Commercial rant time...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Still, making fun of fat people in such a manner is VERY harsh; it's actually a proven fact that fat people are harassed/teased/ridiculed/insulted/etc by other "thinner" people that Black people are by racists, and I don't mean that disrespectfully, but it IS a proven fact.
People love to pick on people who are different or somehow disgust them to make them feel better about their own pathetic lives. What I REALLY hate are people who go to fast food places, order the biggest thing on the menu, have a freakazoid metabolism and harp on anyone overweight ordering a small hamburger with nothing else. Same logic used here.

What bugs me is that Subway had these amazing commercials featuring Jon Lovitz in a role similar to his Master Thespian role from SNL. But they can't keep showing those.

I also hate those Special K commercials that show bone thin women (again, this was the thesis of my statement) who purposely deprive themselves of everything because they think it will land them the hot guy of their dreams that they're told they're too good for, and then told they aren't. Mental freaking ping pong, man. And they put it next to commercials saying "It's okay if you're overweight... that's normal! Here's a bra that fits you better and moisturizing soap." Mixed messages anyone?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm bumping this thread since I saw something at the height of disgustingness... I didn't even know they advertised this, but I'm guessing it was because it was a network that's based in Pennsylvania or somewhere... but I saw an ad for guns. Not some NRA propaganda or gun safety PSA's... an actual company that makes guns... and if that weren't bad enough, here's how the thing played out.

A disgusted home owner throws out everything in his house that's "unreliable" and made in other countries (I swear something was marked "made in Iran" or Iraq... classy Red Stateness right there), he throws out his mother in law (HAHAHAHAHAH! Mother in Law jokes! Man, I love jokes from the 1950's that are incredibly dated by today's standards) and the only thing he keeps is the only thing he can trust... a repeater he keeps over the fire place.

Now, i don't know about you, but you have a message that says, "All you can trust is your gun" which has a very VERY deep routed militia message in there. Somehow that absolutely disgusts me that they'd even show this on television period. Thankfully it was broadcast where no one's gonna see it... but I find that absolutely vile. And you can second ammendment me all you want, you SHOULDN'T advertise weapons that aren't small, plastic, shoot nerf balls , or come with G.I. Joes on TV.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Well, it's different down here, because there's actually a fight going on in our county with public officials as to whether or not guns should be allowed in our parks across the county; the pro side is saying that it would be useful for self-defense if things got ugly, and the anti side is saying what happens if things escalate and a kid gets hurt?

Already in the state of Tennessee, it's actually illegal to be in possession of a gun UNLESS YOU HAVE A PERMIT TO CARRY ONE... in fact, just look at the "Amusing Anecdote Thread" for a funny story involving a guy with a gun a while back; and other than that, the only time guns are advertised in this town that isn't NRA propaganda or gun safety PSAs like Drtooth said are for "Gun Shows" they have at our Expo or Convention center from time to time.

But I'm included to agree with Drtooth, it sounds like that commercial has a "Classy Red Stateness" vibe to it, lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Okay, has anyone seen these new commercials for these new Reebok shoes? The shoes that are supposed to help tone women's butts?

- One commercial features a fitness trainer who talks about how the shoes are designed to help tone women's legs, and butts... and the camera keeps panning down, and tightening on her butt, while she keeps having to motion for the camera to return to her face, etc.

- A new one today features a woman's breasts in a push-up bra, and these extreme close-ups of her breasts "talking" to each other about how jealous they are that men don't stare at them anymore, but rather, the woman's butt because of how toned it's gotten since she's been wearing these Reebok shoes.

You see that? This is PROOF that you can't sell ANYTHING in this world today without incorporating sex into it somehow! What is the matter with people today? !

muppet maniac

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Time for the voice of reason to step in...

Okay, has anyone seen these new commercials for these new Reebok shoes? The shoes that are supposed to help tone women's butts?

