Deja vu all over again


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Apr 5, 2011
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They mean "profit creators". And Boehner's simpering where the Teabaggers are concerned is positively sickening. It's like letting the most spoiled child ruin the entire family Thanksgiving by allowing it to run screaming through the dining room stealing the turkey legs...and then insisting the brat is acting responsibly...



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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They mean "profit creators". And Boehner's simpering where the Teabaggers are concerned is positively sickening. It's like letting the most spoiled child ruin the entire family Thanksgiving by allowing it to run screaming through the dining room stealing the turkey legs...and then insisting the brat is acting responsibly...
Boehner and Cantor are just awful awful people. Even if you don't like the President, he's at LEAST trying to be the adult in the situation. The Republican Party has acted like freaking Eric Cartman since he got into office, but now it's just a bunch of fat rich spoiled brats whining that they aren't the center of attention. Hey, isn't Cantor like a hedge fund manager, like that guy we had to throw in jail?

Maybe if the right throws the word "demagog" around a million more times everyone will break down and give them exactly what they want, which is squeezing the life out of the poor so the rich..errr... "job creating Mother Teressas" can stay overfed and have even more money to pass out as bonuses to the drooling morons that run the companies into the ground. Doesn't matter, because our credit rating's going to be screwed even if something passes.

Really... this is what the Teaparty gave us. People who suckle to social security, welfare, Medicare and all that who want it to stop after them, because they're special... yet have no problem with government supported horse insemination and corporate welfare to pay big business for the privilege of moving overseas and going bankrupt while a CEO gets a record profit the likes no one has ever seen. Oh well... commie this and commie that, but we can't get rid of corporate socialism.

I at least support the plan of COMPROMISE! I mean, really, that's become a dirty disgusting concept that BOTH sides have to suffer.


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Apr 5, 2011
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I agree spending cuts will have to be made...but yelling NO TAXES, NO TAXES -- even on the wealthiest and the corporate hogs -- is insanely stupid. What REALLY irks me is that working-class people somehow SUPPORT this outrage.

Oh will be cut even further as state after state lays off teachers...of course. THAT'S how they plan to stay in power. The influence of sheer ignorance!
It ALMOST makes me want to switch to teaching...but I'd be canned within days for berating the politicians. Hah.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I agree spending cuts will have to be made...but yelling NO TAXES, NO TAXES -- even on the wealthiest and the corporate hogs -- is insanely stupid. What REALLY irks me is that working-class people somehow SUPPORT this outrage.
People are starting to wise up. The Republicans have an even lower approval rating than the president that they worked so hard to give a low approval rating too. And a thick majority of Americans support budget cuts AND Tax hikes. The only people who are still loving the Republican plan are the very same Teahaws that put them in office.... the very same Teabrains that WANT the nation to default and cause chaos and misery and the destruction of Western civilization because they are delluded enough to think that the government will learn a lesson and/or that things will be back in the wonderful pre Thomas Jefferson days (you know, slavery, women being objects... all that wonderful stuff).

As if absolute financial holocaust will make the government learn a lesson... The banking system crashed twice in 30 years, NO ONE regulated anything... if anything each Administration (EVEN Clinton) deregulated it. We DIDN'T learn the lessons of Enron, we keep going back into Middle Eastern wars... heck, wars period even though nothing good has come out of war since 1946. The government will continue to screw up, the wealthy fat pigs will continue to screw up and ask for money from the government so they can pay each other off. But it will take DECADES to get us back to mild recession from world wide economic collapse.

I love how Boehner keeps whining that the president is only thinking about the next election, when he and his dittohead party are doing nothing but pandering to an extremist group that's an extreme minority that listened to enough Glenn Beck to get them elected.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Hah! Don't get me started on the Beckbrains...

I believe the US's days as a world power are starting to decline. Being able to go to war doesn't make us strong; having nukes doesn't make us strong. We are falling behind in commerce precisely BECAUSE the rich pigs keep being pandered to by Congress. Our schools are failing against global standards (at least among other first and second-world nations) because the Repubs haven't made educating kids responsibly, effectively, and thoroughly a priority. And a credit rating downgrade? Forseeable, preventable, and utterly unstoppable at this late date!

I noted last night that Dan Simmons, horror and sci-fi author, has a new novel out, set 20 years from now in which the US is a minor player on the global stage and daily life is so miserable for most Americans that many turn to a drug which lets them re-experience past glories as a means of avoiding the present. could happen...



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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[quote="newsmanfan, post: 826893]I noted last night that Dan Simmons, horror and sci-fi author, has a new novel out, set 20 years from now in which the US is a minor player on the global stage and daily life is so miserable for most Americans that many turn to a drug which lets them re-experience past glories as a means of avoiding the present. could happen...[/quote]

There is a possibility that will happen at some point down the line. All the major world empires eventually fell. It's naive to think we never will. Of course many of those countries are still around and managed to survive in another form. Sometimes a lose of power does serve to put things in perspective, heh.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Hah! Don't get me started on the Beckbrains...

