Disney Channel Preps for Muppet "Mini Movies"


Philip Kippel

And may I add that being extremely pessimistic is not something that Jim Hesnon would've wanted either?

He would've wanted us to be optimistic, no matter what's going in the world. After all, who wants to be a "Boober"? We have to be strong. We have to keep the faith and believe that things will get better. If we lose that faith, we will be guaranteed to fall.

Besides, even our moderator Fozzie Bear would've said these very same things...and I'm trying to follow his advice and not let myself continue to be the grouch that I've been around here over the last couple of years.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I don't want to put words in Jim Henson's mouth here, heh, but I imagine he would want us to think for ourselves. If we have an opinion either way, we should state it, as long as we're respectful. :smile:

Philip Kippel

I don't want to put words in Jim Henson's mouth here, heh, but I imagine he would want us to think for ourselves. If we have an opinion either way, we should state it, as long as we're respectful. :smile:
And as long as don't start acting like a bunch of "Boobers". :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Lol, well I imagine there's room for both Boobers and Sidebottoms on this issue. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Is there a Muppet character that acts totally skeptical towards things, and wants to hear real news about anything happening? That's my attitude.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Oddly enough, Sam and Floyd (usually polar opposites) fit that category in my opinion. :attitude: :sing:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm guessing my attitude is more like Asterix in Asterix and the Big Fight, when he's skeptic some wanderer has psychic powers. All I want to know, is there an address or e-mail contact for Disney or something. This way, we can go to the source and kindly voice our disappointment.

OH... and once these pop up, can someone upload them to youtube or something? I want to see them myself.

Philip Kippel

They're not going to reveal "top secret" plans to us, folks. There's no way they'll do that.

And continously wanting to voice "disappointments" is not healthy. It can still be seen as slamming them, which is what they don't want or need. Remember: Disney DOES read this forum, so you should be REALLY careful about what you say around here.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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You know, while I agree with both sides of this issue and heated debate topic, I think that really the only logical explanation as to why we haven't gotten any news lately is because Disney is obviously working on something big. I don't know what the heck it is, and for all I know it could be utter garbage, but either they're not doing anything at all, or they have big plans for something that they want to keep under wraps until the time comes.

A few posts ago Drtooth, you were talking about Disney being the lesser of five evils, and I wholeheartedly agree. I mean, at least Disney has been respectful to the Muppets and put them on GOOD merchandise that the public can access. I mean, when was the last time you saw a Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck t-shirt? Today you could walk into Kohls and find two different t-shirts with Animal on them. I think that Disney is really just trying to put the characters back into the public eye slowly but surely. I mean, people know who the Muppets are, they just need to be reminded that they're still around, and Disney is doing a great job of that.

I for one am extremely optimistic about whatever this so-called "top secret" project that Phillip K. keeps talking about is. But at the same time I'm very aprehensive about being let down again... But I for one am holding on to my optimism.

And back on the issue of all this "hush hush" stuff that Disney's apparently been working on... well, I think we should all turn to Pepe for this one.

"What happens in Emerald City stays in Emerald City, hokay."

Don't know how much context that line has right now... I just wanted to fit it in some where. :stick_out_tongue: