\'m w/ya on EVERYTHING, there, Erin. I, too, am more used to unrequited love, as it were, and am actually uncomfortable sometimes when a guy is interested in me. (Generally b/c I usually manage to attract just the sort of fella I REALLY DON'T want.)
Also like you, I'm extremely devoted to my family, and therefore can't imagine having to have someone in my life more imporrtant to me than them. (And, I just plain like being solitary, sometimes.)
Cory, ya know I love ya; I really think you're a great guy. But the fact is, I think you're a lil' bitter. I'm not saying you don't have any right to be, but the truth is, there ARE girls out there who like good guys. A LOT. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic, but I feel that if there's someone out there who's meant for you, you'll find her, and everyone else just won't work out. Just don't rush it; I'm sure she's out there, Cor. Same goes for you all, I believe. But then, I AM a hopeless romantic who believes true love and things that are meant to be and all other such things my cynical side of me insists is crap. I just don't listen to my cynical side when it comes to this.
The fact of the matter is, that I don't think relationships are overrated, if it's w/the right person. However, relationships that JUST DON'T WORK, no matter HOW hard you try, or relationships just for the sake of relationships, are definitely overrated. I know you can't just stumble onto the right person for you, whatever the movies say, but I do believe that there's a right time and a right place for a relationship, and maybe a lot of us just haven't gotten to that point yet. I don't believe everybody has to go according to the same timeline when it comes to this stuff.
(The convoluted thought processes and run-on sentences makes this English major cringe.)