Originally posted by BoyRaisin2
I have never really thought of the Muppets as "nostalgia," I'd rather have the pre-1990 shows than the post-1990 shows.
And I think another thing that needs to be considered (I don't even understand what I'm about to say) is what people mean when they want more, oh what's the right term, "productivity" at Henson. I mean when people say Muppets, do they mean "The Muppets" or "The CLASSIC Muppets/Muppet Show Muppets," the "Muppets," as in well, Muppets, or just more stuff out of The Jim Henson Co. (which itself is sometimes referred to as the Muppets).
There is no mistaking it...the "Muppet Show" Muppets are the flagship property and cornerstone of JHC. In 50 years there have been 4 major brands: Muppet Show, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, and Bear in the Big Blue House.
Don't think for a moment since JHC doesnt 'own' Sesame anymore it is not Muppet or JHC related...that is all legal technicality, but I will always consider Sesame JHC...and disregard the EM.TV snafu invalid.
Sadly, a lot of people(not you! but others) are stuck in this idea
that the Muppets are hasbeens. You see em on here, but they are not real fans...since they are not looking towards the future.
Yes, the Muppets have not truly been in top form since the last great year of 1989...and ye si thas been a murky and uncertain last decade plus. But I think new times are a coming. But here is the amazing thing...a true testament to JHC and The Muppets.
They really got the ball rolling to relaunch the Muppet brand into the spotlight. It started reallyw ith Muppetfest, a kind of mecca summit if you will. And since then it's been a really big whirlwind campaign. Now then...what we want is the continual global revolution of evertything JHC.
Why Disney is now even using patend Creature Shop technology. Some of the biggest films of the last couple years have involved JHC creature shop. Like him or not Elmo remains one of the biggest sellers out there eclipsing even Barney. The Weezer thing really got the Muppet brand out to a larger more 'hip and young' market. Farscape, while cancelled by the sci fi gestapo, remains one of the greatest sci fi shows ever...it's dedicated following illustrates this(sadly not sure how many farscape fans are also hardcore muppet fans, but i digress) This year we saw so many things: LJS commercials, Mastercard, Dennys, Walk of Fame, Nascar, the takeover of Macy's Thanksgiving parade with the Muppets and Sesame, the NBC movie, the figures, etc.
So despite the uncertainty and financial turmoil of JHC...the Muppet brand and JHC franchises astonishingly continues to flourish. This has hands down been the most productive post 1990 year for The Muppets...and finally I do believe next year will mark their glorious return. For those that balk at Pepe as not a 'real' classic Muppet, or think the Muppets have had their time...I say stay in the past...as the real Muppet fans, while
reflecting ont he glorious past, are moving on toward the bright future.
Originally posted by Luke
BTW Froggy, don't underestimate what we know - we are on one of those Muppet internet fan sites y'know ?
Err, and some of us fans know more than we should

Originally posted by sarah_yzma
I think we should just be happy that the Muppets are still around! The company could have just dissapated (ooh i doubt that's spelled right) when Henson died. I try not to complain, though i do sometimes, I just remember that we are lucky to still have the Muppets in our lives!-Sarah
GOOD POINT! That actually is the crux of it all...sure the 12 years since 1990 has been mired in financial crisis and uncertainty...but through it all, half a century later the Muppets are here, and coming back stronger than they have been in a long time.
So yes, for those that write off the Muppets as nostalgic pop culture fodder or kiddy stuff...then they truly have lost sight of the vision, imagination, and wonder.