- One commercial features a fitness trainer who talks about how the shoes are designed to help tone women's legs, and butts... and the camera keeps panning down, and tightening on her butt, while she keeps having to motion for the camera to return to her face, etc.

- A new one today features a woman's breasts in a push-up bra, and these extreme close-ups of her breasts "talking" to each other about how jealous they are that men don't stare at them anymore, but rather, the woman's butt because of how toned it's gotten since she's been wearing these Reebok shoes.

You see that? This is PROOF that you can't sell ANYTHING in this world today without incorporating sex into it somehow! What is the matter with people today? !

Every commercial on TV, past and present, no matter what it involves, or what it's selling is amusing, provocative and at times silly. They provide a laugh or two, but can be BS at times (even though they won't say it). No matter what they're selling, no matter how many times they're constantly shoving it into our faces, we just don't give a (beaver) dam. We'll decide for ourselves what we want to buy or consume.

But in response to your rant there, let me ask you and everyone else here on this board a question. And use your brains...

Which of these things is very likely to, and will damage lives?

A) a cover for an issue of Playboy magazine
B) a gun

Let me give you a hint: There's one right answer, and there's one wrong answer.

The correct answer is...

B) a gun

Of course. If you were a smart person, you'd know this.

This is the problem with America: you people always freak out over sex - the overall concept of it, the desires and thoughts one has when seeing an attractive looking lady nearby that they want to (you know)...anything that gets people "excited"; you all scream in horror over a centerfold spread like the end of the world is drawing near.

But let's cut to the chase, and look at the two distinctions: What is "sex"? It's two people (a man and a woman, traditionally, but not just) doing...whatever it is they do when they decide that thing they do (as much as I want to make a point here, I'm trying to do so without going into too much detail).

And what was going on in the aforementioned commercial? Basically it involved a woman telling us that these new shoes will "help tone your legs and butt", followed by the "sneaky" camera repeatedly zooming in on her butt. Silly, yes. Cheeky (no pun intended), yes. While the overall product may be bogus, there was no sex involved at all.

That's the other problem: people see the female posterior as sexual taboo. You won't believe the comments left by people on Youtube. One user even went as far as to say that he/she was terrified of the commercial, and added that his/her kids were TRAUMATIZED (not kidding, the person really did say that).

After reading these comments, especially the one by that lunatic, I thought to myself, "Gee, are people really this insecure and stupid?"

In any case, this moron needs to know that EVERY living thing has one of these on their bodies, you see it everyday, you sit on it everyday, what's so "taboo" or scary about it? Get over it. Same with breasts (which only women have). Again, it's just a body part. Nothing to fear about them.

Which brings us to the point: Like it or hate it, or whether you guys (and gals) want to admit it or not, we all have these feelings --- be it fantasizing some hot blonde, or fascinated by T and/or A --- We're all old enough to know these things. And hey, I'm sure some of us even had these feelings before we could talk. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a part of human nature as the trees, birds, sky, grass, and whatnot. It's also part of growing up. Nothing ugly about it.

As Captain Zaffino (sp?) from the Garbage Pail Kids Movie said: "Ugliness is not in the mirror. Ugliness is cruelty, meanness of spirit, greed..."

Which is what these idiotic religious, family values, and "fake feminist" groups as well as the ---holes in government (like Bush) represent; these twits fuss over a "scandalous" magazine cover, or a "dirty" billboard, or regulate "entertainment", and yet they lie, cheat, steal, etc. (and this is always the case). Childish hypocrites they certainly are.

And besides, without sex, none of us would even be here today.

To finish things off: My advice for people who go ballistic over this kind of stuff is...

Stop overreacting and grow up. Take a class. Get some knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Which brings us to the point: Like it or hate it, or whether you guys (and gals) want to admit it or not, we all have these feelings --- be it fantasizing some hot blonde, or fascinated by T and/or A --- We're all old enough to know these things. And hey, I'm sure some of us even had these feelings before we could talk. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a part of human nature as the trees, birds, sky, grass, and whatnot. It's also part of growing up. Nothing ugly about it.

