Classic Sesame Clips on YouTube


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Apr 16, 2002
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And this is pretty typical. I don't mean to be rude, but as soon as something rare appears, people either go "WOW cool, thanks!" or "UPLOAD THIS SEGMENT FROM 1972!!!!"
While I'm not exactly the kind that uploads anything of note, it's a constant source of frustration I pick up whenever someone uploads something when someone spams them with something that amounts to "Upload this thing you don't have!"

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Are you talking about Garret (aka Tylerbug aka "Henson Rarities")? He's not the one who obtained them. One of the Wiki admins (Scott) got them from someone and he's the one sharing it with us. Garret got the link from him and shared with a wider variety of people.
I stand corrected.

Oscarfan said:
To clarify, I haven't been to the set at all (it was offered, but nothing came of it sadly); only their headquarters.
I figured they were all the same. Well, close enough, I suppose.

Oscarfan said:
I do intern there, yes. Taking material out of the museum is prohibited, so that's not where they're coming from.
Lately I've been thinking that it would be great if the museum could put make all of its content available for online viewing. But then if everything at the museum is available to view online, people might not want to actually come to the museum and pay (I know that the museum does have programs that aren't on YouTube).

While I'm not exactly the kind that uploads anything of note, it's a constant source of frustration I pick up whenever someone uploads something when someone spams them with something that amounts to "Upload this thing you don't have!"
I'm not that kind of fan either. I understand that not everybody has everything. I think the closest I've done to making such requests was in the comments section of the Sesame Street YouTube channel, but in that case my request was directed towards Sesame Workshop, who I presume has access to every clip from the show. Of course recently when the Henson Rarities channel was started I asked Garrett Gilchrist if he had any of the Playhouse Video compilations (he didn't). Of course I've seen comments on his videos from people who made massive lists of requests (and he has told them that he doesn't have most of them).

When i started seeing that season 1 and 10 episodes had surfaced, I had thought that it would be great if we could get some info on season 11 and 12 episodes. And then I find that some season 12 episodes have been found!
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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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That guy's stuff is always taken down within a very short time, so don't get used to it.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Thanks again for what you have been able to post. I'm certainly grateful to see some of these gems again after... decades sometimes.

And it's always a shame, no matter how much cool stuff you post, no matter what trouble you went through to bring it to people, some will never appreciate your efforts. Instead they will always demand (not request, DEMAND!!!) more to satisfy their own selfishness.

It frustrates me that no matter how much some people have, it will never be enough. So much for gratitude.

"Gimme all 4,000 episodes now cuz I'm entitled to it and I'm like 15 years old and like I've been watching Sezmee Streat back in the day."

Some people need a virtual smack.
Thanks for putting up with them anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2014
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Yeah, I for one am thankful that more of the classic shows have surfaced...of course, I'm willing to see more, but until more comes along I'm happy with what has come up... Of course, I get my share of people who demand certain clips, most of which I don't have, and lately they complain cause there's a time strip on some of the videos...well, heck, I'd rather watch it with the time strip then not watch it at all! Talk about ungratefulness :grouchy:

Luke kun

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014
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Who demands for stuff? Do you know a user who does that?

I remember when the Crack Master segment was found, someone wanted the Wicked Witch episode to be uploaded.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2014
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There's somebody named Rohail who's notable for driving others nuts by posting mountains of clips and episodes... and he asks others who's the identity of certain uploaders...crazy