I liked the season premiere, but the fact that there was an awkward time limit that could not be exceeded, made it feel a little weak...with a story like this and the last two-parter, it seems like it would have needed more time to feel whole. Like some more time to give Sombra a deeper backstory, that would have been nice.
Well, other than that, the animation has really gotten better! And I'm itchin' to know what that book Luna had is about...and what became of Cadence's family since we find out that she's the Crystal Princess...we need a Cadence backstory!
The songs were pretty bad.
LOL, I thought they were catchy. I couldn't get the "Failure Success" song out my head when I first heard it...I especially loved how all the main characters (including Spike!) sang the reprise at the end...It felt like a musical. >w<