........again expecting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much!
I'm disappointed there's no PVC set. That's what I was hoping for. Not much more than that.
Still, it seems the things they over market wind up on clearance. A tertiary TS3 character is in that clearance picture right there. I think that if they managed the thing the generic background zebras and giraffes from the Lion King as plush toys, they could have had the Swedish Chef and Rowlf (possibly Scooter) added to the line up after the movie came out.
This seems to be one of those things we're going to have to wait until the DVD comes out. But then again, the movie has positive buzz, the toys are doing well(I only saw the off looking Fozzies and the very good Piggys not moving) will send the message they really should sell MORE of these guys.