Yeah, but you forgot the biggest parent ever, the Libertarian Pied Piper. The whole Constitutional literalism and misinterpreting of American History (from people who don't even KNOW history, yet) in favor of selfishly not wanting to pay taxes. That's Libertarian. Trust me. I looked into it, and after the initial "Nah, we shoulda stayed out of Iraq and remained isolationist" sense, there was a lot of "The only rights we should have is for big business and gun owners," "We don't want to pay for public education," and my personal favorite, "Big Government means that if I own a miniscule, non-money making small business, I'm going to go bankrupt if the government puts rules and regulations on banks and bigger companies that would run over my little coffee house/comic store with a steamroller with me in it to build an abandoned lot." They want some pretty extreme stuff that benefits no one.When it comes down to it, the Tea Party has two parents: The Democrats and The Republicans.
1. The Democrats belittled and scoffed at voters for not being as "smart" as they were. They wanted to fight for the working class, but they disliked working class people. Hence, many voters felt disconnected from the Democratic party.
2. Enter the Republicans who took advantage of this dissatisfaction and played into the voters' fears and pretended to share their values.
The result = The Tea Party was born. It was inevitable really.
Oh... and Fox News sponsors them. Not just fuels them, SPONSORS them.
To break down the gist of a Ted Rall comic I once saw about the Tea Party, Outrage at republicans lead to joining a group that makes you outraged at the other parties more, causing you to vote Republican as usual. There's no change... just a pseudo-patriotic name and some scary as heck policies.
I would have respect for an anti-government movement, but it's more like a displaced anger over a section of the government over the one we just had that caused the worst to happen. Or as I like to call it, throwing the bums back in. You make an interesting point, BUT it is a little more complicated than that. Especially since it gained notoriety due to the legislation for Health Care reform. Now, it started off with reasonable logic... government run health care may not be that good, it could be a waste of money, and there might be some negative effects on Medicare. I didn't agree with that, but I saw the point. But then the anti-government militia-esque wack jobs and of course, rich Neo-Cons that are fearful that they'd have to pay their fair share to Uncle Sam, and Dr. Nick type hack doctors that want to keep screwing patients got a hold of it, and all the sudden it became about Nazi socialist Kenyian born communist trying to kill grandma and force abortions and turning the US into USSR. The absolute garbage that slimed out of their mouths was unAmerican, unpatriotic, and 100% pro lasse fare big business. An anti-government rally turned into a pro-THIS side of the government only and keep your hands off our lead painted, e-coli tainted, high fructose poison rally.
Suffice to say, once Tea Party favorite in a blue state Scott Brown(noser) got elected after the opportunistic death of Ted Kennedy (I blame Martha Coakley and liberals that just wanted a woman to do the job... Palliuca would have kicked Brown's butt), the market value of health care provider stocks went up, followed by health care rate increases. Who are these people REALLY working for?
I know I'm harsh, but I have no tolerance for people who say that giving us health care is exactly like the mass genocide of Jews, Gypsies, gays, mentally challenged, and others. Especially since these same Obama=Hitler types favor some pretty fascist, UNAMERICAN, Unchristian loonies like Michelle Bachman. Her logic is a lot closer to square mustache man than any Democrat or Republican out there. And niot because she's a woman, because she's a scary loonatic that wants to put up re-education centers for the young people. Really..> John McCain really shouldn't appologize about calling them hobbits... well, maybe... they seem more like orks right now...