Comic-Con Update
Hi All,
Had very nice talk with Bryan at the eFX booth. Rizzo and Kermit are there, but Rizzo got kind of faded from being in that store window.
Bryan was very nice and the news is... absolutely no news. His last report on the website is still the current situation. There is no factory. The last factory they had turned them down after five months of stringing them along. It's just too small of a job and too complicated. That plus, not only do they need to find a factory that will take on the job and handle it nearly perfectly, it has to be a factory approved by Disney. In order to get approved by Disney, the factory has to pay and if they fail, they have to pay again to be retested. So, eFX must find a factory that is willing to do the job and also is preapproved by Disney.
No one is more disappointed or frustrated by the delay than Bryan. He would like nothing more than to have these in production. But reality is getting in the way. When there is news, we will all hear it directly from him.