Embarrassing moments!

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by CaptCrouton
Wait, wait. I don't understand any of this. Why was Jackie going to be boycotted? I'm so confused...:eek:
I'll explain it all in good time, my friend...lol.

I did want to mention to Bryon's communion catastrophe. I've done some whoppers, but that one takes the cake.
Yay! I took the cake! :big_grin:

But hey! You spelled my name wrong!! :mad: What is with everybody spellin' everybody's name wrong?! lol!

I'm so thankful that you didn't need the help of professionals, my brother.
Lol, me too---wait a minute, brother?! :eek: Do you know somethin' I don't?

Not that that's a bad thing---I mean, I am Captain Crouton's biggest fan!! :big_grin:

And at 6'6", you know I ain't lyin'. lol :wink:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hold on a second here!!

nobody's boycotting anybody!! you can put an eye out like that, dont u know??

Don't make me turn this car around...I mean it. Cause I'll do it, and when we all get out of the car, I'll start swinging my rubber chicken!!


Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Embarrassment at work

Welp, here's my latest one...

This happened Thursday night at work. I have to go "tinkle", right? Right. So I go to the men's room. I'm standin' at the urinal, jes mindin' muh own business, doin' muh thang, when the door opens. This guy walks in, outta my peripheral vision I see he's kinda tall, kinda solid, so I just assume it's Shawn, the guy that sits next to me. We do lotsa "guy talk" on the job, and guys sometimes do reg'lar ol' chit chat when they're in the boy's room.

So, nice and casual, I say, "You too, huh? :stick_out_tongue: " He doesn't respond as walks behind me, so I glance over as he walks into a stall beside me.

It ain't Shawn.


I see him as he looks at me over the stall wall and I go, "Oh, I'm sorry, I--I thought you were somebody else, lol...", and then just look straight ahead and finish up muh tinkle. :embarrassed:

And while we're in there and I'm finishin' up, this guy doesn't say anything---not one freakin' thing! Not a, "That's okay", not a, "Oh, I was gonna say, lol,", not a chuckle, not even a smile---jes---nuffin'. Pure SILENCE (well, aside from the "sounds of nature" from us) while I get done. So that it made it even more awkward and embarrassin' for me...

But then I got back to my work room and told my supervisors and Shawn, and we all got a big "LOL!!" out of it, so at least it wasn't "wasted", I guess...

(Oh, I am so embarrassed...)

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Re: Embarrassment at work

Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
so at least it wasn't "wasted", I guess...
Funny you would describe an incident in the restrooms as "wasted." heh heh.

Suppose he was one of the supervisors or managers there? Could have been like one of those public park restrooms, and he looked over the stall invintingly?


RUN, BYR:eek:N, RUN!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2002
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Ahhhhhh yes, I have a few embarrasing moments.

This one is probably my biggest, it happened a few years back. I was walking through the halls at my school trying to scurry for class, cuz it's me and I'm always running behind (y'know, trying to sneak in a quick smoke before class). Anyway, the halls at my high school were always crowded, cuz it was a school built for 1000 students but instead had 2200. So I'm trying to move faster then the crowd, snaking in and out, and there's this guy a little ways ahead carrying his tuba or something equally as big, but he's carrying it to the side just waiting to trip someone... of course I didn't notice that until I was trying to sneak past him, and basically I went flying. Of course, I'm still in a way crowded hall and I'm falling with no place to fall, so outta instict I grab some random guy's back pack to stop my fall, but that didn't work, he went down and of course you get a bit of a domino effect bringing down about 5 other people. Yes, I caused a pile up and I wasn't even in a car.

True story from the files of a clumsy girl.

^_^ Debo

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Boober_Baby
...and basically I went flying. Of course, I'm still in a way crowded hall and I'm falling with no place to fall, so outta instict I grab some random guy's back pack to stop my fall, but that didn't work, he went down and of course you get a bit of a domino effect bringing down about 5 other people. Yes, I caused a pile up and I wasn't even in a car.

