

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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I dreamed I was riding my bike and trying to get a job trimming people's hedges.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2004
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I still try to write down ythe deeams i have. to me it's just another way of walking down memory lane like flipping throught the photo album....

One dream that comes to mind is where i was at this house out in the country. the family that lives there are friends of my family since i was 12. this house, though, was not right. it was nothing like the house they still live in. same family, same property in the country, wrong house. anyway, i was in the house and the mom of this family, Louise, asked me to get the other kids in for dinner. so i went out by the barn and the back yard, called in her kids and my siblings. I couldn't find one of my sisters, so i started to climb the silo.....

here she is playing checkers with her friend Angi on top of the silo!! I told them is was dinner time and they headed on down the side of the silo. just then i turned around to go down the ladder and loose my footing. i was falling. as i was falling faster and faster to the ground i braced myself for inpact. just as i felt the blades of grass on my face, i woke up.

weird huh?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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How about this exchange from Abbott and Costello? :

Costello: I eat baseball, I drink baseball. All night when I'm asleep I dream about baseball.
Abbott: Don't you ever dream about girls?
Costello: What and miss my turn up at bat?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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How about this stange dream I had last night: of course some of you may have guessed by now, I hate the 11th grade, so sometimes I make jokes about "Buckin' for a Section 8". Well last night I had a dream that I was just doing that! I walked around town in Kathy's blue blouse, but the funny thing is, like Klinger, everyone saw nothing out of the ordinary, except for this one small family...
LITTLE GIRL: Look mommy, that guy's wearing a shirt like your's.
MOTHER: Pay no attention to him sweetie, he's one of those transvestites!
But other than that, no one even noticed what I was doing, so later that evening I had a "meeting" with Klinger to discuss the whole ordeal...and suddenly, it's like I don't even want to take off the blouse!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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I had this one dream where I inherited "my grandma's" house. And I go to check out. And its all rainy and dark and of course the lights don't work. So I'm in this dark house and I hear this noise. I check out all the rooms and don't find anything. Then I go down stairs into the basement, but still nothing. Next, I find this trap that opens into a tunnel that takes me futher down in to the ground. The noise is getting louder all this time. Well I come out into this deep underground room. And I get attacked by "my grandma's" ghost. So I go running to the surface and out of the house with the ghost chasing me.

I've also had this recuring dream, sort of. Each new dream is like a new episode that follows the same basic plot line. So I'm a part of this team that has been infect with this alien virus and we have to stop the virus from spreading. And in each new episode the virus causes a different type of mutation to occur in other infecties(not so much with my team, but we are changing as well). And so I happen to be the main female character from the show Threshold. And my group consists of: the man who plays Clark Kent(superman) in the show Smallville. The woman who plays Natasha in the James Bond movie Goldeneye. And Robin the Boy Wonder from the show Teen Titans(only he's live action and doesn't wear his "Boy Wonder" get-up). We all wear dark colored uniforms and go around fighting these alien mutants. Fun, eh?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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D'Snowth said:
and suddenly, it's like I don't even want to take off the blouse!
*covers mouth* don't say anything...don't say anything...don't say anything...


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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I had a weird dream last night...

My Mom, my Grandma Emily, and I are celebrating Mother's Day at some outdoor picnic place. And Mom and me start talking about her BF, about marriage. And I say my going to walk to his house and kick him, and if I have the determination to do that (it's an hour drive) he should have the determination to marry her....

Very strange...that don't even want to think about marriage right now...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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I don't usually have dreams.... only nightmares..... which I guess are dreams. About a year and a half ago (nov. '04) I started having the recurring nightmares in which I was being chased by someone (always a different person). They happened almost every night until july of '05.

Also, a few weeks ago, I dreamt that one of my really good friends was going to kill a bunch of people.... which is now funnier than scary because he's really not the kind of person you would expect to be a mass murderer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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DanDanStrawberry said:
*covers mouth* don't say anything...don't say anything...don't say anything...
Thanks to whomever bumped this thread, so I could laugh my butt off at Dan's hilarious response to a dream I forgot I had about wearing dresses to get out of the 11th grade.:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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My bunny gave me nightmares the first night I got him...

In the dream...I wake up in bed with my glasses on, I roll over, take them off and set them on my nightstand next to another pair of glasses. Then I see a third pair of glasses floating over my nightstand, I move to grab them so I can put them down next to the others. As my fingers fall upon them they turn and an invisible hand grabs me by the throat pulling me into a sitting position. Then it starts choking me, I can hardly breath, and start looking around for help. I see my bunny has gotten out of his cage and is balancing on his back legs (what I call prairie dogging) in the middle of my room sniffing the air. Suddenly I break free and run to my door, and out into the hallway. I look into my brother's room and see him standing, clutching his neck with one arm out to ward something off, it looked like someone was Vader choking him. I go in and shake him, he comes back to himself and pushes me away saying "leave me alone." I turn and run to my mom's room to find her sleeping on the floor where I used to sleep when I had nightmares...

And your welcome DS...