Classic Sesame Clips on YouTube


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
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I never knew this clip with Telly and the Plumber would come up in English...


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
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BTW Special announcement, @hooperfan (aka Sesame Maniac) may post another holy grail from Season 2 with the Anythings at the Bus Stop, taken from his copy of Episode 2657! (BTW I'm surprised I did not know someone has the footage for this skit taped off PBS, and that this appeared in at least one 1990s episode, other than #560 from Season 5...)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I feel so bad for hooperfan.

Y'all bug him like "OMG can u upload dis segment where did u get dis derp omg u hasn't uploaded anyting in a while I thought u were DED lol herpderp fr doe 100 #thisiswhyweeneedfeminism #hesnotmypresident #blacklivesmatter"


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
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*sigh* Ya know, LJF92, I'm tired of seeing you sometimes writing quotes predicting what other users are like. I'm gettin' bored.

*sigh* Well, let's wait and see what Sesame Maniac is up to and when he'll upload the AMs Bus Stop skit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Well, I could also say I'm getting bored of you making these little "lost" pages for skits that aren't publicly available or claiming certain episodes that didn't leak are "lost" or claiming you somehow manage to get certain skits from the workshop even though it's clear you just download them from compilation videos.

Just saying. :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
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Huh. Anyway, I know most of the workshop's early SS material has been stored away, and most of the classic material gets converted to digital format. However, there's many rumors that Show #12 from 1969 might be lost, but now I'm starting to get the point that most of the classic material is not lost, because when I miraculously got a copy of that Pumpkin Seed Candy Salesman clip, it was in raw high-definition format + a SS watermark on the bottom right. Now I can confirm that these clips are NOT LOST. It's just that they're not publicly available. They're just kept safe and sound in the workshop's archives; on the other hand, you should read about the missing 1973 Doraemon anime on Lost Media Wiki:'73_(partially_found_first-adaptation_anime_series;_1973)

"In 1995, episodes 18, and 20 through 26 were found to be stored in Studio Rush (now known as IMAGICA). In 2003, other segments were found by the production chief of the show, Masumi Jun, though two remain without their audio tracks. In 1998, a videotape recording of episode 18B, "Crazy Stomach Clock", was found by a lady named Yoshiaki Ueda. The tape was lent to a friend who went by the alias, Hanaballoon. The person hosted a blog on the 1973 anime, and thus a page that includes audio clips to the tape was made but has since been deleted.

On September 3, 2004, an Infoseek blog was created by a Japanese student that would discussed collecting rare adverts and scarce information at the time. On December 25, he received an audio recording tape from an anonymous person that contained the opening and credits along with a commercial for Nomura Securities.

Video footage of the opening and ending credits do still exist as well, along with a pilot film that was produced in 1972. These are occasionally shown at Doraemon fan conventions in Japan, but cannot be released legally on DVD owing to rights complications due to the production studio being defunct. Some episodes of the series also only survive in still image form. It is unknown what may have happened to the other reels."

So I can just say: some of the episodes are found as they are stored in the vaults (even though they're not available to the public). I can now confirm the same with the Sesame Street classic material-- even if they're not viewable to the public, the classic material is still found since it's stored in the archives; what matters to prove that any material would be lost is if the workshop accidentally loses any master reels for their early material. That once happened to the first short of the Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips miniseries from Schoolhouse Rock! (that one short was simply called "Introduction")-- it's lost because ABC lost the master reel from their archives, until later in the 2010s, Darrell Stern (voice of Scooter Computer) discovered to have had the short preserved on a VHS tape and leaked it onto YouTube in 2013.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2012
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The Workshop has kept a relatively good record of all of their material, thousands of hours of videotapes and films, and everything in between. But there is a reason none of these rare clips show up so often. It's because they didn't test well with kids, and couldn't hold up to the other more popular skits and songs.

Sure, it would be great to see some of these old things again, but they just aren't relevant to the majority of today's children, and that's who the Workshop aims for. Besides, they have bigger fish to fry, such as the continued production of new, more accessible Sesame Street shows for kids all over, plus various other educational programs and initiatives.

In short, none of these clips are really lost. They just aren't going to be seen anytime soon officially, due to their ephemeral nature. They are relevant to nobody but the hardcore fans.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I think some skits we'll just be lucky if they ever surface at all. And I'm not even talking about skits that need music clearance or had some controversy because of stupid soccer moms.

I'm talking about skits that didn't make it to the era of VCR's and weren't shown on Noggin, meaning it's up to the Workshop themselves to release it.