Diamond Select Toys to Produce new Muppet figures and mini mates!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
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In this recent YouTube, Zach talks a lot about their Muppets figures. It sounds like Deadly and Pepe are now supposed to ship in February, and Lips and Lew Zealand will go up for pre-order in March or April. I'm not excited about the long and continued delays, but I am excited that we still could have figures of Deadly, Pepe, Sweetums, Lips, and Lew Zealand by the end of the year. It sounded like the production issues that have caused delays for all of Diamond's figures are getting resolved, which I'm hoping means we'll get Sweetums and Robin this summer and Lips and Lew before the end of the year.

Zach said work hasn't started on the set they'll make after Lips and Lew because production is so backed up, but he did throw out some possibilities. Link and Strangepork seemed to be top of the list. It sounds like as a two-pack without Piggy. Then maybe Pops and Beauregard or the Newsman, Vets Hospital 3-pack, Christmas Carol variants with Michael Caine, and maybe Bobo and Walter eventually.