One of my biggest disappointments with the DST figures was the way Animal's accessories kept falling over because of their tiny bases and top-heavy designs.
Another problem was that the way Animal's hips were jointed, the low stool tilted him too far back. It needed to be a little bit taller, in my opinion.
I arranged them atop a piece of paper (after consulting a diagram for real drum setups) and traced their bases.
From this organic start, I was able to digitally build a small bandstand in Tinkercad.
I then had this grown on the 3D printer at my local library's "Collaboratory". It cost me less than six dollars.
Below you can see the stool, bass pedal, and cymbals in place in their recessed spots. (Well, the stool has a raised cone with a recessed top). I was briefly tempted to make a pedal for the high-hat cymbal while I was at it, but ultimately decided if DST was okay with it, I was too.
Here I've added the snare and the medium tom in the last two recessed circles. I didn't bother making any recesses for the bass drum or the floor tom, since they don't fall over.
Here you can see how the slightly taller stool fits Animal's maximum hip movement much better.
And lastly, here's the entire drum kit, including the bass and the floor tom. I even put a tiny dollop of hot glue in each recess, so I can pick this thing up and move it as one unit if I want.
This top angle shows how all of the drums and cymbals are in Animal's armspan as he plays.
Ain't technology great?