Do I think he did it? Shell yeah. He did it before, he'll do it again. I'm surprised he hasn't been called in just for sharing the bed with strange kids alone (strange as in, he does not know them.... just in the event of someone saying... "But he's the strange one..") But do I think that the prosecutor should get money? No, no...definately not.
To be fare, half of this is money and extortion, but the other half is... well... look at him.
Michael Jackson has become a nightmarish, Tim Burton-esque characature of himself. Now, I know he had a tough child hood.... but this is rediculous. Now, I can look the other way with him living in a giant amusement park, with cartoon character bedsheets (I actually have toon bedsheets, but they're the Simpsons. that's a PG cartoon... besides, I'm a cartoonist), and jewel encrusted Kermits

...but, then again, he's become a paranoid, dellusional, self-hating African/American, who even has kids sleep in his room. I mean, the cute 1980's escapades, when his pal was a monkey named Bubbles is NOTHING. Wait 10 years, he'll be even more outrageous.
Personally, I'd like the case to end like this. The kid's parents get NOTHING, but Michael Jackson should register as a sex offender, and have a manditory 2 year minimum stay at a mental institution.