It does sound like its gonna be "Cheapest" now, because more sites have annoucned it and also even referenced the old Jim script but who knows, maybe they got that from here or something.
I don't like the idea of naming it "Cheapest", prefer "Greatest" - reason being, firstly "Greatest" sounds better for a consumer point of view, especially it being the Muppets triumphant return to the Theatres and secondly "Cheapest" opens them up to a whole lot of jokes if the movie isn't quite up to par .. and even if it isn't, people will do the jokes anyway. Saying that it seems the Segal script is an interpretation of that script, and if it is, interesting that they are continuing to keep Gonzo as lead role like they did with MCC and MTI and good that it will show the Muppets all getting back together which is definitely the right kind of message to send to the public (even if they haven't actually been apart)