

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Dreams are strange things, they have baffled psychologists for years. No one really knows what dreams are, but there are many theories. Now, everyone has strange dreams, tell us about yours. I open a friendly dream discussion to talk about dreams and what they mean or where they come from. (Sorry if this type of thread has been done before.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I know what you mean. When I was younger (between the ages on 3 and 5), occasionally I'd have a series of nightmares in which my family lived in our church, and I would always be stalked by this green and purple glowing German Shepard. Then sometimes I have really cool dreams that I want to have again, but never happen. I'd also like to have a dream where I make-out with Kathy Greenwood.

Other than that, my number one dream is to be a Muppeteer for Sesame Street.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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I have premonition dreams. I dream of something and then it happens, always get that deja vu feeling. Unfortunately, they're never about anything important. Like, my Uncle once had this recurring dream of a plane crash for several months. And from the dream he could remember the flight number and the time it crashed. Then a few years later he was watching the news and he saw that the plane he had dreamed about had crashed at the same time it had in his dream, weird. Anyway, has something like this ever happened to any of you?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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I know what you mean. I've dreamed about someone or something that I haven't talked to or had any thought about for ages and then in a day or two that very person or thing comes in my life (whether at a store, a phone call, etc.) Very interesting. As I said recently while dreaming a lot about my fiance, I think dreams are sometimes a therapeutic way of the mind sorting things out. I've also heard before that dreams usually reflect our desires and our fears and I've identified that to be the case with numerous dreams of mine. I think God, who uses many circumstances to teach us things, also uses dreams for our benefit too. Finally, one interesting thing about my dreams is I often am aware that I am dreaming while in the dream itself. So if I am ever in any kind of danger, such as dreaming that a ferocious dog is chasing me or that I'm driving fast on a road and can't see through the windshield, even though I am scared I also just tell myself, "Well, at least this is just a dream so I can open my eyes and escape this anytime." Perty peculiar, eh?
I also particularly am amused by dreams that have improbable or impossible combinations - like dreaming that I am talking to someone at a location that they have never even been to.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Ziffel said:
Finally, one interesting thing about my dreams is I often am aware that I am dreaming while in the dream itself. So if I am ever in any kind of danger, such as dreaming that a ferocious dog is chasing me or that I'm driving fast on a road and can't see through the windshield, even though I am scared I also just tell myself, "Well, at least this is just a dream so I can open my eyes and escape this anytime." Perty peculiar, eh?.
That is called a Lucid Dream, to use a term from Psych. Next time that happens try to change the dream, like adding a purple spotted cow or something, it could be fun...ny. Of course I never have Lucid Dreams, no matter how crazy my dreams are, I always think they're real while I'm having them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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One of the most blatant examples of a lucid dream I had was in the late 90's a few years after an uncle died of heart failure at just age 49. I dreamed we were all sitting around the living room and he said something like, "Well I'll bet my body really stinks in the ground by now!" And everyone laughed. Then I said, "Wait a minute. If you died then how can you be here right now talking about it?" Then I answered my own question, "Oh, because I'm just dreaming."
And I think this was also a therapeutic type dream in that I was still grieving for my uncle, whom was one of my family members I was closest with, and this provided a nice way to get to talk to him again even though it wasn't really happening.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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I had a dream I was a duck, and I worked at a Burger King run by ducks. It started out with me starting my first day of work and the manger telling me what I was to do.
Then the dream zoomed out the window and focused on a couple walking by the restaurant. The male says, "hey, isn't that the Burger King run by ducks?"
And the female says, "yeah, it is."
Then the dream zooms back over to me, but I'm standing in the parking lot. Next, two of your average evil movie goons start chasing me. So I run through the parking lot and jump on this red car. I try to jump into the air and fly, but I can't seem to do it. So I jump off the car and start running again.
Suddenly my Grandma is running beside me(she is in human form). And we run into this mall parking lot and then into the mall with the two goons still chasing us. So, we're running through this mall and a lady comes on the intercom system and says that the mall is closing in 5 min and if we don't get out in time we will be locked inside. She also says that for the next 5 min everything in the mall is free.
So everyone in the mall start running around like crazy, grabbing things and heading for the exits. My Grandma and I run into a store with the goons, and she grabs a metal bird cage and a pair of moccasins. She also tries to get a piano, but quickly abandons the idea.
So with an alarm blaring we run for the exit and we get out just in time. The goons on the other hand did not.
So we're running through the parking lot again and my Grandma just fades away. And I jump onto a red car, jump into the air, and fly away.

Strange dream no?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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Somewhat so. But that's the nature of a typical dream (funny how the dreams depicted in tv shows and movies often are so "normal" and logical. Ain't the way they often really go!). Good thing you ate your BK food for energy to elude those goons. I worked at a BK before as a teen but always liked the food at Mickey D's and Wendy's far better. Also, pretty funny that ducks were serving chicken sandwiches to customers. Fine feathered friends, eh?! Also, your dream had elements of fear in it and possibly desire (your grandmother's presence). Add to that the inability to fly at one point (comparable to the frequently cited characteristic in dreams about trying to run away but just can't seem to be able to) and you've got one perfectly normal and typical bizarre dream there, Red Dragon.
I'll have fries with that, please. No, make that onion rings (the ONE good thing about BK - they have OR's on the menu).
Ohhh and one more observation - your successfully making it out of the mall and escaping those goons seems like another typical dream trait: we always are spared from the danger in dreams. In other words, does anyone ever say they dreamed the car they were driving crashed into something, the dog that was chasing them caught them and bit them badly, the person who was chasing them caught them and beat them up, etc? I don't think so. I once also heard that if you dream that you are falling and end up dreaming that you actually hit the ground then you will really die in real life. But I think there's some doubt to that! :zany:


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Yeah, I'm normal, sorta. Yeah, um the falling thing is not true. Its just an urban legend. In dreams you can never actually see yourself die, it just doesn't happen. You may see someone coming after you with a knife, then you see your funeral, but you never see the person stab you. And just because you die in a dream doesn't mean you're going to die in real life. I mean, you will die, at some point, just not for a few years yet. Dreams are very strange.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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I dreamed the other day I was married to Jennifer Garner. I'm serious!!

I do have a thing for her even though she is married now.