Thanks fer sharin' that, Debo---I wish I coulda seen that! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Originally posted by Boober_Baby
Yes, I caused a pile up and I wasn't even in a car.
True story from the files of a clumsy girl.
^_^ Debo
Funny....Mine is similar....A couple of years ago, I was in this choir, and our uniforms were these LOOONG black dresses, and high heels. It was Christmas time, and we were going around the children's hospital, singing Christmas carols and visting kids and stuff. We were going up the stairs.....and, well, I'm not very used to high heels OR long dresses, and I'm a SPAZ, anyway! So I, of course, step on my dress, lose my balance, grab the person in front of me, end up not only pulling THEM down, but knocking down the people BEHIND me! I end up bringing down a/b ten people, all on top of each other! Most people laughed, and well....Some people didn't! (I wasn't exactly the most popular person in my choir after that!) Amazingly enough, that was my last year I was asked to sing w/them, too!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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In puppet team at Munford Assembly of God Church (circa 1989) there was this one girl on the team who didn't get to be a main character (I was a dog, and 2 girls were a frog (main character) and a monkey) and besides the girl was a terrible puppeteer. Well, the puppet team director thanked her for her help, but offered to have her in on days when we needed more hands.

Christmas cantata show came around, we needed extra hands, so the director called her and a friend of her's to come help. All during rehearsals and all that everything went fine, but during the actual show, when all the characters were singing and dancing, the 2 girls that were called in were on the back row of the stage and began to hit the stage, which was made of pvc pipe and curtains.

The stage began to jut forward and lean, and I knew it meant the stage was about to go. Christie (frog) and myself reached up and grabbed the stage to hold on to it, but they kept hitting it harder and harder, and Chrstie says, "They're trying to knock it down!" I said, "I know." So, I told her tell Ashley to watch their heads and let go.

We let go, the stage fell.

I didn't watch my head and the back row of the stage pipes came down and HIT MY HEAD!!

I was SOOOOO angry, Christie and Ashley were, too. But we smiled like it accidentally happened, and the congregation was in a roar over it.

After the show, I told the director that I never wanted to see those 2 girls behind a puppet stage again, and they never were asked back to perform.

I guess that isn't an embarrassing moment, is it?

Well, one time I over ate, and a bunch of us went out and I ate a bit more, then we went someplace where there was a bunch of walking to be done and I puked. Does that count?

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Re: Embarrassment at work

Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
Welp, here's my latest one...

This happened Thursday night at work. I have to go "tinkle", right? Right. So I go to the men's room. I'm standin' at the urinal, jes mindin' muh own business, doin' muh thang, when the door opens. This guy walks in, outta my peripheral vision I see he's kinda tall, kinda solid, so I just assume it's Shawn, the guy that sits next to me. We do lotsa "guy talk" on the job, and guys sometimes do reg'lar ol' chit chat when they're in the boy's room.

So, nice and casual, I say, "You too, huh? :stick_out_tongue: " He doesn't respond as walks behind me, so I glance over as he walks into a stall beside me.

It ain't Shawn.


I see him as he looks at me over the stall wall and I go, "Oh, I'm sorry, I--I thought you were somebody else, lol...", and then just look straight ahead and finish up muh tinkle. :embarrassed:

And while we're in there and I'm finishin' up, this guy doesn't say anything---not one freakin' thing! Not a, "That's okay", not a, "Oh, I was gonna say, lol,", not a chuckle, not even a smile---jes---nuffin'. Pure SILENCE (well, aside from the "sounds of nature" from us) while I get done. So that it made it even more awkward and embarrassin' for me...

But then I got back to my work room and told my supervisors and Shawn, and we all got a big "LOL!!" out of it, so at least it wasn't "wasted", I guess...

(Oh, I am so embarrassed...)

I think reading this has been my most embarassing moment.:big_grin:

Not embarassing, Foz, but good. Worth posting. I ain't even posting my most embarassing moment.

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Kev, I think they both count as embarrassin'! I know I wouldn't want either one to happen to me, lol...