As Captain Zaffino (sp?) from the Garbage Pail Kids Movie said: "Ugliness is not in the mirror. Ugliness is cruelty, meanness of spirit, greed..."

Which is what these idiotic religious, family values, and "fake feminist" groups as well as the ---holes in government (like Bush) represent; these twits fuss over a "scandalous" magazine cover, or a "dirty" billboard, or regulate "entertainment", and yet they lie, cheat, steal, etc. (and this is always the case). Childish hypocrites they certainly are.
Well put. My problem is that people don't want to be educated about ANYTHING because that would mean work. Now, I really don't want to go completely on things, but we have the blatant hypocrisy of selling KY stuff but not having PSA's about anything. That's the basis of what I'm saying. They should be allowed to show ads for ANY product (within reason... I still say NO to gun advertisements- I've seen one... no no no to get rich quick schemes...and definately no no no for perscription drugs, especially vanity ones.), as long as we have PSA's saying, "uh, you know what you're getting into, right?"

And as we all know, sex does indeed sell. Marketing KNOWS how to push our buttons. And as I've been saying, they just gently prod at what kid's want (it's the parent's money, and their for they have the final say, an option they refuse), but as for us adults they really hit hard. Desires are one thing... thinking we'll get those perfect tens if we buy crappy body spray. I have to admit, I don't even mind the desires as much as I hate how marketing plays off people's fears. For the hundredth time, they tell women if they don't eat nothing but cereal and yogurt, they'll be fat spinsters who won't be able to get Mr. SoPerfectthatIdontexist, and tell guys if they don't buy that massive polluting status symbol that they don't need they're manliness is in question. And let's not forget those Boober-esque Lysol commercials. There are a billion germs living on EVERYTHING. Eww.

And yes... great point about how the people who speak on behalf of morals are the least moral people in the world. No kidding. They're caught with their pants down (quite literally) and then we quickly forget and listen to them again. And they know about marketing people's fears, believe you me! This "Where did America lose its way?" stuff is the biggest bull. EVERY generation has kids that are a little more free about that stuff than the next one. There were always Juvenile Delinquents. And there always were those trouble making kids that put half truths and bad ideas into the heads of the more innocent. We've ALL been through that.

That said, I wish people would deal with think everything out a little better and parent their own spoiled brats. Our kids are incredibly sheltered. And the worst part is there's all this actual bad stuff and bad people out there that want to hurt them. And Chestire Cheetah isn't one of them.

As you can see, I tied your stuff into mine, so I didn't go off topic. All these stupid groups want to come in and take things and bend the media to their will (and they're incredibly successful about it). And yet, if they pooled their resources together, they could use their power and influence and most of all their money they waste to actually HELPING kids, instead of taking everything away from them.

They take away their recess and candy and cartoons and only whine about them growing up too fast when sex comes up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Every commercial on TV, past and present, no matter what it involves, or what it's selling is amusing, provocative and at times silly. They provide a laugh or two, but can be BS at times (even though they won't say it). No matter what they're selling, no matter how many times they're constantly shoving it into our faces, we just don't give a (beaver) dam. We'll decide for ourselves what we want to buy or consume.

But in response to your rant there, let me ask you and everyone else here on this board a question. And use your brains...

Which of these things is very likely to, and will damage lives?

A) a cover for an issue of Playboy magazine
B) a gun

Let me give you a hint: There's one right answer, and there's one wrong answer.

The correct answer is...

B) a gun

Of course. If you were a smart person, you'd know this.

This is the problem with America: you people always freak out over sex - the overall concept of it, the desires and thoughts one has when seeing an attractive looking lady nearby that they want to (you know)...anything that gets people "excited"; you all scream in horror over a centerfold spread like the end of the world is drawing near.

But let's cut to the chase, and look at the two distinctions: What is "sex"? It's two people (a man and a woman, traditionally, but not just) doing...whatever it is they do when they decide that thing they do (as much as I want to make a point here, I'm trying to do so without going into too much detail).

