Think Different
These are the MR issues revisited: Stellar prototypes that can't be replicated in the normal factory process. Plus, we have Disney's firmer grip on quality control this go-round. It looks like everybody needs to rethink things in order to get these done. Willing it to be so and waiting for that one in a million factory just won't make it happen.
I'd hate to say it, but the most feasible ways to make these (without commissioning them to be individually hand made at enormous expense) is to simplify the pattern and materials a bit to make them high end plush that don't require the level of hand detailing required by a legit replica. What Luke said. It's really not a bad idea and could actually bring about a better end result.
These really can't be 100% accurate replicas in any factory process in the first place. There were always going to be some alterations made and some corners cut. There is a way to get these made where these are high-end posable plushes that are nearly authentic poser quality, but at a price point and construction method that's easier to achieve.
I guess this is what I'm trying to say. The posers are inherently going to fall short in some areas no matter what, so why not design around that by intentionally making some changes in construction methods to achieve a similar result that can be better replicated to all specifications. My thinking is if these things had been done by MR in making the Gonzo poser that while the materials would be less authentic - - the "visual" result could have been much closer authentically and looked more pleasing. It would have also been less expensive and probably sold more units.
I don't know a lot about the intricacies of these issues, but I do know a little bit about how things get made and I just don't see this happening without a different approach. Whatever that approach may be.