I understand that too and respect that decision. I just hope they can actually bring these to market someday. However, I will once again reiterate that since each of these EFX posers won't be individually built by an expert like the real ones - they aren't going to be 100% authentic...just as close as can be done. A completely accurate one would cost thousands of dollars.
Well, I think that kind of goes without saying...although it's been said a bunch of times already

You're right that they will never match a completely handmade product with a factory made product. But I think they can get closer than MR did. Especially when MR pulled stuff like shrinking the patterns without telling anyone.
But I think to be called a replica, they have to come as close as is humanly possible. The problem with the Muppets that they don't have with other prop replicas is that the Muppet builders themselves can't seem to make any two the same. So, there's a wide range of options for any one character. Is it from 1975? Is it from '85? '95? 2005? They all have differences.
One other difference this go around is that you've got the woman who was in charge of Henson's workshop since the 80's overseeing the prototypes and critiquing them with a fine tooth comb. (Don't get me wrong... I love, love, love Terry's protos for the three characters he did... this is just one more quality control step.)
Anyway, I still have confidence that if these get made at all, they will be made right!