I believe the US's days as a world power are starting to decline. Being able to go to war doesn't make us strong; having nukes doesn't make us strong. We are falling behind in commerce precisely BECAUSE the rich pigs keep being pandered to by Congress. Our schools are failing against global standards (at least among other first and second-world nations) because the Repubs haven't made educating kids responsibly, effectively, and thoroughly a priority. And a credit rating downgrade? Forseeable, preventable, and utterly unstoppable at this late date!
Beck is a dangerous, dangerous insane lunatic. He's an extremist Mormon nationalist, and a Libertarian crack pit known for lying and not being able to keep his own crackpot theories straight. I especially like his childish vendetta against some leftwing Jewish advocate, making up stories about how he helped out Hitler in the Holocaust because he doesn't agree with his insane logic. He reminds me of the worst kids in school that bully everyone minding their own business and when someone steps on his foot (this happened to me) he cries his eyes out with crocodile tears to get sympathy he doesn't deserve. Now, I'm no fan of Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or scary skeleton woman Ann Coulter, but at least they have an audience of smug Neo-Cons listening to them and they're welcome to their opinions, but Beck is dangerous. And even FOX fired him. Fox!

Anyway, we're going to be a third world country... we're slowly going down that road and the best the left has done is to slow it down a little more, the right speeding it up. The rich had enough of a free ride the past 30 years, it's time for them to pay the dang piper so they can start getting profits the old fashion way... earning them from US being able to buy stuff and hiring us to basically give them part of the pay check they give us.

Nope... it's all outsource, raise prices, outsource, raise prices. That caused the 2008 crash and gave us an artificially enlarged top heavy economy. Now the economy is better than it's ever been, and the only reason they say it's a recession is that a Dem is in charge. The rich AREN'T creating jobs, they spend a fortune bribing the government to keep the minimum wage low, and then they get record breaking CEO wages and bonuses for basically doing bad jobs.

That said, the whole world will be effected by this crap, all I'm asking is why aren't these countries considering forgiving our debt? it will help us ALL out in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Why would anyone forgive us our debts? YOU know anyone that philanthropic?

A friend of mine in conversation last night brought up a good point about one of the major Teabagger issues: immigration, legal and otherwise. Quoth she: "They're angry at immigrants coming here to supposedly take jobs away from American workers...but it's okay to allow corporations to outsource to third-world nations so foreigners too far away to consider immigrating can...take our jobs. Huh?"

I propose a new law: any company wishing to be considered a US-based company, with any tax advantages that confers (and I think those ought to be slashed some, too) ought to have 75% of its physical plants AND its workers IN the US...actually WITHIN national borders. Or else they'll be considered a foreign company, and be taxed HIGHER and subject to international tariffs! THAT would stop the outsourcing, profit-scarfing, idiotically self-interested pigs.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Why would anyone forgive us our debts? YOU know anyone that philanthropic?
Well, our screw ups have screwed every single other country on the planet. Japan's economy (pre-Earthquake) was miserable because (get this) their money was too strong. As someone who likes buying Japanese snack foods and little goofy anime toys, trust me... the things cost a bleeding fortune over here. We get like less than 80 yen to the dollar.

China wouldn't be the fool's paradise it is if we didn't give them jobs and look the other way when they get all the oil from the countries we supposedly invade. if it wasn't for us, their young adults would be questioning what happened in Tienanmen Square and (worse) questioned all the accomplishments of Mao that he really didn't do, instead of chowing down at McD's and listening to government censored Justin Bieber music on their bootleg iPods.

Not to mention we always have to be the dang big brother of the world every time something happens. Face it, the other countries kinda OWE us one. But realistically, they're not going to forgive the debt, or help us out... no. They're going to let what happens happen out of schadenfreude for what happened in the last decade (remember when people were saying, "DAhhhhh, we don't care what other countries think of us... deeeerrrp!"), and then blame us for any problems they have.

That said, here's something... even McCain hates the Teabag America baseball George Washington Freedom Patriot Party, and even he's blaming them for Boehner's idiotic pandering and movement further and further right. I don't have the quote, but he apparently called them Tea Party hobbits that want the country to fail so everyone will blame the president. Really, that speaks volumes. Thanks for voting the "bums" out, you guys. We got the worst bums back in.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Eh, well, McCain has flipflopped on so many issues (FAR more than Kerry was ever accused of, even) that I no longer listen to a word out of his mouth. Plus, what has he done for AZ lately? You remember them...the state he supposedly represents...

I don't know that anyone OWES us, but sheesh, cooperating with the saner members of government here instead of worshipping at the altar of the Virtual Dollar Almighty would serve everyone better, globally. I wish, I wish, I wish there was an in-the-womb screening process for "greedy idiot" which would prevent more of the little monsters from even being born...unfortunately I think that attitude is more nurture than nature! Greed is universal. Go and watch the revelation scene in the amazingly, darkly funny film "Network" when the Corporate Head lays down the Holy Writ of the Sponsor for the already-schizo anchorman. Nothing's changed. Until a vast majority of people EVERYWHERE stand up for logical, careful, and yes, socialized reform of the entire global economy, nothing will change for the better.

Honestly, some days I think elevating the Brain (of "Pinky & the Brain") to World Leader would make more sense than the current process of gouge-and-enrich...