I know this isn't a new episode anymore, but hey, this is the first time I've seen it...so it's time for D'Snowth's Sesame Reviews!
Show No. 4096
Street Scene: Rosita receives a package from her grandma in Mexico. She sent her a picture of her from the local supermarket, and a beautiful Mexican bracelet. Rosita then begins to feel homesick for Mexico, Big Bird then decides to bring Mexico to Sesame Street, so with Luis and Miles's help, the arbor is filled with Mexican food, music, decorations, and a surprise visit from Rosita's grandma. Rosita is so happy, and feels so much better, they all have a party! Oops, I mean, they all have a feista!
Longtime, No Sees: Mary Monster (as an anything muppet monster), little girl baking sea-shell designed bread, Ernie's Show and Tell with Joey and a picture of his family
Newbies: Journey to Ernie as Big Bird looks for Ernie behind something that begins with the letter 'B'. Global Grover as Grover watched the making of clay piggy banks in Mexico. Three is My Fav-o-rit Number stop motion film, Elmo's World of Skin
New Characters: Book (Martin P. Robinson)
The street scene was rather short, but it was one of my favorites. The opening sequence was hilarious as Rosita talked about Mexican food, as she and her family dined on Chinese food. Funniest lines: the letter B said, "Hey Big Bird, let me tell you about the birds and the bees!", and a lizard asked Elmo "Can you play "Rainbow Connection"? It was also nice to have a new Elmo's World segment! I give this episode a 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.5!