"What troubles me or what I find confusing is that several characters seem to in the last 10 years remain the same, Fozzie being one of them. While others like the afore mentioned have under gone radical change. I guess I would think that if materials have changed that drastically over the years why don't we see these changes across the board with all characters? "
because rebuilding doesnt mean that e scrapped every part of the puppet,
sometimes it is only the insides that need to be rebuilt.
"Next I do not understand, if a puppets life is so short and has to be remade with a great deal of frequency, how do you account for Grover and his nappy fur look. Working the oils of your hand into the fur as was stated takes years, but we all know that puppets wear out and break down and are then rebuilt, so would we not have seen a new Grover many times already? Again I am not trying to come across as a Smart A**, I am just wondering for myself."
see above answer, often times a puppet is just skinned, and a new inside is built then the puppet is recoverd with the old skin, remeber thius all costs money and productions do not want to rebuild evrything, its on a case by case basis that deciedes who gets a overhall, and who gets a tune up
"The last thing that I must stress, and this is a personal preference but please take those feathers off of Sam’s head, he looks so stupid with them, and he is supposed to be a Bald Eagle, nor growing feathers with propecia!"
one time joke dude, it was a throw away gag, (it was originally in the "RAVE" scene at the Muppet Club)