And what was going on in the aforementioned commercial? Basically it involved a woman telling us that these new shoes will "help tone your legs and butt", followed by the "sneaky" camera repeatedly zooming in on her butt. Silly, yes. Cheeky (no pun intended), yes. While the overall product may be bogus, there was no sex involved at all.

That's the other problem: people see the female posterior as sexual taboo. You won't believe the comments left by people on Youtube. One user even went as far as to say that he/she was terrified of the commercial, and added that his/her kids were TRAUMATIZED (not kidding, the person really did say that).

After reading these comments, especially the one by that lunatic, I thought to myself, "Gee, are people really this insecure and stupid?"

In any case, this moron needs to know that EVERY living thing has one of these on their bodies, you see it everyday, you sit on it everyday, what's so "taboo" or scary about it? Get over it. Same with breasts (which only women have). Again, it's just a body part. Nothing to fear about them.

Which brings us to the point: Like it or hate it, or whether you guys (and gals) want to admit it or not, we all have these feelings --- be it fantasizing some hot blonde, or fascinated by T and/or A --- We're all old enough to know these things. And hey, I'm sure some of us even had these feelings before we could talk. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a part of human nature as the trees, birds, sky, grass, and whatnot. It's also part of growing up. Nothing ugly about it.

As Captain Zaffino (sp?) from the Garbage Pail Kids Movie said: "Ugliness is not in the mirror. Ugliness is cruelty, meanness of spirit, greed..."

Which is what these idiotic religious, family values, and "fake feminist" groups as well as the ---holes in government (like Bush) represent; these twits fuss over a "scandalous" magazine cover, or a "dirty" billboard, or regulate "entertainment", and yet they lie, cheat, steal, etc. (and this is always the case). Childish hypocrites they certainly are.

And besides, without sex, none of us would even be here today.

To finish things off: My advice for people who go ballistic over this kind of stuff is...

Stop overreacting and grow up. Take a class. Get some knowledge.
No. It's just that unlike the British, we Americans TRY to have some dignity by trying to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and NOT pass it along to every Tom, Dick, and J. Edgar as if it's like strolling through the park.

My little sister, who does like the U.K., told me about a friend of hers who was pregnant at 16 and died during childbirth; that's a problem in both nations, but again, we TRY not to flaunt it around as if it's a casual passtime for everyone to enjoy like the Brits like to do.

So go pickle yourself or something.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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why should there only be commercials with sexy women? I wanna look at some sexy men!

(that was a joke for people who couldnt tell :stick_out_tongue:)

I only have issues with weight loss commercials that tell people if they arent a size 0 they are fat. Many of these commercials either exagerate the weight or size of people. I look at some people's "before" pictures and think "Ok...I wiegh more than that an I am smaller than you". These are the commercials that hurt people. These are the kinds of commercials that cause eating disorders and other health problems in girls who see these commercials of people who are perfectly skinny saying that they are fat.

(someone mentioned that before, I know, I'm just stating it again :stick_out_tongue:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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I'm not fat, but I'm disgusted by the way all fat people are treated like gluttonous, lazy pigs in our society. Most actually eat no differently than thin people to explain their size, and just because they would get cancer or asthma or whatever doesn't mean it was caused by being fat. Plus, we naturally gain weight as we age, which carries survival advantages, such as a higher chance of survival from heart disease or cancer.

(there are several more parts, but I don't want to bloat up my reply, no pun intended)

These types of studies never make the news because there's no potentially life-threatening drugs, diets, or surgeries to sell, which equal big bucks for the big pharmaceutical and medical companies.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding like I'm advertising that Junk Food Science site there; I just find it to be really interesting and thought-provoking. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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i don't understand why being over weight is SO unacceptable. it's ridiculous. i know, it's not healthy blah blah blah. but still. people should not be bashed for being fat. and commercials with all these perfect body, skinny people doesn't help.