had known about it until now. She sniffed the air, and then sneezed. A dust storm was coming. She had to find him.

Finally she located him. The dust storm was gaining on them, and Lana was finding it difficult to breathe. Wembley wasn’t faring much better. He wheezed as the dust entered his lungs.

Lana handed him a handkerchief doused in pollen ointment. “Here, take this.”

Wembley looked at her anxiously. He knew that she shared his allergy to rock dust.

“Just… go. ” she whispered. “Find… Pedley.”

Then she collapsed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Poor Wembley! I imagine this is very hard for him, seeing one of his best friends in Boober act so mean, and I'm glad you had him speak up about it. Thanks for posting again.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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I'm glad you liked the way I handled Wembley. Even he can get pushed to the limit. The fact it was Wembley telling him off will ensure that Boober rethinks his actions. :coy::sigh:


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Chapter 12 should be up soon, sorry for the delay. It's kind of long, and I'm a slow typist.:frown:


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Only about two more chapters to go! It's been a fun ride...

:sigh::Not for me.

...and I just want to send out a big thank you to all my readers and reviewers. I hope I was true to all the Fraggles, though the story was a bit darker than most of the episodes. I figured that the Fraggles could handle it, since they had matured so much by the end of the series. Don't worry, as with all Fraggle eps, it turns out happy in the end.

Chapter 12

Boober sat on his bed, turning over Wembley’s words in his mind. He couldn’t wipe his friend’s shocked face from his memory. He couldn’t erase what he himself had said and done.

I wonder how Lana got hurt, he thought. I wasn’t there. She hurt herself and I wasn’t there…

This train of thought refused to be completed and was soon abandoned. Boober couldn’t stand it anymore. The pain and heartbreak he had bottled up for years came rushing back. He could see his mother’s blurry figure before him and hear the words he had… what? Dreamt? In the undergrounds.

I never left.

He remembered his father, too, whom he’d looked so much like. He’d inherited his exact same fur colors, and his love for cooking, and…


Boober startled, expecting another ghost, but it was only Mokey, with something under her arm.

“May I come in?” her voice was gentle, light as a Ditsy.

“If you don’t hate me.”

“Don’t be silly.”

Boober scooted over so that Mokey could sit on the edge of the bed.

“Don’t worry about Wembley. All Fraggles learn that the world outside the Rock is not always a nice place. He just learned it a little too suddenly is all.” Mokey smoothed her hair a little absentmindedly, and looked at Boober with a faraway expression in her eyes.


“I was just thinking...you learned that the world can be harsh quite early. It must have been difficult for you.”

Boober nodded.

“I’m going to apologize to everyone,” he said.
“Boober, there’s something I want you to consider. I’ve seen you at your best and at your worst. I’ve seen Sidebottom, and even though you’re not at your best right now, I think this is a good time to say-“

“This way, Wembley! I know you don’t want to see Boober right now, but we’ve got to get help!”

“He won’t want to help her! It’s my fault. I left her there!”

Boober and Mokey looked at each other in puzzlement as Wembley and Pedley ran into the room. Wembley had a handkerchief tied around his nose and mouth, and Boober could hear him wheezing slightly.

Boober slid out of bed and walked toward Wembley unsteadily. He had barely been out of bed for two weeks and he was still a bit dizzy. Mokey followed close behind.

“Wem, what happened?”

Pedley sighed. “Lana was caught in a dust storm, Boober.”

Boober stared at Pedley with his concealed eyes.

“Pedley, I’m surprised at you. Disaster isn’t something to joke about. I mean, if she’d really been caught in a dust storm, she’d be in huge trouble.” He chuckled. “What?” he said as Pedley shook his head.

“We’re not joking, Boober,” said Pedley. “She doesn’t have much time. Gobo and Red are with her now, but they’re not top medics like you.”

“He is correct, Boober. You must hurry if you are to save your cousin.”

Cantus had followed Wembley and Pedley silently behind, and now stood next to Boober’s collection of laundry lint. “You have forgiven her now, yes?”

Boober’s voice was a strained whisper. “Yes. But is she really…”

Cantus nodded. “What you do not realize, Boober, is that everybody has a song. Fraggles, Doozers, Silly Creatures, Gorgs, all are part of the great medley that is the universe. Your path has been a difficult one, but from it you have gained much. You are ready. You are not a child anymore. Go forth and accomplish great things.”


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Looks like Boober's going to have the chance to fix his problems with his sister after all. Thanks again for posting.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Thanks, charlietheowl! I'm glad you're still reading this. You gave me my very first review (The count did respond first, but you reviewed first) It gave me confidence in my ability as a writer that I'll never forget. THANK YOU!

And thanks to The count, who taught me how to post.