Oh what a tangled web we weave....
Leyla said:
I just love that tangled relationship they almost have.
Last night when I was forcing my best friend to listen to a rehash of this topic--um,
entertaining my best friend with witty banter about the Kermit and Piggy relationship, I used the phrase "wants to have a relationship" and she stopped me and said (she is very insightful), "Miss Piggy doesn't WANT to have a relationship with Kermit--she DOES have a relationship with Kermit." And she proceeded to wax very eloquent on the fact that their relationship is based on the fact that they know each other, are attracted to each other, respect each other's talents (snarky frog comments while in denial notwithstanding) and are even friends. This is not a hook-up, a flavor-of-the-month (oh, just restrain yourselves--try!), nor one in a long line of serially monogamous realtionship. This is, as Fozzie might say, "
real." Not bad for a person who generously tolerates occasional (okay, frequent) rants about my favorite inter-species couple.