The fighting does need to end
I do agree with Barry, the fighting is pointless and very non-productive. Perhaps if I had not lost my cool in the first place (back on that locked thread) the thread would still be open for discussion. I have moved on and done alot of "growing" myself since then, and so have some other members. Unfortunately, though, there will always be someone out there who is looking to stir up trouble; and it is how the rest of us choose to deal with this that will ultimately "make or break" the efficiancy of this forum. I have definately learned one thing through all this; and that is the fact that you can never judge a persons maturity by their age. There are alot of people in this forum who are alot younger than me. But on that day that I lashed out the way I did, I'll be the first to admit, my maturity level nearly fell to the lowest level possible in this forum. I'm just glad that all you, my fellow members, have been willing to give me a second chance to redeem myself. If all you guys can be so mature as to forgive an old timer like me, than surely I can be mature enough to forgive anyone who may happen to offend me in the future.

P.S.- Hey Barry! I've been trying to reach you for weeks, but each time I try to PM you, it says your box is full.