I disagree. Beaker and Animal, despite being fairly one-note characters (or perhaps because of) have kind of eclipsed every other Muppet in popularity with the exception of Kermit, Piggy, and perhaps Gonzo. I see more Animal merchandise than almost any other character, except Kermit. Beaker has plenty of merchandise, too. People remember and LOVE Beaker, at least anyone I know. Bring up the Muppets, he's one of the first people remember. As far as merchandise, he would be a big seller. Of course, a moving head for Beaker is absolutely necessary, but would put us right back here. Too many mechanics.I still don't understand you reason for Beaker being a Muppet poser. there are a lot of people out there that would know Miss Piggy before who beaker was. Beaker is not that popular of a character as you are making him out to be. Maybe in your eyes Beaker would be the it factor for eFX, but in todays market, people would go with chaqraters they know all too well. Basically, Beaker was just a stand in character in the Muppet labs episodes and kinda in the background if you would say. You show a green frog and everyone knows up front that it is Kermit. People want key charactersYou say Darth Vader....everyoneknows who he is and he is a high sell in the Star Wars community, but if you put lets say....a Jawa, everyone is going to pick who they remember the most. It sure isn't going to be Beaker as a first character. I think Kermit is the best bet to give people who did not get him the first time a second chance.
This information comes as a fan, as someone who worked on Muppet product and also as a store manager who has sold Muppet items in a toy shop.
I can't vouch for Bryan or your coworkers. I'm certainly not an expert, but I do have a little more working knowledge than most in the area of basic action figures, high end collectibles, Muppets and what customers of all sorts will spend real money on. Sometimes it bewilders me how a bit character has more popularity than a wider-known icon. Nonetheless...everybody knows Beaker. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't recognize the Muppet, but I've always lived in the US cities that tend to be particularly influenced by pop culture. It really could be different everywhere else. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but it conflicts what I've experienced. I still feel that the meepster would be a huge seller no matter what kind of product.Also, just cause you work in a toy shop and made figures doesn't mean that you know everything about what goes on with other companies and there products. You helped in making them, not selling them directly from the company. Now if you where a head CEO and was making the profit and knows what is selling is one thing. I worked for a major big company at one time also, but I cannnot sit here and think that I know everything about it cause I don't and I don't try to and don't want to. I did what I was suppose to and that was it. And like I said toys are one thing a collectible is another thing.
Um dude ... if this was five years ago when Beaker wasnt being used much i would kinda half agree with you, although even then he was always a pop culture symbol and these posers are obviously marketed to pop culture lovers. But recently we had "Ode To Joy" ... 10 MILLION hits (probably more). He was a viral sensation, near enough Susan Boyle like. Most people know who he is now, probably only Kermit is more recognisable and loved at the moment.I still don't understand you reason for Beaker being a Muppet poser. there are a lot of people out there that would know Miss Piggy before who beaker was. Beaker is not that popular of a character as you are making him out to be. Maybe in your eyes Beaker would be the it factor for eFX, but in todays market, people would go with chaqraters they know all too well.