Do you feel bad for liking Sesame Street?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2008
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I feel bad Because, They got the old episodes removed on Noggin, I just saw it since i was in Kindergarden to mid 3rd grade.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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im not the biggest SST person, im more of an MS person, but i still love SST. i do keep it a little on the DL at school, cause there's this one kid who goes to my school who just cant give me a break. hes like 2 years older than me, yet he cant find someone to pick on his own size. i should actually say own age cause i am way taller than him. but he makes fun of everything i do. the way i talk, the way i stand, the way i play volleyball. so id rather not say a word about SST. if he finds out, im done. i ended up quiting the volleyball team because he was so mean to me. he thinks im gay, and trys to imitate me all the time. once he asked me if i had any balls, so i just walked away. my class doesnt mind. they just laugh at me and move on with their lives.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I'm really sorry. School is hard for a lot of people, hang in there. And walking away is a wise thing to do. I wish more kids and their parents (both the bullies and the ones who just stand in the background) would understand the damage they are doing to other human beings and to themselves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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im not the biggest SST person, im more of an MS person, but i still love SST. i do keep it a little on the DL at school, cause there's this one kid who goes to my school who just cant give me a break. hes like 2 years older than me, yet he cant find someone to pick on his own size. i should actually say own age cause i am way taller than him. but he makes fun of everything i do. the way i talk, the way i stand, the way i play volleyball. so id rather not say a word about SST. if he finds out, im done. i ended up quiting the volleyball team because he was so mean to me. he thinks im gay, and trys to imitate me all the time. once he asked me if i had any balls, so i just walked away. my class doesnt mind. they just laugh at me and move on with their lives.
Been there my friend, and I can pretty muhc relate to all of it! Kids are just so immature. Just have to ride this tough time out. I hope it goes beter for you!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Been there my friend, and I can pretty muhc relate to all of it! Kids are just so immature. Just have to ride this tough time out. I hope it goes beter for you!
well gracias my friend