EM.TV to sell 49.9% of Henson to Dean Valentine


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
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*Wonders where Stevie is*


*who is happier than Miss Piggy on Day One of a Tiffany Sale and believes in Santa once again*

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Luke
...maybe because a lot of blame would actually be cast in Henson's direction and not EMTV's.
But I did!
"But, didn't I say in the very beginning of all this EM.TV garbage that this would happen? Why, oh, WHY did the Henson children do this thing? To get back into creativity as they said, or did they see "$$" in their eyes?"

And don't forget I have also mentioned smacking Brian Henson in the head with a rubber chicken since the deal, so I haven't totally let them off scott-free.

My problem with all this was that I knew that the deal was going to be sour, and it ended up as such (my rubber chicken, Billy the psychic, told me). And I've blamed what's happened bad to the JHC on the kids because they sold it, but moreso on EM.TV because they made the additional bad business deals that got us where we are today.

IF EM.TV had not made the deals they did that caused their financial stress and the problems for our beloved JHC, none of this would make any difference, and we wouldn't have a need to blame the Henson kids for anything, and we'd all be happy as a hog at slop time--but it happened, and we have to blame someone, and in this case we got kids and bad exec's in Germany.

Or my psychic rubber chicken--I'm not sure.

Chilly Down

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Valentine's latest statement posted by Cory gives me new hope. It sounds like he knows what he's talking about, and he referenced the NBC movie, not Kermit's Swamp Years. Of course, the NBC movie was the most recent project, and it's all fairly typical PR stuff. But who knows? He didn't mention direct-to-video. He mentioned TV, movies, and theater (wow!). I sincerely hope for the best.

And here's another perk: If Valentine is still chummy with Disney, maybe he can get them greater exposure in the theme parks...

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I feel okay with the Valentine deal, not the way I did with EM.TV. I only hope things work out. I like the quote Cory gave us, but still am worried until I see results...which will be...when? Forever?

At any rate, the remaining share of EM.TV is less costly now, and we fans should get our money together and buy them out!! We would own stock in our 50.1% share of JHC. I have $600 to go toward the cause--who's with me? I'm serious, I'll do it!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2002
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I'd chip in money to buy, but the only thing is, if every registered user on Muppet Central, Tough Pigs, Palisades, etc. got involved, there still probably wouldn't be enough people.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Luke
Well it's way better than some company getting them cheap for like 20 million if EMTV went bust, selling the creature shop, sacking the staff, closing the company, putting the puppets into storage or a museam, and then just making money year after year on selling the old shows and movies ........ and there is and was a REAL serious chance of that happening.
The London Creature Shop IS still for sale.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by pezbalubah
I'd chip in money to buy, but the only thing is, if every registered user on Muppet Central, Tough Pigs, Palisades, etc. got involved, there still probably wouldn't be enough people.
$600 times 250,000 fans equals $150million. I'm SURE there's 250,000 fans. Not just from MC.

Then again, talk about power struggles between 2 or 3 companies, imagine that PLUS 250,000 people...

UNLESS, the 250,000 voted as an association and created a president, vp, secretary, and treasurer of that association who would tally up the remaining votes and the president of the association would be the voice of all the others?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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:frown: &*%@#

omg!! what are they thinking here?? Disneu if u'r reading this buy them....buy yhrm now!!! god i realy hate thet *&%T^%%*&... EM.TV place!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I'd rather we all owned them instead of Disney. Not that us owning them would be a bad thing.


Or, is that "unite?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Fozzie Bear
My problem with all this was that I knew that the deal was going to be sour, and it ended up as such (my rubber chicken, Billy the psychic, told me). And I've blamed what's happened bad to the JHC on the kids because they sold it, but moreso on EM.TV because they made the additional bad business deals that got us where we are today.
Sorry Kev, i wasn't aiming what i said completely at you - more of a general comment really. From how this site and also the media has portrayed things it's been kinda :- EMTV (big bad German corporation) :- Bad. Henson (nostalgic helpless TV company) :- Good. It's just not that simple, obviously. For the most part of EMTV's time with the Muppets they have been relatively more silent than any other stateside parent would be - maybe thats good, maybe that's bad ..... but people here talk about how great the company would be in Rivkins hands but it was, he's done some superb work this year but overall the company needs more - a lot more.

I also put some blame on the kids for selling out, and thats plainly what they did - all the creativity stuff was all in all complete rubbish. Even the PR statements at the time where Brian Henson credited Haffa for coming up with the idea for the new Muppet Show on a plane was just food for the media goldfish. That happens with everyone in things like this though and i'm sure there were big future plans and funding for the Muppets talked about but they would've known that once they signed away control it wouldn't be the same. In their defence though this was a German media company paying 680 million, well over the odds, and offering the Henson's jobs too. Who could turn that down ? I know it was their fathers legacy they were signing away (and i'm sure they didn't take that lightly) but as i've said before, there were probably financial factors that we don't know about that meant the company might go down anyway if they didn't sell so taking the cash was probably the most sensible option although obviously not great for the fans and it's not been all that great for the Muppets so far.

Hopefully with the right backing the new owners can build on this years success and have a good 2003. No matter how you look at it the word 'agressively' (if true) can only mean they are at least looking to get the Muppets out there in the spotlight rather than hide them away and live off the residuals.