College Students


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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Originally posted by radionate
Weird. I'm from Waukesha Wisconsin (where Electricmayhem has family ties). My parents live in Jasper Indiana, which isn't far from where DanielOson is from.

Guess its not that odd. Anyway. I'm fresh out of college, and still live in my college town. Does that allow me entry to the thread?
hmmmm....I suppose...:big_grin:

Who hates walking to class in ankle deep snow??? ME!!

Cantus Rock

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
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Originally posted by daniel0son
What school are you looking at?
Well, if all goes as planned I will be going into the local community college, BBC Central. See, I am only in 10th grade as of now. In this program, I will be taken out of my current high school and put into a program called the College Academy (or CA). In the CA, I will be taking integrated high school and college courses for the remainder of my high school years (junior and senior, that is). So in essence, should I be accepted, I shall be a junior in high school, and a freshman in college. When I graduate from the CA, I will have my high school diploma, and an Associate of the Arts degree from BCC.

This program was specially designed for students like me who feel trapped in a cage of ignorance at school. I get a 3.9 weighted and I speak and write better than like 90% of my class. I can't wait for college! New people, less idiots (I hope).

I still have to be accepted though, but from the recommendation letters I have gotten and my written essay, I'm not too worried. And if all else fails, I can always have Byron write me a letter. :big_grin:



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2002
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Sophmore at Frostburg State University


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I'm a senior (still) at the University of Utah...I've been in and out of college so many times that !$%!$!#$ !!!!

But I won't get into that. Going into History Teaching, German Teaching, Secondary Ed. By next year I'll have three degrees, so I suppose it will have been worth it. Better than the Business Management/Communications thing I was doing for several years if it gets me a job I enjoy.

I've also been the cartoonist for the daily newspaper up there for several years--it's fun. It just bought me the Palisades Series Three, so hey--can't complain about that.


(older than any college student should be)


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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I am in my fourth year at the University of British Columbia where the Teaching Assistants may go on strike tomorrow. Unfortunatly, most of my professors are going to cross the picket lines, so I'll have class anyway. The only difference will be that the buses won't cross the picket lines. They'll stop just outside of campus and since the campus is so large, it'll take me 30-40 minutes just to walk to class. At least it's not snowing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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So what's everybody's major (for those of you who havent said it yet)? I'm intending to major in theater and I want to check out some communication arts classes for possible double major.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I was too lazy and unmotivated to go to college...wasnt a money thing, as us po folk can get in for free. I actually did go to 'college' from 97-01 almost every week...but it was mostly the computer lab for internet, heh. The only time I have ever been 'to class' was in 1996 when I thought I was going to college, but 2 hours into the computer class(internet for beginners) got bored and vowed never to really go to college again, even a community college for fun classes...of course I have also been in a computer lab when a class is in session there, if that counts, heh.

Its funny, back in themid 90's I realllly wanted to go to the San Francisco academy of arts, or some multi media graphic sf artsy class thing. so yeah, that never materialized...there was a point I also wanted to go to UCLA for film school...I did finally get a job last fall(if not short lived) which was interesting.

So yeah, 2003...and an all out tumbleweeds era of blah has encompassed my very fibre...making me vow never to go to college or get a real job again. Though; I do sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I had applied myself after high school and actually went to college......


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by electricmayhem
I'm a freshman at UW-Madison in WI
You live in Madison Wisconsin? Ack, Im sorry! ^_^

Originally posted by UncleDeadly
Sophomore almost Junior at University of California, Santa Cruz (Go Banana Slugs!), where we have a course on the muppets.
No way! On my trip to Santa Cruz last April my friend and I actually posed as students at one of the hipster luncheon cafes on campus. Lots of hotty emo nerdy chicks there, heh. I loved the campus as it was like walking through Endor forest in Return of the Jedi! ...and they have a course on the Muppets? Dizzamn! If I had a choice to go to a UC, its be SC for sure!

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Cantus Rock
And if all else fails, I can always have Byron write me a letter. :big_grin:

Did ya plan on ever informin' me of this?


Did you?!

