And some people are just little nasty schmucks that want to ruin everything for everyone. It was probably some 12 year old spam kid or some reality TV junkie or something.I find much of the weird (and rare) Muppet hate actually comes from a distain of puppets and not the Muppet brand or projects as a whole. I've even heard some equate Muppets to clowns. Clowns are just plain creepy IMHO and have nothing to do with Kermit and the gang. Some people are just going to hate.
In my opinion, the only "stupid reboot" of a "rightfullty dead franchise" would be a movie that was made 20 years ago that no one really liked when it first came out. Not that I believe that, mind you... but we're talking about a movie that some of us are waaaay too young to remembe (or at least see in theaters) and only had a slow moving cult following.
There's so much disdain for magic posing as "grown up machoness" that just gets under my skin. If you want to tear something down critically with instances and a reasoning behind it, by all means... but this is soulless anger from someone who probably can't wait for Saw 16 because he enjoys watching people getting ripped to shreds. I'm sorry, but some of it does sound like someone's got a psychological hatred of something that was created to make people happy. Jim Henson wanted to entertain people in the purest sense... and to have some nasty little puke rip part of his life's work down because of some deep seated hatred of puppets or childhood things that don't scream masculine that they probably strapped toys to rockets when they were moody teens anyway.
Or it could be that schmuck that was spamming us back in 2004.